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User ID: 887



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User ID: 887

You don't get to take some sort of vicarious credit for the actions of your ancestors

They would probably disagree.

I expressed a very meritocratic opinion about Syrian refugees.

Its not a different standard. It is the standard I hold everybody to in the case that that thing happens. That you find my position unbelievable is more of a reflection of yourself.

It is hardly a pointless war. It is a war to stabilize the country, or to liberate it from an inhumane dictator. Depending on your point of view.

Texas is not really a one party state.

why is there any free period at all by the way?

Its basically a social justice program of sorts. Or welfare. Or a combination of the two. Basically if you are poor you can get a special Citi membership that works that way.

Because at worst she's objecting to people engaging in antisocial behavior.

More likely:

He was doing some other stupid activity in the vicinity of the bike, not paying much attention because he has a low attention span, as teens do.

She swipes the bike, gets on, he and his company run over to stop her.

That is the charitable take that is mildly plausible. But he's still a criminal in that scenario.

I can't imagine more than 6 white parents in the country find this sort of behavior acceptable no matter the demographics of the victim.

What is on display, in the charitable version of the story, is a display of extreme entitlement that only exists in Hollywood scripts when we are talking about white men.

Its pretty lulzy to see Target, the wokest retailer in the game, to be targeted by the left for mildly walking back a "trans the 5 year olds" campaign. If you can't shop at Target as a progressive, you are basically left with HelloFresh and Gucci.

Target is as late capitalistic as any other retailor in the country, and their human rights record is as bad as anybodies.

So you shop where exactly?

Finding sources is already something AI is amazing at. The search functions in google, lexis, etc are already really good. The problem is some training mess up that incentivizes faking instead of saying "i dont know" or "your question is too vague"? Realistically, there is nothing AI is more suited to than legal research (at least, if perhaps not drafting). "Get me the 10 cases on question XXX where motions were most granted between year 2020 and 2022" is what it should be amazing at.

but it has no understanding that making shit up is not what is wanted, because it's not intelligent.

Actually, I think that is wrong in a just so way. The trainers of Chat GPT apparently have rewarded making shit up because it sounds plausible (did they use MTurk or something?) so GPT thinks that bullshit is correct, because like a rat getting cheese at the end of the maze, it gets metaphorical cheese for BSing.

What you are describing should actually be the job of the people making a pay to use AI. AIs should be trained not to lie or invent sources at the source. That Chat GPT lies a lot is a result of its trainers rewarding lying through incompetence or ideology.

Adult vs. kid makes no sense when you realize that most groups of teens would never do this. Kids will rebel against systems, yes. But a group of well adjusted teenage boys would not lash out against a 30 year old woman like this, basically ever. And if the races were reversed, goddamn they'd be socially dead and their moms would not be defending them.

But this isn't merely rebelling against the system. It is cheating the system (fair, sort of) while also abusing a singular person. It is the difference between sneaking back into line at lunch to get a second dessert and stealing a classmate's dessert.

Except the "camp the bike" rule, if allowed as "good decorum" means lots of people will show up to bike rental stations where no bikes are available when the app told them it was. There have been many stories corroborating the nurse where a guy went to the station, and was menaced away by roving bands of professional victims and had to walk to the next station, and then the next.

They are basically lying, kidnapping, and assaulting all at once!

This case is no different to you leaving your stuff at an arcade machine for two minutes because you need to go get more tokens from the main desk.

Well their plan was very much not like this, because they were exploiting the system to NOT PAY AT ALL.

If they were doing that, she literally did nothing wrong.

Even accepting your premise. She would be a -.000000001 and they would be a -10

If someone is monopolizing a book at the library, the correct course of action is to report them to the authorities, not to take matters into your own hands and snatch the book off the desk in front of them.

Not analogous to what she did. And also a totally different situation. The relevant question for you is: How does she get home at the time she is legally and morally entitled to do so. The only correct answer is that rando teen #4 has to stop doing illegal things.

The woman was wrong to just scan the bike while the kid was sitting on it trying to call dibs, rather than just finding another option for transportation.

Incorrect. She judged that this was the cheapest and fastest option for her to return home. It is no different than if she parked her car in a parking lot an these teens thought it was cool to pose for pictures on her car and refused to let her use it to drive home.

Firstly, I am told by New Yorkers that this is common practice,

...among the antisocial portion of the community.

in which case it seems hard to place much blame on the kids in that regard, if it's a widely accepted norm.

I suppose blame the mayor and the rest of the libs who are supporting the antisocial teen group as well?

Her actions were still petty even if one shouldn't try to 'reserve' bikes in that way.

Getting home on time and in a inexpensive manner that you are legally entitled to is petty?

No. Your mistake is equating behavior that in most societies results in being put in the stockades with behavior that gets you a public service award.

Exonerate her from what? Telling criminals to stop being criminal?

I think there is a way to train the language model such that it was consistently punished for faking sources, even if it is, indeed, a BS generator at heart.

Because the trainers don't know when it is lying. So it is rewarded for being a good liar.