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joined 2022 September 04 19:49:03 UTC

Anarcho Capitalist on moral grounds

Libertarian Minarchist on economic grounds

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User ID: 124



8 followers   follows 1 user   joined 2022 September 04 19:49:03 UTC


Anarcho Capitalist on moral grounds

Libertarian Minarchist on economic grounds


User ID: 124

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What if I am trying to assess groups?

Groups are composed of individuals. And it is very unclear what signals you are supposed to take from a racially non-homogenous group. Clothing, disposition, gender, current activity, and age all seem like better stereotyping options.

Am I supposed to treat a group of Asian males hanging out up ahead the same as I would treat a group of black males?

I'd say you shouldn't really bother assessing the race, because a bunch of other characteristics about the group will give you a much better sense. What activity do they seem to be doing? Are they laughing and joking around? Do they seem drunk? Is this an area known to have gangs? Are other people avoiding them? Honestly I tend to avoid any group of drunk young males.

Or, suppose I have successfully taught for years in an all-black school, and have relied heavily on class participation as a pedagogical tool. If I transfer to an all-Asian school, should I not think about changing my pedagogy?

You should always be thinking about your pedagogy. Socio-economic class and general school culture should be learned before you start teaching. Ask other teachers what they do. At no point should you be like "oh they are all of x race, therefore teaching method y will work." If you do that you are probably a terrible teacher.

Or if I am in HR at a school district, and am placing a teacher who tells me his greatest weakness is classroom management, should I not use him for a vacancy at an all-Asian school rather than sending him to an all-black school?

Typically race correlates with things that matter. But it is rarely if ever the actual thing that matters. What if the teacher would be teaching the flunkies, dropouts, and mis-behaving kids at the asian school, and the honors students at the all black school? And what assumptions are you supposed to make if the school has and classroom has a mixed racial makeup like all American schools are mandated to have.

I don't think I'll be litigating any more specific examples. All of your new examples still point to Race being a weak correlate with things that matter. And typically in real world scenarios you have much more access to easier acquire pieces of information, and higher quality sources of information.

But was "not me" always going to say that?

I play exclusively with one of the guns that has a long distance.

If I don't have a red highlight on my name I'm not giving a warning or speaking about breaking the rules. Any mod warnings to not do something should be as clear as possible. I will often say something obvious like "don't do this" or "this is just a warning".

I was giving you information you might find useful.

We just recently added new moderators, so comments are far less likely to sit in the filter for a long time.

Will we ever remove the new user filter? Absolutely not. It's one of our only ways to enforce bans. And it's one of the best ways to prevent low effort trolling. Otherwise banned users can just create new accounts.

Well yeah, that is a shit state to be in for guns.

Maybe try and live in one of the non gray areas: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Second_Amendment_sanctuary

No and neither should police, so the point still stands


Maybe the reason this post when to shit was you jumping in all "bad cop" to try and save the quokka effortposters from their despondency. You think of that maybe?

It was shit before I arrived and said anything. There were four 4 relatively low effort post responses, three of which had reports, and one of them was crappy enough that I handed out a warning for it.

This is antagonistic and a bit low effort. Do less of this please.

Too much boo-outgroup. Too close to waging the culture war rather than discussing it.

You've had 9 Mod actions against you, and have been a consistently bad poster. I'm not sure there is any point in trying to "reform" your posting habits at this point. I'm gonna start with a perma ban, but if some quality posters or mods want to speak up on your behalf then I'm open to just making this a temp ban.

Edit: bolido_sentimental Spoke up in favor, changing to a twenty day ban.

I think for (2) people can quibble a lot about the definition of the field. Like is "nurse" the category or "medical field".

It's just common sense that if one race commits murder at 5x-10x the rate of other races that you should be more cautious around those people.

There is plenty of white trash in America, and living in some American cities. My argument would lead to more caution, not less caution. Don't let your guard down in a bad section of town just because the gang-banger look-alike walking towards you is white instead of black. The giveawayis the gang-banger look, not their race. If instead its a black man in a business suit walking towards you, then yes you are paranoid for thinking he is about to mug you.

I don't think you made the case for why it's beneficial. Black people get extra college spots, better chances at government contracts, preferential hiring at practically every job and extremely favorable representations in pop culture. That's all because they banded they banded together and pushed for their racial interests as a group.

This does remind me that I missed a section I meant to add for the college part. Both opportunity and execution matter. Being given opportunities that you can't execute on is not a benefit. I think people that get a racial boost outside of their achievable range are done a disservice. If your race is winning a spoils system, people tend to know, and they discount everything you have done with that in mind. Long-term I don't really think it is a benefit. I somewhat prefer my current position as a race and gender that is not clearly winning a spoils system. People know that what I have done and what I have earned I have done so through mostly my own effort.

I'll take this guy without a moment's hesitation. I reject the premise that they wouldn't have any skills and would turn to crime, people don't steal to eat in America they do it for drugs or luxury goods. Plus his kids will be exactly like mine but immigrant's kids are more likely to revert to the genetic mean.

Intermarriage and procreating with your own descendants is not advisable. It is far more likely to lead to genetic deficiencies than procreation with a person of a different race.

Even if they don't they will almost certainly adopt memes about how oppressed by white people they are and vote accordingly.

They will adopt those memes to their own detriment. A degree of belief in your own self-determinism is more helpful to your success than a belief that you have been oppressed.

Context is ultimately a suggestion, not required. I happen to think it's a good suggestion, and I also happen to think that people will dismiss the need for it more than they should.

You having personal experience with one of these camps is interesting context! I don't go near a college campus on a regular basis.

that many of them perceive the barrier to entry to be too high.

Exactly! Its a perception thing, so I am trying to clear it up by changing that perception. WhiningCoil and others are making it more difficult by adding to the false perception. You of course are asking them to stop posting these bad interpretations of the rules, and thus discouraging posting, right?

Saying that they're mistaken, it's really not that high, isn't going to change anyone's mind.

There are different barriers to posting. One of those barriers is being afraid that the mods won't like your post and you'll get banned or in trouble. I can lower that barrier. I can't lower other barriers like "I don't know what to post about", or "I don't really want to talk about anything".

Great game, I'm hoping the second one that they have announced is as good as the first.

I've played total war 3k a few times, pretty early on. Meant to come back around to it after it got more fleshed out, and then ya CA abandoned it.

Game looks kinda interesting, but I doubt I'll make it over the steep learning curve.

I maybe should go back and play some old Total War games. The Warhammer ones have been leaving me unfulfilled. I don't think I like the magic spells that were added for battles, and the single units that are powerhouses.

I have no particular interest in WWII, but it does seem like the genre of games I'm interested in are all set in that time period.

As I mentioned, not too attached to the particular solution I had. Just that this is a problem. So I don't think we disagree too much.

Whered you find a free full stack intern?

I have shit taste buds and a shit sense of smell. But yeah this makes my main point stronger.

I sometimes work out with friends, but I want to do more training during work hours when they are not available.

The motivation isn't there right now (or ever?) to do workouts on my own.

And if you don't have enough drive to just start lifting without a trainer, you are not going to stick to it anyways.

Source: Seen this shit happen time and time again.

Yah I don't have motivation, how long can a personal trainer extend motivation. I certainly don't think it can work indefinitely, but a few months?