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joined 2022 September 06 23:38:47 UTC


User ID: 895



0 followers   follows 1 user   joined 2022 September 06 23:38:47 UTC


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User ID: 895

There's a lot of ways to get off with (or without) a partner that aren't PIV.

EA is the subset of rationalism that takes utilitarianism Very Seriously.

There's much less overlap with TheMotte specifically, which seems pretty critical of utilitarianism. One of the main criticisms is this exact failure mode: because the numbers are all made up, a smart enough person can justify doing whatever it is they wanted to do anyway. "Why yes, of course I'm defrauding thousands of people, because I can better direct their money towards things which satisfy my utility function such as..."

Got 15/20. Don't really know what criteria I was using. Softer faces are more leftist?

We already have the horny gene. But we could have higher time preference or a stronger paternal love for children or greater disgust for gamers and wine aunts. Or maybe just a stronger proclivity to religious thinking.

The selection process can be cultural too, e.g. subpopulations with memes resisting modern anti-fertility technology, such as the Amish or fundamentalist Christians/Jews/Muslims out breeding all the atheists and feminists.

[...] just say that's what you are.

This is disarmament. So you are advocating unilateral disarmament then? Unless your demand is only for your enemies, in which case yes they will of course ignore it.

Maybe, if you can't oust a corrupt president or prosecute a guilty criminal for his actual crimes,

They should just get off without any charges? If your commitment to due process and the impartial hand of justice is that great, you can't turn around later and defend Rubiales' because he's on your team.

I'm not advocating for lawless vigilantism or witch burning. I'm pointing out that one party engaging in power politics doesn't necessarily disqualify their legitimate complaints.

You also can't point to some mild opportunism and say it delegitimizes all other complaints. That leads to pure who-whom, which sucks.

Your protest is like asking why the USG went after Al Capone for tax evasion instead of his actual crimes. The answer is obvious and it doesn't make him innocent.

A lot the drugs athletes take under PED bans right now are just testosterone but re-synthesized to avoid detection. There's a lot of ways to get T levels up, and the safest ways to do it are also the most studied and easiest to detect. In this way, PED bans actually incentivize athletes to take riskier drugs.

People like the narrative idea of a Faustian bargain so much they assume it's always true that there's one on offer. But it's possible if under a scheme where PED's are allowed that the rational choice for athletes is sticking to basic steroid cycles and blood doping that gets them 95% of the way there and avoid the riskier experimental stuff that might not even help.

Neither of them live somewhere where vapes are banned.

You don't need a secondary market for that. Even if the cards only have collectible or play value, it's still gambling. You pay money for the chance to get what you want.

It's always weird when people excuse gambling schemes targeted at kids by pointing at Pokemon or Yu-Gi-Oh! booster packs: Those were never okay either.

Specialization is of course good, but all the things you've listed (except changing oil) are much more complicated and take longer to learn than building a PC.

If you're so rich that you can call it a convenience tax rather than an idiot tax, then sure call it that instead. But if your time really is that valuable one wonders why you asked here in the first place.

You're putting on a pretty high pedestal a girl who's stuck sitting around for hours on her phone.

Humanize her a bit and it's probably less likely she's made a rational calculation with ho logic to ignore the LVM than it is that she's neurotic and antisocial.

This does sound like a neat rejection of Scott's deontology in the streets, utilitarianism in the sheets approach.

But I can't think of a coherent way for one to hot swap morality. For anyone's system to be coherent there must ultimately be some moral facts or axioms underlying it that reigns supreme in the meta-morality calculus.

People who think they're doing this are probably just utilitarians who think deontology is nothing more than rule utilitarianism by heuristic.

Committed theists don't have a backup morality for when God tells them to do evil. They either go whole hog or come up with biblical copes.

People who want the hodge podge pick virtue ethics.

Got 11/20 on this one. Guess I was just lucky last time.

People with no care for morality are not in question. Of course it doesn't matter to them. They simply do as they will.

The people in question aren't ignoring any moral axioms of utilitarianism. Ends justify the means is fundamental to it. You can thus be a committed utilitarian and do evil simply via bad calculations.

Other moral systems fail in other ways. But a strict deontologist is not going to rob Peter to pay Paul.