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joined 2022 September 04 18:48:55 UTC




User ID: 75



4 followers   follows 0 users   joined 2022 September 04 18:48:55 UTC


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User ID: 75

Surely the interesting figure would be deaths per capita?

I found adding :

.comment-anchor {



To the custom CSS in setting to help a lot if the issue you're talking about is the same I ran into before. The text is so close to the left side of the comment box that you can easily click and drag from outside of the text field and grab the whole comment hierarchy.

But there was some rich gay dude who would save 'em if you married the guy.

Hold up, you're significantly changing the situation by making it a homosexual relationship. I can have children by marrying a very ugly woman, I cannot have children by marrying an unpleasant man.

Active and widespread racial discrimination seems like a pretty popular theory.

The framing of science and technology as competitive just strikes me as silly. Yes, there is an element of competition but that's not all that science and technology does. It also is the reason we're not subsistence farming and instead able to have this high minded conversations in the first place.

But at least we once had a proper sense of the tragic about it! At least we once felt a sense of righteous indignation about this reality

You can mope in the tragedy and indignation, some of us aim to fix it.

That people care about this is incredibly pathetic.

It's not that complicated, just click and drag across a bunch of comments and throw it right into https://ttsreader.com/legacy/

Then I can listen to threads while doing chores or some low thought game to keep my hands busy.

Nah, board games pretty exclusively.

I honestly just found the theory of acausal trade/info hazard was an interesting concept and this was mainly a kind of out there example to demonstrate it. And I think that's the strength of the meme that made it shared widely and it's only the timeliness of the example that has us re-examining it.

The difference is in monopoly scenarios, which is kind of the root of the problem. If the desert man engineered the situation in which you are dying of thirst then I'd say they did something wrong. The reason someone isn't already selling the product at marginal cost is monopoly power, so when the monopolist comes around and only demands 5000% of the marginal cost instead of 10000% it's maybe not as generous as it seems.

I guess I expected too much.

Basing one's price based on the possibility that someone will invent a whole new way of selling in a couple of years

huh? This was not present in the hypothetical.

If you were totally unable to transfer ownership would that really not reduce your belief in the value of a game at least on the margin? If it took zero extra effort for me to get a version of a game on steam that was able to be resold over one that wasn't I'd definitely take the transferable one, I'd probably pay some increased amount for it.

Honestly, you know that private property itself is a social concept itself right? Adding an extra dimension onto that shouldn't be that unbelievable.

The IP laws are infringing on private property rights as they say that i cannot do anything i want with the property i lawfully bought.

And the obvious patch on this is that you buy a diminished perpetual license, that's the world you're pushing for there are no other options. And stop pretending this is some kind of novel limit on private property laws, there are tons of things you're not allowed to do with your private property. You can't swing your totally legal axe at my head for example.

Look, I'm partial to these libertarian "I'm free to do whatever I want" arguments but you've not actually solved the problem here. How precisely do we solve this commons problem without the concept of intellectual property? Just poofing the idea of intellectual property has tremendous cost you seem completely unwilling to contemplate. And because what? some juvenile trantrum that you are being told that defecting on the intellectual property system is unethical? It's not very impressive. And yes, it will end up in subscription models and DRM because that's the economic reality you seem totally unwilling to actually confront.

There's plenty of ways to extort money from me which sound like they're for the greater good, it's still extortion though.

Offering you an informational good that you can absolutely refuse is not extortion. What an absurd idea.

I find it hard to view a world with less and lower quality art/media but all of it is free as better than a world with higher quality art/media but only most of it is free and what isn't is easily affordable to someone with a very achievable income.

university of Texas at Dallas


Huh, I had actually iirc, specifically spell checked that word because autocorrect wouldn't fix it for me but I could have sworn I retyped it on my phone correctly and apparently it then happily destroyed it for me.

What else could the nets be? I don't know, let's get wild and only hire combat vets as teachers. Go full Kindergarten Cop.

That you're only really coming up with unworkable suggestions is kind of my point.

I see no reason to believe modern America has the social technology to fix the problem of the underclass making dense/cheap/walkable neighborhoods unlivable and public transportation unendurable.

I mean depending on your definition of cheap we did. There are plenty of Chicago neighborhoods that fit this definition. I'm living in one and I've lived in a different one and I have friends who live in still different ones. If your model of Urban living is on the city and not neighborhood level you really just have no idea what you're talking about.

I don't think we're in all that much disagreement, I did specify the non child rearing aspects like laundry. I think a lot of the gender expectation stuff starts breaking down around the direct child care aspects which is why I'm questioning what extra exactly men are really supposed to be offering here.

I just stop by the store after work and grab enough for a few meals, a couple steaks, some veggies and other needs. Not sure why this seems weird.

Welcome to the windy city! I think we have plenty of mottezans here if you want tips on neighborhoods.

Actually no, the solution is usually wait a few years and industry will solve it. That is unless you do something stupid like get regulators involved. Or more often even than that it's not even a problem where a solution is a reasonable thing to expect. How do you 'solve' a couple dozen people being unlucky enough to be struck by lightning every year? You don't. End of story. Any attempt would be idiotic.