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Enjoyer of the Void

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joined 2023 October 12 20:21:25 UTC


User ID: 2693


Enjoyer of the Void

1 follower   follows 2 users   joined 2023 October 12 20:21:25 UTC


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User ID: 2693

Let's notice that your response made about anything else would be considered antagonistic and uncharitable. The amount of tip-toeing needed when talking about religion reminds me of the same attitude needed to talk with the woke: I need to pass every thought to a language censor to avoid their little preciousness to be offended. This, plus the obvious one-sided moderation about certain topics, plus the obious one-sided moderation in favour of certain persons, plus many posts that triggered my Gell Mann amnesia, plus the fact the we see always the same posters and many good posters stopped posting a while ago, all of these just tell me that TheMotte is past the echo-chamber point of no return. It was fun until it lasted. Let's enjoy the waning.

blinded by your own rage; incapable of even reading when the topic makes you too emotional.

Now I understand. You're just here to troll. Thank you for letting me know.

Come on. We have recently had a thread about how faith healing is totally totally totally true I swear but the existence of atoms? No sir! I haven't ever seen an atom, therefore God. The leniency that religious people receive on this site is nowhere found in every other site where you would just be called a "bigoted religious nut", end of story. On one hand I'm in favor of the freedom of expressing every opinion, on the other end I see the rhetoric used by the religious and is dangerously similar to the Woke. This site keep reminding me that the Culture War is eternal and counterculture is just a temporarily embarrassed authoritarianism.

I understand and I do not have an answer. There have been times in which even my interests were not enough and I would have written the exact same words as you. These feelings are always there, underneath my conscious brain, I will probably bever be a "normal" person and if stretched, I would probably take my own life, I am just "lucky" enough that my despair is fluctuating so I can seem glimpses of hope. As for higher purpose, I gave up on that: I tried religion, meditation, therapy, becoming a workaholic... Nothing is satisfying in a fundamental way. I just concentrate on my daily action because the future fills me with horror and contempkating it it has not been a productive endeavour. I keep living as if everyday will be as banal and worthless as the this one, using my copes until they last. Try some cope, maybe you will find some solace in the scam that is existence, it is not guaranteed though.

I'm at this point too. In general as soon as I read "Christian" I try to avoid commenting, because I know since my teenage years all the tiresome arguments but sometimes I just slip... and then I remember why I shouldn't.

Well, they can contemplate hypotheticals if they already lived a certain experience, like they can answer questions like: "Would you like some tuna in your salad?" because they've already eaten tuna and already eaten salad in the past. But anything more abstract, like: "What would you do with 1 billion euro?" it's like I'm asking to interpret the fundamental metaphysical substrate of reality. The answers I receive are like: "I don't have 1 billion euro!". Ok, but can you imagine? Well, somehow they can't.

Ah, I do see that you're new here.

Really nice try, I am on SSC/TheMotte since 2016 never replying much but looking at the way you always respond to others, with a sense of superiority and condescension, never really reading what your interlocutor is saying, with a veneer of sneering, make me think that the only reason you comment is to elicit a faux-paus in the commenter so you can chuckle at those evil atheists that wanted proof of your metaphysical assertions while you keep repeating, comment after comment, that are absolutely and supremely true. It almost seems like that your first sentence:

I'm here for a discussion

it's actually false.

where people actually read each other and respond in a way that is, uh, responsive to what they have said.

I've, obviously, actually read what you posted. And I responded to your assertion that you cannot call the evil atheists deluded otherwise the mods scold you and I responded with an example of a recent thread where it didn't happen. What you actually wanted was someone that said to you: "Yes, those evil atheists are actually evil, they always say evil thing like that metaphysical assertion to be presented as reasonable need at least a speck of proof instead of an ipse dixit appeal to authority [or worse, in you case ego dixi]".

That's kind of the purpose of this place.

Yes, it seems like it is not clear to you and think that this place is your platform to have your claims asserted without opposition. In a coven of contrarian quokkas? Are you sure that it isn't you that haven't understood the purpose of this place?

Are there any other sites that you suggest with similar themes as here? Not necessarily forums, blogs or substacks are good, and not necessarily with the same politics, even better if it is completely different from here.

I'm not arguing. I'm saying that you win.

Ok, have it the way you want. I don't really care.

Well, my experience is the complete opposite. I am in constant, inescapable, attention-grabbing pain and I wish I were never born since I can remember, even when I was not in such dire circumstances. Success does not bring me joy, achievement does not bring me joy, relationships do not bring me joy. I am quite disgusted by the world and by existence at large. I have the mental faculties to endure otherwise I would have killed myself years ago, nevertheless I still do not think that it is worth it. My only consolation, as I said in the Sunday thread, are my escapists fantasies that I know one day will stop working, because their efficacy wanes and every time I get up again they become less and less appealing. Good for you for not experiencing such hopelessness, but it is not the rule, mostly because there are no rules.

simple pleasures of existence, rational thought, and physical sensation outweigh physical pain.

This is like... your opinion. There are countless persons that live in constant pain, unable to escape it, with thoughts constantly dominated by their pain. For many of them non-existence would have been a gift, not their worthless lives.

