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joined 2023 July 10 08:04:18 UTC
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User ID: 2560



0 followers   follows 0 users   joined 2023 July 10 08:04:18 UTC


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User ID: 2560

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I'm back with a new account! Glad to see this place is still active.

Could you elaborate? I'm not convinced. On the Africa side of things, that is.

Let the record show that DA has a higher vote share than EFF, and their policies are likely to be considered reasonable by people here than the ANC or EFF. DA has 84 seats in the National Assembly, EFF has 44. (ANC has 230).

Reminds me of the guy who sued the director of Thin Blue Line, the movie that got him freed from prison. Not that I am all that confident in my assessment of that historical anecdote either.

Mitchell and Webb are so great.

Before I read the blurb, and even a few sentences into the blurb, I would have given low odds that it would make me want to read it*, but I was wrong. And now I'm going to try reading it.

*I'm less enthusiastic about web fiction than most of you all, especially web fiction with superheroes.

"polling showed that a substantial minority of Germans would hide an RAF member from the police"

Until I looked it up I thought you were talking about a poll taken during or after the war that said that a substantial minority of Germans would hide a downed British pilot (Royal Air Force) during the war if they had encountered one. Which seemed like a crazy poll to me. Then I figured out that it stood for Red Army Faction.

Was Dasha actually kicked off of Succession for her politics? It's my understanding that she was just playing a fairly minor character, and those often get written off of tv shows for no particular reason.

Aum Shinrikyo used chemical weapons, not bio. Wikipedia says initial reports that they had bio weapons were "greatly exaggerated", whatever that means.

"In an ideal world we would deport the food cart guy. He clearly doesn’t share our values."

Free speech is one of our values though.

"A big one is the CIA and State Department. They've traditionally viewed right wing parties in Europe as the enemy, and made efforts to keep them from winning."

Could I have a source? Even if nothing concrete?

Aside from Nordstream, what does the United States do to depress Europe's economies? Nothing really comes to mind, apart from tariffs and stuff.

One sentence is all it takes:

"Some trans people are right-wing."

Most distaste for trans people from the right is actually just distaste for the left. Just like most distaste for Mormons (or whatever, there are many possible examples) is actually just distaste for the right.

This is the internet era, who you would prefer to interact with in person is as irrelevant as who you would prefer to converse with by telegraphy.

(somewhat joking)

"Without immigration, Canadas economy would go though a historic collapse. 100% of our economic growth is dependent on immigrants, the housing bubble only keeps going because of this scarcity they bring, and they account for 75% of Canada's demographic growth"

How sure are you of your economic analysis? It seems like a bold claim to me.

If I thought about it I could probably summon to mind some examples of people who risked their lives to save others but also cheated on their wives/husbands... Patton and Petraeus you might not count...


Well, this might be a bad example, but there's always MLK.

I searched for Righteous Among Nations who had extramarital affairs and got this:


The lesbian affair was after she separated from her husband, but it says she had affairs before that.

There's also Wilhelm Canaris, who is a candidate for Righteous Among Nations. Initially a supporter of the Nazis, he became head of the Abwehr, was horrified by the atrocities, tried to protest within the chain of command, then passed information to the British and also saved some Jewish lives. Eventually the Nazis found out and killed him. And he cheated on his wife with the woman he passed information to, a Polish spy. As far as moral courage goes, he could have just taken an early retirement or fled to Switzerland or something, but instead he risked and ultimately sacrificed his life for the greater good.

You can plead the fifth to every question but you do have to show up.

Like who? Whom dost thou quote?


Well for the record, here's a non-fiction short story/essay written by an Israeli Jew named Etgar Keret that you would approve of.

"A few days ago, I met an old friend. Like most Israelis I’ve seen since October 7, she looked broken and anguished. But in addition to the familiar feelings of grief, terror and loss, I picked up on something else she projected: a sense of betrayal.

As a staunch progressive, this had come out of nowhere for her. After all, she’d always been one of the good ones, she’d done all the right things: joined the most righteous protests, refused to use plastic straws, cancelled everyone that deserved to be cancelled. She was the first to switch her Facebook profile to the Ukrainian flag, the first to share the cartoon of Putin with a little Hitler moustache. For years, she stood with the weak and the oppressed, always identified with their pain and derided anyone else’s. And then, on the worst day of her life, on that bloody Saturday when a brutal terrorist organization murdered and kidnapped hundreds of her people, all those American and European partners to the struggle – the ones who’d always been at her side in various protest movements – were now suddenly giving her the cold shoulder.

“I don’t understand,” she lamented, her voice cracking, “don’t they have eyes? Can’t they see the massacre? The cruelty? The inhumanity? Can’t they understand that in the horrific story of October 7, we were actually the good guys?”

The answer is no. They can’t see that we’re the good guys because, in the world we now live in, there are no good guys: there are only bad guys and worse guys. The progressive paradigm has come to mean that you decide who the victims are, and you identify with them so completely that you utterly disregard the claims and suffering of the alleged perpetrator. And in that mode of thinking, it’s very easy to find yourself on the side that gets cancelled. Especially when you’ve been occupying another people for over 56 years. Reality is complex and ambiguous, while the progressive worldview is simplified, unequivocal and righteous—or at least it can appear that way when you’re part of the well-meaning crowd gathered for a public stoning."

(it continues)

Some background on Etgar Keret: not a hardcore Zionist, but also not in the "Israeli Jews are colonizers" perspective. A mind capable of nuance.

The mistakes made by boosters of the soviet union are perhaps not criticized as much as they should be by historians, but they're not praised either.

In other words: the degenerated and corrupted aspects of hyperprogressivism may be minimized, but at least they mostly won't be glorified.

In non-singularity situations.

Well I read some of the Robert Galbraith detective novels and those had cell phones being used to solve the problems one would expect a cell phone to solve, pretty much. To the extent that they didn't solve problems, it never felt forced. I can't recall anyone's phone running out of batteries at a crucial moment. I don't think lack-of-bars ever featured into the plotline.

It's probably easier to have phones not solve problems in a detective story than a thriller.

Edit: Really, cell phones obviate danger when you know you're about to be attacked soon but you have still have time for the police to show up, wherever you are. So that aspect is not that limiting.

I'm skeptical that this would or could work. It also seems like it would be hard to keep secret.

" I hear rogue like and that makes it seem like you are intended to fail until they give you enough honorable mention trophies to buy upgrades that let you win. "

For the record, that's not what roguelike means. Or at least, not what it used to mean. For a long long long time before modern "rogue-lites" came along and got super popular.

Oh, ok.

To me, having sex with an attractive woman in a restroom, even in otherwise ideal circumstances, sounds like it would be at most 50% as enjoyable as the same encounter on a bed or a couch.

Should I start identifying as a demisexual?