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Tinfoil Gigachad

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joined 2022 September 05 16:31:45 UTC
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Tinfoil Gigachad

2 followers   follows 3 users   joined 2022 September 05 16:31:45 UTC


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How many levels of tiresomeness are you on?

On one hand I do sympathize, but after a decade of listening to how cis-straight-white-males are responsible for all of society's ills, I'm tempted to ask you to take a number, and go to the end of the queue.

owning the libs (nobody cares who ADL or JIDF are here, of course, or even knows them - it's mainly that the left has traditionally been pro-Palestine for anticolonial/(post-)pro-Soviet reasons, so the enemy of my enemy thinking has quite naturally directed right-wingers to be pro-Israel

This works both ways, and for any point between the extremes. I really don't think there's a position on the issue that you can take, that doesn't own the libs in some fashion.

But look closely and you'll see outliers for your chosen culprit.

And outliers to your outliers. There are high-fertility subgroups even in modernity-struck countries.

Personally I think the solution is pretty simple, just do this in reverse.

Some comedians were complaining about how the world is impossible to parody nowadays, but this is taking it to a whole new level. I mean... I can keep adding layers, but it's not going to push it from "real news" to satire...

You can't escape western media.

It's like we have become allergic to actual news or something.

Sort of. There's a few reasons for it:

  • Seen it all before.
  • The intro to the thread explicitly discourages "look at what these people did" posts
  • After nearly a decade of commenting on this sort of stuff, I don't think there's a lot more to be said about any of it.

Your posts are great. They're too advanced for to interact with beyond upvoting or AAQCing, but I love reading them.

It's been as while since I was into econ, so I'll probably butcher some of these ideas, but some brilliant soul had the idea that the best way to model the behavior of individual companies is to a assume their actions can have no impact on supply, demand, employment or any broader trend. They're scarcely more than amoebas in the ocean, driven by forces far beyond their comprehension, let alone their ability to influence them. It is this form of analysis, a vain attempt to present itself of as rational, that I think is the cope, and it's probably worse in politics than it was in economics.

The situation circa 2010 was uniquely suited to a libertarian opposition.

I don't see how that explains anything. It's not like the move away from libertarianism was primarily motivated by the opposition to the left, which is still extremely hostile to it. It was a repudiation of the neocon agenda first. To the extent it went against libertarianism, it was focused on economics, and to the extent that was different from what the establishment of either party wanted to do, it boiled down to the opposition immigration and free trade. Even after Trump took power, he did remarkably little to exercise it in order to implement a cultural agenda. At the tail end of his presidency we started seeing some executive orders that would herald the type of opposition we see coming from DeSantis and Abbot, but they came so late that Biden repealed them before they could have any impact.

In my opinion this shows that his timeline is mostly correct, and the fact that DeSantis and Abbot are being singled out for criticism shows they're doing something different from the other Republican governors.

"The right realizing that they were at war", might not be the right explanation for what we're seeing, but at least it's an explanation. I still don't see your argument as anything more than a restatement of the fact that the right moved away from libertarianism.

Why should they be?

there's no fucking shot that female voice is not intentional

also @self_made_human, I have no idea what you lot are on about, she sounds fake as fuck.

Anyway, can't believe anyone gave credence to Yud and the Rats, and their convoluted AGI X-risk scenarios, when the end of the human race is clearly going to come from slightly more sophisticated chatbots turning everyone into volcels.

People just get sick of getting downvoted and unable to post in real time

You've been shitposting here from day one, dude.

My impression is that they don't have enough mana to pull off anything like that this year.

I think what you’re observing is better explained by the libertarian wing receding from its high-water mark during Obama’s presidency.

I don't see how that's an explanation rather than a restatement of the original observation.

Do their military contractors have bizarre struggle sessions over Han / Russian privilege? Do their major corporations tell workers to be less Han / Russian?

If not then this is just cope.

It's not like there isn't room to criticize past societies, but I don't get the whole equality angle. Even feminists don't want equality.

Reject white nationalism.

Embrace Davos conspiracies.

Sure. I don't really care about net votes, but I do care about the opinion of particular people. I used to be on a forum with public upvotes, I think it was pretty cool.

There is something hellishly dystopian about fleeing to another country, possibly even across the ocean, and your country of birth is still trying to pull you back. Particularly because women are given a free pass.

No there isn't. The idea that people have duties and obligations to their nation was considered so normal you could mistake it for the air we breathe until, like, yesterday. That women get a "free pass" from violent conflict is basic common sense, a conclusion reached by any society that isn't actively suicidal.

What there is something hellishly dystopian about, is that the very same people who demand you fulfill your duties to the nation, are working tirelessly to abolish the very idea of there being a nation to start with. That they're demanding you fight and die for the privilege of having your replacement shipped in in an Amazon package, from the country of the lowest bidders, and for your children - if you have any, and they make it through the war - to be raised with the values of Californian progressives.

This came off wrong... I meant "embrace Davos conspiracy theories"....

One of the few areas where this is not true is child rearing and i s part of why daycare is so expensive and why people sometimes quit work to care for children.

There is no way that daycare costs aren't artificially inflated. If you're already taking care of a kid full-time, you can throw in a couple more, and barely see the difference (it's the whole reason it's even possible for daycare to work). The reason your SATHM neighbor can't offer daycare as a service is that she's not allowed to, not that it wouldn't be cost effective.

If the policy was time-limited like in China, sure.

It is simply indisputable that China is more leftist about this kind of thing than the US

We were talking about wokism, not leftism.

Also note how you completely dropped Russia from your argument.

I could imagine it of there was a billion Americans, and it came with none of the self-flagellation. Sorry but there just is no comparison between the two approaches.

Bro, just listen to your aunt, and take the arranged marriage.

Or how interstate commerce was taken to mean intrastate, as any change in latter could by substitution effect, affect the former.

Not only was it taken to mean intrastate, it was also taken to mean lack of commerce.

Sorry didn't see the other comment. Still, I don't see how wokeness isn't just about tolerating overrepresentation. The Chinese deal at least gives me pause, if you offered me the Russian one, I wouldn't even bat an eye.