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joined 2022 September 05 11:43:11 UTC


User ID: 539



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User ID: 539

Are you talking about indie games or AAA games? Because both seem to be doing fine to me. Some AAA games are unispired, but not all.

There are still good movies in theaters. There are even still good American movies. Watch stuff like Pig or I'm Thinking of Ending Things or whatever instead of stuff movie studios spent a billion dollars on.

I think there are reasons not to make a lotr show at all. Politics, IP rights issues, Game of Thrones ending poorly, lotr being an inherently difficult property to work with because of its focus on the ineffable and deep lore, etc.

My thoughts exactly.

Even Osama's kids watched Detective Conan and Batman cartoons, let's not forget.

I think China not meddling (except for all the times it does) is a pragmatic thing, and that the policy would change if circumstances changed enough.

As long as an employee doesn't go beyond the allotted number of sick days, is it that big a deal to the employer what they use them for? Is it worse for the employer than calling in sick when not actually sick, something Americans have done since who-knows-when?

I don't think I've ever called in sick just because I wanted a day off, but it seems to be not such a shameful thing in our culture. Is this worse (for the employer) than that?

Sometimes board game cafes will have Open Table nights, where people come to play with strangers and not people they brought with them.

Good catch! I should have done a twitter search.

That he even lasted 4 days at that level of shitstorm in a cultural place so far behind the lines is remarkable

Not that remarkable. He got into SNL on the strength of his stand-up and his audition. There wasn't any vetting process where the producers checked out his podcast. I bet there's a vetting process now though!

Most podcasts are not 100% gold. It's a weekly unscripted thing, bad jokes slip in. Shane Gillis has said the joke wasn't one of his good ones, offensiveness aside.

I'm not saying you have to like the podcast, just keep that in mind.

bone headed move on my part! Yeah, it's not really a motte group. Just a rationalist group. I'll post it on rationalist spaces too.

I'd rather protect people by preventing them from investing than preventing people by silencing them. dath ilan (yudkowsky's fictional alternate earth) has a licensing scheme where you need to pass a test before you can invest.

I have never heard anyone say that. So it can't be that usual of a response.