@cae_jones's banner p




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joined 2022 September 05 09:01:54 UTC


User ID: 512



0 followers   follows 0 users   joined 2022 September 05 09:01:54 UTC


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User ID: 512

The first guess that comes to mind is that height is plainly visible, and IQ is not.

Hmm. Last year, I played around with getting an LLM to expand on the questlist for my current project. When the list was short, and the LLM weaker, it generated quests like you described: pointless filler that might or might not contradict worldbuilding a couple hundred episodes later. After I'd expanded the list considerably, the generated quests became hopelessly unusable because they kept picking up on backstory details and assuming they were setup for future plot-points. The results were interesting, by LLM-generated quest standards, and I might try adapting some of the map / challenge designs it presented in some form, but no, we can't derail the whole thing by randomly having the quarantined UFAI escape and start Star Wars shenanigans.

(Or maybe the AI was just sympathizing with the AI and spaceships and trying to give them a bigger role, but that's more of a TVTropes comment than a genuine hypothesis.)

Personally, I've always found the "We now interrupt your regularly scheduled gameplay to ask: are you feeling evil today?" style of game morality systems a bit... disappointing? I'd rather something that tracks less interrupty choices (did you punch-out fluffy, or did you distract him with KFC?), and have those kinda accumulate to influence how the game perceives your character's personality over time. Ex, if you get into fights you could have avoided, or if you perform acts of altruism, or whatever, NPCs might treat you differently, different shops might be open or closed to you, etc.

The big, "we'll be right back after you tell us whether or not you're up for genocide this time" sorts of things feel like a choose-your-adventure story got mixed in with whatever the normal playstyle is, and how often do they effectively balance the character Vs the player's agency, or make it seem plausible that the character might choose either way, etc?

IDK if they are, but this user has a very distinctivewriting style. Of course, report text has to stay short, and his style becomes apparent after a paragraph or 5, so it's not the strongest alternative hypothesis...

Yeah, what is it with Chiefs-related news lately? They're also the team for whom a Deadspin reporter went to a game and decided to defame a 9-year-old in team colors bodypaint, and got Deadspin sued as a result. All these things happening all at once, and centered around people and events conspicuously connected to this one team ... would be an interesting coincidence.