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Tinfoil Gigachad

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joined 2022 September 05 16:31:45 UTC
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Tinfoil Gigachad

2 followers   follows 3 users   joined 2022 September 05 16:31:45 UTC


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My impression is that they don't have enough mana to pull off anything like that this year.

I think what you’re observing is better explained by the libertarian wing receding from its high-water mark during Obama’s presidency.

I don't see how that's an explanation rather than a restatement of the original observation.

Bro, just listen to your aunt, and take the arranged marriage.

Reject white nationalism.

Embrace Davos conspiracies.

OTOH, this makes a mockery of conservative opposition to cancel culture.

How long do you have to warn people "don't do this or the same tactics will be used against you when the tide turns" before it's ok to make good on the warning?

Or how interstate commerce was taken to mean intrastate, as any change in latter could by substitution effect, affect the former.

Not only was it taken to mean intrastate, it was also taken to mean lack of commerce.


This is so bizarre to me. Ukrainian women are... people? They are not the property of Ukrainian men. They are not obliged to restrain from forming relationships or otherwise trying to live their lives because they happen to be refugees.

Are the men the property of the Ukrainian government? Dase recently got in trouble for lashing out against this kind of "innocent" "shucks! I don't know what you could possibly mean" debate tactics, and while I don't want to be as aggressive as he was, I do share his frustration. This kind of clap-on / clap-off - we're just individuals pursuing happiness / we're part of a larger whole and you have to fulfill your duty to society, is somewhat maddening.

Sure. I don't really care about net votes, but I do care about the opinion of particular people. I used to be on a forum with public upvotes, I think it was pretty cool.

I think I remember seeing a lot of discourse a couple of years ago about how Title IX is this awful leftist thing that's the justification of universities' kangaroo court administrative proceedings against male students accused of sexual assault.

I think that was after a similar reinterpretation by Obama. Title IX itself is from the 70's.

It's @SkookumTree, on his way through The Hock!

Yeah... I wonder where all this will go. I once knew a psychiatrist who said they deliberately change up the lingo once the plebs starts catching on to it, but I think this become futile in the Internet age. And it's not just the language that creates problems, we were working on the assumption that none of the therapy stuff can have any drawbacks, but I'm pretty sure it can take you to an extreme that's not healthy. Bottling up emotions probably isn't good, but I don't think excessive introspection is either. Having a specialist that will help you deal with the more serious problems might be good in some cases, but it encourages to deal with negative things only in a therapeutic context, and segmenting them off from friends and family, making these relationships more shallow.

It's not like there isn't room to criticize past societies, but I don't get the whole equality angle. Even feminists don't want equality.

It seems like the actually reasonable answer is to de-escalate and decrease the power and influence of the government so people can make their own choices about their own personal lives.

The experience of the past few years clearly shows that that would make them more ravenous to seize the reins of power.

I could imagine it of there was a billion Americans, and it came with none of the self-flagellation. Sorry but there just is no comparison between the two approaches.

I don't think that taking minor risks is careless.

We've been through this. He's not a milquetoast neoliberal, he's a radical transhumanist techno-surveillanist, with sympathies for (if not direct allegience to) Critical Theory.

"female" is equivalent to one of the many kinds of enemies.

Don't fall for the psyop, man. There's always going to be tensions between men and women, they're probably even necessary for our growth as a species, but we cannot let this turn us into enemies, or Klaus Schwab wins. Do you want Klaus Schwab to win?

Are you talking about legality, or are you talking about lack of enforcement? Because, although it was a while back, I distinctly remember stuff like a SWAT raid on a raw-milk co-op.

This seems like a very strange thing to say.

Why are they the only ones who get to be "pragmatic"? Other people can "pragmatically" realize they have gals beyond the limited version they're proposing now, and "pragmatically" move to deny them their goals, and prevent any coalition from forming, even if theoretically they wouldn't be opposed to the limited version on principle.

Is there any society where owning a house/apartment is not generally considered necessary before marriage?

Plenty of married couples rent? That's without going into the "living like a pack of sardines at your parents' place, possibly with your sibling(s) and their spouse(s)" arrangement that was pretty common in my parent's generation, even in Europe, and is likely still common in poorer parts of the world.

Chill the hell out, man. This place isn't your private toilet.

If the policy was time-limited like in China, sure.

It is simply indisputable that China is more leftist about this kind of thing than the US

We were talking about wokism, not leftism.

Also note how you completely dropped Russia from your argument.

Let's look at the tape

I'm confused, when you give link like this, aren't they supposed to prove your point, rather than disprove it? I don't see any claims of instantenous absolute killing of innovation. I could understand if you're being figurative here, but since you insist that your opponents get your position absolutely right when responding, I don't understand why you think it's fair for you to portray their claims in such a way.

The latter obstinately refuses to make any more specific claims

And so do you. Normally when someone tries to have this sort of conversation in a productive manner, they tend to put forward some kind of framework for analyzing specific situations, so others can run it through various scenarios. I take you are in favor of some regulation, but not too much. How much is too much? Can we know in advance? Is there something we can do to prevent it from going too far? What can be done if it does? If you bothered answering any if these questions in advance, rather than strawmanning your opponents, and then complaining about being strawmanned, the conversation would be a lot more productive, probably.

What are you confused about?

Your specific position. You've come in sneering at your perceived opponents, and when they respond you object that they got your position wrong. For example:

but have objected to hyperbolic versions of them, that any epsilon amount of regulation instantly kills innovation to zero, for example. Some folks have quadrupled down on this hyperbolic claim

No they haven't. Why do others have to get your position 100% right, while you're allowed to caricature theirs freely?