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joined 2022 September 06 18:49:17 UTC

The heuristics language developed by my handlers allows me to convey the highest and most succinct tier of any pyramidal construct of knowledge.


User ID: 880



0 followers   follows 0 users   joined 2022 September 06 18:49:17 UTC


The heuristics language developed by my handlers allows me to convey the highest and most succinct tier of any pyramidal construct of knowledge.


User ID: 880

PCM was already given their own independent website on the exact same rdrama/ruqqus base as this one yet almost their entire community refused to move across. If they wont bother to have discussions on their own website then I highly doubt they'd ever give this one a chance. Last time I checked their site it was completely taken over by the ip2 community.

Gotta do that to actually move.


find the people within that community who want to have more serious discussions and make them aware of a place where that can happen

I was initially going to say I'm skeptical of finding users compatible with the motte since the main point of their community is misrepresenting other views, but I suppose doing that for laughs doesn't necessarily mean some users wouldn't be willing to talk srs bsns in a more serious community like ours.

While there certainly are right-wing groups and individuals that throw accusations of being a socialist or communist at people they disagree with, I wouldn't say the example is equivalent. The point of calling someone a nazi or a fascist is to draw ire from the public since the words are both nearly universally synonymous with "ideological bully". Calling someone a socialist isn't exactly a head turner for the majority of the public and calling someone a communist is mostly going to draw confused glances at the accuser. From my own observations I'd also say it's significantly more common for leftists to call opponents nazi/fascist in an attempt to discredit them than right-wingers calling their own opponents socialist/communist because it is simply not enough to discredit someone; though I do think it would be just as common if being a socialist were considered culturally taboo as being a nazi.

Also struggling with this. I find it baffling that net addiction isn't talked about more often; I worry that the younger generation, so used to growing up with access to the internet, would be unaware that the extent of their usage could be considered addiction. I can't imagine what school must be like when you're constantly hyperconnected to all of your peers through social media, I feel that people aren't well equipped mentally for that kind of constant surveillance of their own online self and the online personae of everyone around them. Despite these worries about social media addiction and the mental harm it could cause, that isn't the type of net addiction I struggle with: it's what I think of as "information" addiction.

This is mainly YouTube content and various forums & boards. I think of it as "information" addiction not because I'm actually informed by what I'm looking at (though some content does provide genuinely useful info) but because it gives me the same feeling of satisfaction as learning something, becoming more informed about something. Whether I read a programming book and learn useful information about a language I don't know very well, or read a post about what a strange autistic streamer from Wyoming was doing on his stream yesterday, it doesn't matter. I can very well understand that one of these is vastly more important to me than the other but I gain satisfaction from both regardless. And therein lies the problem: the unimportant useless information is much more convenient to consume, is completely endless and still provides the same stimulation so why choose anything else? The solution I've reached is exactly the same as your own in that I see no sense in trying to go cold turkey, so I'm trying to limit my use of forums & discussion boards. Do some exercises first before I check the net in the morning, have breakfast without reading some inane imageboard posts etc. It mostly works but I do occasionally slip up and find myself almost unconsciously reaching for the phone.

We should have a small history of TheMotte written up somewhere.

Good idea, The Motte's very own Bayeux Tapestry :)

We should have a plan for what to do if something similar happens to us as happened to a site (BananaPlantation) that's been in the news a lot lately (don't want to name it).

Admittedly I am worried about the potentially far reaching consequences of the recent saga concerning that site, but consider this: we are a hard sell as a new "internet boogeyman". We aren't particularly relevant, even among the very online activist circles that seek out and dismantle dens of thoughtcriminals. If we did however attract the attention of the eye of sauron, we would still have much more of a fighting chance than KF because we can't easily be framed as "website that doxes and stalks and harasses". I think the worst anyone could throw at us would be the "this website platforms hate" argument because we allow discussion and criticism of sacred cows. I'd be more worried about our neighbour site rdrama becoming a new boogeyman once KF is taken off life support, that could potentially get the motte into a whole mess of guilt by association.

A prostitute is about as intimate as your hand, less convenient and more expensive. Beyond that, I fail to see how this is argues for banning porn at all.

A general media thread seems like it could be a great idea. Keeps recs and reviews all in one convenient thread without splintering discussion much. Perhaps using thread themes could work as well to change it up a bit every week e.g. a focus on sci-fi themes one week, a focus on philosophical themes another...

Great point, as of late I've noticed a fairly substantial increase in "groomer" rhetoric on twitter, mostly surrounding transgender issues.

Subjective suggestion here, but perhaps change the default theme to coffee. I just think the colours are nice and work well as a light theme without feeling "clinical" like the current teal on white :)

Considering the rate at which these AI models are advancing and the fervour around the recent public release of Stable Diffusion, I'd wager that AI tools as a culture war topic is won't be arriving within the next five years but within the next few months. These models will be (and already are, to an extent) involved in discussion of intellectual property, non-consensual pornography & deepfakes, CSAM, AI systems taking over jobs and less concrete ideas like debates over what constitutes as creative/authentic art and theories of machine consciousness. I think it's only a matter of time before a controversy surrounding a sufficiently advanced AI model explodes into wider public perception, and with the controversy of Stable Diffusion within art communities I'm starting to believe that time is much sooner than I initially thought.