There's something wrong with the link.

My experience with alcohol is completely different. I will not offer studies and data but only my personal anedcotes - my "lived experience" if I may.

I find even the smell of alcohol nauseating and I had never tasted alcohol until 18 despite the Italian legal age being 16. Due to this I've gotten drunk only once and it was an experience that I can descrive only as the one of the most horrible things that I've ever happened to me. It was not the hangover that upset me so much as the emotional state that alcohol provoked. It turns out that alcohol makes me really really depressed, in a very existential way: I start to think about how everything is useless and life is ultimately meaningless and worthless. On one hand, this is what I actually think, on the other hand these thoughts generally stay in a way analytical, cold part of my mind; alcohol makes me feel these thoughts, they become emotions: the terror, the despair, the feeling of the Nothingness that was, is and will be beyond. It was terrifying. For me it was a "Never again" moment.

As with everything, I think there is a strong genetic component in people reactions to alcohol.

I agree, by abandoning reddit they finally can have their mask off moment.

In my experience, being from a low IQ part of the world, they seem incapable of contemplating hypotheticals, "what ifs"... The only things that can be discussed are things experienced (even vicariously through movies). In general I noticed a certain difficulty with language: I need to speak simple sentences without subordinate clauses otherwise it's like their brains cannot handle the cognitive load.

More generally, you sound like a typical intelligent man who outgrew his playground and realized existence is a fucking scam, which I think is a fairly common problem (not to downplay its impact, I think many mottizens can empathize, me among them) and you've been given good suggestions downthread. Personally, being the rube I am, I just ducked right back into the playground upon reaching a similar burnout and try to derive enjoyment from simple things - alcohol, vidya, etc. It's not exactly healthy and it does ring hollow sometimes, not gonna lie, but at least I'm no longer paralyzed by the sheer emptiness of the human condition and can ruminate focus on the actual problems I have.

This is the same conclusion that I've reached. I went from: "I should be a productive member of society and study something that will bring positive value and progress to the world", to: "Astrophysics and anime are good enough for me, even if my betters thinks that I'm a man-child, who cares?"

along with combating social degeneracy

It makes me smile when someone talk about Catholicism combating social degeneracy. I live in one of the most religious area of Southern Europe[1]. The amount of social deviancy, disfunction, filth (both physical and moral) observed while people keep professing their Catholic faith makes me think that when "studies prove" that religion is "actually good for you" are talking about American society. American culture is generally more optimistic and extroverted and American religious people bring this to their relationship to God. Here the Church is interwoven with scandals and organized crime. Yes, I am talking about Sicily.

[1]Many of my acquaintances are even scared to say to their parents that they are atheist and I've witnessed a 36 years old woman being scolded by her mother for not attending service while being sick.

I am a deontologist primarily because I do not think that I'm smart and prescient enought to compute the consequences of my actions: many times actions that I considered immoral brought me success [1] and viceversa, action that I considered good were rejected [2]. My personal rules are generally derived both by my experiences and by "historical" experiences, both fictional and not, by looking at my emotions and reactions at those second hand experiences. The consequences to these rules are irrelevant because, as I said, I do not think that I can predict what things will be good for me, only what have been. And even then, it is possible what was good for me will not be in the future, but at least it is more probable.

[1]During a Physics Lab I started trating everyone as crap (insulting, overworking them) because they didn't meet my expectations. While I regretted it, at the end of the semester my Lab mates thanked my for my "leadership", go figure.

[2]It has happened at least three times, that I can remember: I volunteer to help someone and they reply to me that the only reason I want to help them is because I want to brag how much more capable than them I am. Go. Figure.

I am having the strongest sense of deja vu..

I read the comments of the previous week but then the Great Disappearing happened😂

What is the recommended dose of vitamin D supplements? I've seen cited doses between 50 and 600 IU but I've read that this are actually severely underestimated.

As for buying supplements, can I just buy some random brand on amazon?

Thank you. I really like your essay about Unfalsifiable Aesthetics: it summarizes many of my intuitions about music as a classical trained player.

Thank you for your suggestions.

Watering holes with similar discussion norms: DataSecretsLox, /r/theschism (slowly dying)

Yes, I knew them and seeing the slow decay is somehow more painful that a clear cut end.

The majority of Italians do not live that lifestyle. They live a life of quiet desperation in the gray/black economy if poor, a financially tight lifestyle if middle class with constant fear of sliding down the social-economic ladder if middle class. Many people's vampiric grandmas and grandpas, after having stolen their young's blood future through the virtuous economic policies of our government like "baby-pensions", are now fostering the lifestyle of their endlessly children[1] nieces and nephews using the money they started collecting without working at 35.

[1]The job market (if we can call it that) is abysmal: low salaries, many companies who do not want to pay, extremely short term contracts after which we are promised we will be hired and somehow the job always fails to materialize, technophobic society with anti-entrepreneurial mindset unless we are talking about small retail, food, hospitality and tourism (which I fervently despise). This bring many young people to need the help of their parents/grandparents if they do not want to be homeless while they search a somewhat stable employment. Or they emigrate, generally to Germany.