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joined 2024 February 23 19:31:10 UTC


User ID: 2899



0 followers   follows 0 users   joined 2024 February 23 19:31:10 UTC


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User ID: 2899

I'm a sensitive person and I've found ways to live with it. I won't go as far as the YouTubers and say it's a superpower, but it doesn't have to be a debilitating handicap either.

The biggest thing for me was working directly with my emotions and bodily sensations, first with somatic meditation and then Internal Family Systems therapy. An easy trap to fall into as a sensitive person is to develop a fear of your own strong emotions. IFS helped me see that my feelings are actually trying to do something helpful, even if they don't know the best way to do it, and that I can negotiate better ways for them to express themselves.

I'm spending something like 15-60 minutes per day working with my emotions, which is a lot of time for maintenance work that normal people don't seem to need to do much of. But hey, it beats being an anxious wreck like I used to.