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User ID: 539



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User ID: 539

I have a response to this, but we shouldn't be having culture war talk in the wellness thread.

Does anyone play games on Steam? Here's a steam group.

If a lot of people join it would become an easy way to find rationalists to play games with.

Edit: here's the link


I don't think the initial story is small potatoes. The initial story is the VP of the US trading money for influence.


"You’re organizing a literary dinner party. Which three writers, living or dead, would you invite?

I’ve always loved this exercise, the imaginary dinner party! What fun! I see Oscar Wilde there, of course, Voltaire, Carol Saroyan Saroyan Matthau (wife of William Saroyan, William Saroyan, and Walter Matthau, and a writer in her own right), Hitler (not witty but quite a “get”), Edie Sitwell, Molière, Oscar Wilde (so witty I thought why not double him and place him on each end of the table so everyone could enjoy his witticisms?), Aristophanes, and Sir Kenneth Dover (to translate Aristophanes’ jokes for the other guests). That’s more than three, but one must assume there will be cancellations. Oh, and Jesus."

People in Latin America are getting use out of cryptocurrencies. Does that not count?

What arguments do you speak of? What about them do you find unpersuasive?

Sometimes board game cafes will have Open Table nights, where people come to play with strangers and not people they brought with them.

I have never heard anyone say that. So it can't be that usual of a response.

This exchange reminds me of this sketch:


I should write a blog post about the philosophy of sketch comedy or something.

"Some have lasted over a thousand rounds, which is impressive, but military weapons last for tens of thousands of rounds. I’d imagine the FGC-9 acts like a modern Liberator pistol."

They're useful, I think.

I don't think the hyper-progressive coalition was saying it would be terrible if Elon Musk didn't buy twitter. Only that the way he was trying to get out of it was dishonest.

As long as an employee doesn't go beyond the allotted number of sick days, is it that big a deal to the employer what they use them for? Is it worse for the employer than calling in sick when not actually sick, something Americans have done since who-knows-when?

I don't think I've ever called in sick just because I wanted a day off, but it seems to be not such a shameful thing in our culture. Is this worse (for the employer) than that?

Well I think it's fine to borgify characters that no one on earth cares about, like the protagonist of Comix Zone. They're also developing Toejam and Earl and Space Channel 5 games, btw.

^LOL, I don't know what to say about that. I can only hope they get what they want.

Laughing at people protesting against tyranny is cruel and small-minded. In my opinion.

File under "the world would be better if people understood basic economics".

On the plus side, I think people will slowly come around to dynamic pricing. It might become standard in 15 years or so, if the world lasts that long.

Even Osama's kids watched Detective Conan and Batman cartoons, let's not forget.

This would be a wakeup call for me if I thought all aspiring rationalists were operating at a level of rationalism too high to dig themselves into a hole like this, but I did not in fact have such a high opinion of this community (which I do like very much).

I bought Alan Moore's new book of short stories and so far I'm not that into it. It's rare for me to not like anything Moorish. But I bought another book Sharing a House with the Never-Ending Man by Steven Alpert and I like it a lot. Alpert is the highest ranking non-Japanese guy at Studio Ghibli and he's got lots of interesting stories about Japanese business culture and stuff. Did you know that most non-Japanese men speak Japanese like a woman? According to the book it's because most Japanese language teachers are women.

Also, here's the rationalist steam group, if you're interested:


Well this seems like a good time to do the standard rationalist technique "what evidence could convince you otherwise".

What evidence could convince you that infant circumcision reduces sexual pleasure?

Because it seems to me like once you understand what the foreskin does and how sex is different without it, how could it not?

I see a lot of people get indicted and convincted for simple words, stuff that would be obviously and uncontroversally protected speech in the US. That bothers me.

There are other things. Banning homeschooling, banning yawaras, etc.

I'd rather protect people by preventing them from investing than preventing people by silencing them. dath ilan (yudkowsky's fictional alternate earth) has a licensing scheme where you need to pass a test before you can invest.

His/her wife is Russian, and it seems like she was leading the operation. She even had to overcome some hesitancies from the officer, apparently.

Truly a sinister people, those Russians! (jk)

That he even lasted 4 days at that level of shitstorm in a cultural place so far behind the lines is remarkable

Not that remarkable. He got into SNL on the strength of his stand-up and his audition. There wasn't any vetting process where the producers checked out his podcast. I bet there's a vetting process now though!

One factor that should be acknowledged is that "We are alone. We are not represented anywhere" is a painful thought to have.

I'm skeptical that the real IQ of Arabs is 80. Arabs where? Arabs in Israel? Also... Sephardic jews have an IQ of 92? I'm skeptical of that as well.