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joined 2022 September 04 19:49:03 UTC

Anarcho Capitalist on moral grounds

Libertarian Minarchist on economic grounds

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User ID: 124



8 followers   follows 1 user   joined 2022 September 04 19:49:03 UTC


Anarcho Capitalist on moral grounds

Libertarian Minarchist on economic grounds


User ID: 124

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Being introverted is one of the things I'd gladly change about myself. That and disliking Broccoli (would make low carb diet way easier).

I don't think most introverts are very happy with it. It seems like a maladaptive trait for the modern world.

I suspect it is closer to something like left-handedness than it is to something like an accent that you can discard with a bit of practice.

You are extroverted, some people you know are more extroverted than you.

Those people you talk to that suck at maintaining conversations ... probably introverts.

I think your argument proves too much. It sounds like it could be used to disprove any internal assessments.

You sound like most extroverts I encounter. One of the most common aspects of extroverts is that they tend to not believe or accept that introverts exist.

Every introvert knows what they are and how they are different than extroverts. It takes them only the barest amount of observational skill.

There is a manifestation of physical discomfort in social situations. The closest comparison I can think of: imagine knowing that you stink from BO or poop, or your teeth are gross. Then further imagine you are stuck in close proximity to a person you are attracted to but barely know. I think most people's desire in this situation is an intense desire to leave and be unseen. You might even fear that other people are noticing or discussing your grossness. Nearby laughter can spike paranoia rather than joy.

That is what it can feel like when an introvert has overextended and stayed in a social situation past their leave time.

And when that is how nights tend to end even if you have fun for the first few hours it's not really something you look forward to. And eventually you either discover the magic of alcohol which I believe can switch people from introverts to extroverts, or you stop going to social events.

Opposite experience for me. Seems obvious who are extroverts and introverts around me. People who sit in the middle seem more rare than the ones that exist at the extremes of the spectrum.


Factorio expansion releases next Monday. Hell ya. I think I still have the posts saved from last time of people that are interested in a playthrough. If anyone else is interested let me know here. I'll set up a server for joint play. You can add me on steam: cjet799

I've been having fun in the discord.gg/1stmi playing starship troopers extermination. I'm a corporal, which usually just means I'm expected to step up into squad lead positions, and I'm capable of shadowing someone who is trying out for a squad lead position. Next step is getting a platoon lead certification and then I'll be in charge of running 16 person ops. But also in charge of more paperwork and making sure people behave in a discord chat.

I did encounter my first recalcitrant trooper this past week. They were uninterested in taking orders, or only followed about half of what I said. At the end of the match I pulled them aside and just had a quick chat "hey man, if you don't want to follow orders that's fine, but there isn't much point being in this group if that's the case" he gave a bit of an apology and said he was tired. He seemed better the next day.

I find that my anger is often very physiological. My heart rate is elevated, I'm pumping more adrenaline, by blood sugar is low from hunger, etc.

It helps me a lot to address the physical aspects of anger. Slow down my breathing to control my heart rate. Take a little walk like I'm warming down from exercise. Or just have a snack.

Even if it doesn't get at the underlying cause of my anger I'm at least a little better off at thinking logically and dealing with the problem.

I said it up above, but ill have to say it again. I don't believe aliens are actively visiting earth. I guess I'm just around alien enthusiasts often enough that I know many of their arguments.

I originally responded when someone was asking "why don't they have an explanation for X". I then answered ... they do have an explanation for it. If we are going to get into how good the explanation actually is then I just want to stop, because I don't really think they are good explanations. I'm just saying the explanations and the answers are there.

At some point it is closer to a creative writing exercise for them. Making the most elaborate explanation for the presence of aliens while fitting all the available data. Asking them more in depth questions is not a path towards convincing them, its a path towards more fun for them because it adds on an additional challenge to the mass creative writing exercise they are all involved in.

They offer quite a few reasons:

  1. If the Aliens are benevolent then nukes are the first time humans really have the chance to extinct ourselves.
  2. If the Aliens care about habitable worlds we could mess up one of their gardens.
  3. Nukes might be more noticeablr to casual observers.
  4. Maybe there are threshold technologies required for joining some galactic community, and nukes is a threshold.

Nukes are unique enough.

Monopolies do not always charge maximum price. If one person wants a product at $100 but 20 people want it at $10, its better to charge $10 (as long as marginal costs aren't eating that additional $100 in revenue). Of course, that means you need more customers at a lower price. And I think Elon starting up Starlink is a sign that he lacks customers. I'm not sure where that leaves us.

I meant instead of doing their normal reverse landings, but someone else answered, apparently its better for the engines, and a lighter payload overall.

Could someone explain why they are doing this?

I thought it was cynical too before I worked in a think tank. After working in one, and interacting with others in it. Their response is somewhere along the lines of "not cynical enough". Some of them don't even think of the first one as a point of think tanks. They just see think tanks purely as extractive entities from rich people that don't know what to do with their money.

What you describe is happening to some degree. I just think it is a minority of the resource spending and allocation. If it is more than 10% you have a rock solid institution. Average is closer to 1%. And bad ones are some negative percentage, in that they spend resources from their ideology only to actively hurt and confuse the cause they care about. PETA is an example of that.

I'd definitely include that in what I said above about "having a standing army" for a political ideology. Good elaboration on the point though.

I have a good computer.

There are a lot of minor bugs.

Some of them are even silly, like a problem where the melee weapon became affixed as a bayonet to all weapons, the Engineer class has a shovel melee weapon. The engineer whipping out their sidearm pistol has a shovel attached to the front that lengthens the weapon by about 80%.

