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User ID: 2560

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It does seem like kind of a strange choice to introduce her with a massive ad-blitz where she asks for money so prominently.

Shouldn't that come later? Isn't it weird to ask for money in an ad that costs lots and lots of money?

Just nit-picking.

Hillary (and her general circle of supporters) gave off a vibe of "do whatever it takes to win" that Kamala doesn't. But Kamala doesn't have the opportunity to do anything underhanded, she doesn't seem to have access to the underhanded cards in the deck. But presumably that will change now? Maybe?

If you feel that the first-past-the-post system that marginalizes third parties results in two candidates that are worse than they should be, as I do, you should vote third party as a protest vote. A third party vote in a safe state like California matters more than a vote for either red or blue, I would say.

(Compared to how they do it in Europe with run-off elections and ranked choice voting.)

"The Shia were supported by Saudi Arabia, the Sunnis by Iran"

You have that backwards.

I don't think that Ozy is making a good point in this essay. I don't think that "progressives" and "conservatives" are moral mutants to each other. Mostly my counter-argument would follow similar lines to Scott's essay:


Also I think that "progressive" and "conservative" are silly, mostly illusory categories. It's more complicated than that, but I do basically think it's a mistake to treat them like elves and dwarves or whatever.

I do not understand what you wrote.

"one of the several things that moved me from "grew up in fandom and thinks freedom of expression is very important" to "many progressives successfully dedicated themselves to changing my mind.""

This is confusingly written to me

Is Ozy really that bad? Can you link me to the blog post?

There really should be a superhero roguelike.

Not all! He said we could watch All Quiet on the Western Front!

The wallet in Pulp Fiction said "Bad Mother Fucker", not "Bad Ass Mother Fucker". So did your friend's wallet misquote the movie, or did you?

Herbert Hoover and the United States averted the Belgian famine, there's no "we".


Edit: I do remember Simone saying something at one point about how people should separate the art from the artist or something like that. Not about this. But it does give a little bit of perspective on her perspective.

I only see one comic writer advocating a boycott in that link, Gail Simone just said "You have my pity. May you grow a soul someday, because you desperately are in need of one."

What follows is a somewhat harsh statement that I don't fully endorse:

Gass is on Simulacrum Level 3, Jack Black is on Level 2.

I don't know. Realistically I feel like most hardcore progressives are just concerned about optics on this, not that they actually understand the deeper underlying morality in any real way. By the deeper underlying morality I mean stuff like "how you behave in a conflict is just as important as what side of the conflict you're on".

Kavalier & Clay portrayed the German American Bund guy as mentally ill and not some sinister fascist. And the Nazi soldier Kavalier briefly encounters in the arctic is just some soldier, not a monster.

Nazi Germany was really really awful, but the book is able to show that without... making it too cartoony. Which I think is better. Part of the reason why is that K & C isn't a good vs evil story, so it had to be done this way.

It's funny to think that airlines don't have a moat, since it's a ridiculously expensive business to run. But I suppose if you define moat that way then they don't.

How do you know he wasn't aiming for center mass?

I think I've heard people say she kind of was impressed.

A handful of insane people on twitter may not represent a large enough voting bloc to matter. Also the person in that tweet would definitely vote for any dem, I'm guessing.

The way Kruschev chose to gave up power without a fight comes to mind, if you know that story.

The amount of people who won't vote for a senile candidate but would vote for someone else must be greater than the Biden loyalists, right?

It could still be a Russian op, or something. It doesn't necessarily have to be CIA. Although I guess if it was a foreign intelligence operation I would expect the FBI to accuse someone of it.

Yeah, that would have been my answer too. Scientific institutions ought to be held to a higher standard than random people screenshotting bad behavior of the other side.

Is that different from the Sokal Hoax? Are they both bad? Both good?

"You’re organizing a literary dinner party. Which three writers, living or dead, would you invite?

I’ve always loved this exercise, the imaginary dinner party! What fun! I see Oscar Wilde there, of course, Voltaire, Carol Saroyan Saroyan Matthau (wife of William Saroyan, William Saroyan, and Walter Matthau, and a writer in her own right), Hitler (not witty but quite a “get”), Edie Sitwell, Molière, Oscar Wilde (so witty I thought why not double him and place him on each end of the table so everyone could enjoy his witticisms?), Aristophanes, and Sir Kenneth Dover (to translate Aristophanes’ jokes for the other guests). That’s more than three, but one must assume there will be cancellations. Oh, and Jesus."

