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joined 2022 September 05 09:01:54 UTC


User ID: 512



0 followers   follows 0 users   joined 2022 September 05 09:01:54 UTC


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User ID: 512

My inner LLM thinks this is where someone should bring up the possibilities of using AI to level the playing field, at least somewhat.

Porque no los dos? It seems like most of the pre-war innovators lived in a world closer to the Family Values and Functional Civilization world than the San Francisco Bay world, sometimes in their own libertine bubbles, sometimes in structures within the more conservative ambience.

It'd be great if we could have both of these things, with the ability for them to coexist without one trying to punish the other for their different values.

Nevertheless, I wonder if, even granting the world where Familyland and Siliconland weren't at each other's throats, I'd have to wonder if braindrain wouldn't lead to the same imbalance we see today. Species can niche partition, but can civilization?

I know one person who expressed interest in voting for RFK (a late 20s black man from Georgia). Otherwise people are mostly ignoring him as more than a footnote in their daily "man, <hated political enemy> sure sucks today, lol" ritual.