There are major bugs. Matches being broken and kicking you out. Crashes to desktop in the middle of a match. Social settings being broken and making cross play difficult. Etc.

Overall I am having a lot of fun. And it doesn't feel like dribbles of fun that im constantly seeking out while being blue balled by bugs constantly. I can consistently get two hours of good experience for every game breaking type bug I encounter.

That kind of bug experience is just not acceptable for a lot of steam users. I don't really blame them for that opinion. Its just not my opinion.

You'd have to ask yourself how much you are bothered by problems in a game. If you feel you are easy going and might laugh off minor issues, and easily get past major issues then I'd say the game is great for you. If major bugs infuriate you, then definitely skip this game.

Why only visit certain countries?

Why only be in contact with certain governments?

Why only now and not earlier?

Was playing around with chatgpt. Got it to write an article about "Say goodbye to Say goodbye to [thing]"

I was crunching it into smaller sizes, and then getting it to be more insulting. It started adding ads between sections at one point. The ads were funny, I asked for more ads. It delivered:

“Tired of being tired? Try UltraSleep Pills – because apparently, eight hours just isn’t enough anymore.”

“Want to lose weight without trying? MiracleShred—because working out is hard, and this bottle promises to do it for you.”

“BrainBoost+ – Turn those foggy thoughts into slightly less foggy ones. Results may vary, but hey, you clicked, didn’t you?”

“Improve focus instantly with ConcentrationMax—for when reading past the first paragraph feels like climbing a mountain.”

“Feeling sluggish? InstantEnergy Gummies—because chugging coffee is so last year.”

“Procrastinator’s Fixer – A pill that probably won’t make you more productive, but it’s worth a shot, right?”

“No time for the gym? AbFlex 5000 – Get ripped while binge-watching Netflix. Science says it’s impossible, but the ad says otherwise!”

“Want to skip the effort and just look smart? Try InstantIQ Glasses—because it’s all about appearances anyway.”

“MiracleFocus Supplements – Stop forgetting why you walked into the room... most of the time.”

“PenultimatePenisPills – Say goodbye to disappointment with this one easy trick.”

I think you are espousing the normal take.

My main counter to that take is that they are just not effective. The good ones give the appearance of effectiveness because that is how you get more money and resources.

There is no need to get rid of them. Something can be negative, but the costs of dealing with it are far higher than just leaving it alone. I think that is the case with think tanks.

I think they are starting to suffer. but I doubt you are satisfied with how much suffering and how fast it is happening.

A bunch of people did not trust the results of a major election in 2020. I'd say that is largely a trust issue brought about by the fact that many important institutions are clearly captured.

State legislatures have started banning DEI at universities. Next step is for them to give up entirely and start just cutting funding to them.

Many social sciences have reputations in the gutter because they spent too many years ideology focused rather than rigor focused. Psych, Sociology, etc.

Climate science is not trusted.

News orgs are hated.

To be clear, I wouldn't wish them away if it was an option. Something can be negative but the overall correct solution is to just do nothing about it.

I think the inside view for a lot of these people paying the tax is that it feels about as "voluntary" as actual taxes. Many of them have a sense that their political opponents pose a credible threat and danger to them and theirs.

I think ideologically capturing professions is short term gain for long term cost. These institutions will cost off their reputation for a time, and then everyone will learn to discount their value as neutral organizations. And their funding sources will start drying up.

I believe it is a race to the bottom type of situation. If the other side has ideological Institutions then you need their own to counter them. Wokeness came from ideological universities, and a bunch of orgs had to pop up to defend against it.

My point about these organizations being bad is that the woke fight might not have happened at all. There was a lack of things for leftist organizations to gather on. So they invented one.

Ideological Institutions

The other day I was explaining my understanding of think tanks to a younger friend. They had a reaction of "no way!? Is that really how they work". This is the most common reaction, followed by "yeah of course that's how they work, why are you telling me this like I'm stupid?"

The purpose of ideological Institutions is two-fold:

  1. To be a standing army of sorts for a particular ideology. That way anytime a new issue comes up in political discourse there is a ready and willing group of people willing to advocate for the ideology. I'd sum this up as "political coordination".
  2. To extract funds and resources from wealthy people of a particular ideology. I'd sum this up as "a tax on political beliefs".

These may sound like they are at cross purposes, but they are not. A successful think tank does both very well.

Some of you here might have the immediate complaint somewhat along the lines:

Universities can also be ideological Institutions but they don't have their people paying a tax on their beliefs. But this isn't true on two dimensions:

  1. Tuition costs for parents and students. Some of the most clearly ideological small liberal arts colleges are private and very expensive.
  2. Ideologically captured departments within universities also impose a cost on their graduates: 4 years of their life and a useless degree.

I think the existence of these ideological Institutions has had an overall negative effect on American politics. Similar to news organizations they benefit from ongoing political conflict.

But they are also a necessary set of institutions for balancing out democracy. They act as a way for people who care and hold strong beliefs to feel like they have more of an impact on politics than their single vote would normally allow.

I like STE more, but that is going to be personal preference.

Helldivers is 4 people. Most of the STE matches are 16 (but they also have a single player campaign, and a 4 player game mode)

Lines of sight are much further in STE. Bug corpses can pile up.

what are good alternatives?

Starship Troopers Extermination came out of early access.

There is cross play with consoles.

A galactic war that everyone is a part of.

A new ice map.

It's been hella fun playing with a group of other players that have organized into a military structure.


I'm a corporal and usually I'm in charge of a squad.

There have been some growing pains and problems with the game, but from my experience in alpha I'm pretty confident they'll get ironed out.