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joined 2022 September 04 19:49:03 UTC

Anarcho Capitalist on moral grounds

Libertarian Minarchist on economic grounds

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User ID: 124



8 followers   follows 1 user   joined 2022 September 04 19:49:03 UTC


Anarcho Capitalist on moral grounds

Libertarian Minarchist on economic grounds


User ID: 124

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You are close to things and solving problems. Good on you. But maybe too close for perspective "rocky" launch won't be judged for a few more weeks. I've been busy with real life stuff, and this feels like the first time I've had the chance to sit down and actually use the new site. I got the registration error too, whatever, hickups happen. My impression is still excitement.

The site jannies always see the worst. Dont need to share it all with us all the time and make that negative perspective the default perspective.

Yeah, I thought you might be comparing it to video game launches. Definitely not the same. I've been doing web development my whole career. And everything has this very ephemeral feel. With a game someone is focused on it and they paid a decent amount of money for it work, and damnit they want it to work right now when they have time.

No one pays for web stuff, and its always a semi-background task for most people, and there are always so many valid reasons why the user's machine might be screwed up.

You end up with this weird situation where major websites might be down for a few hours at a time, impacting literally millions of users, and by the next week everyone has forgotten about it. (unless it happens every week, and then you start getting a reputation). Its almost more of a problem getting your users to care about problems. "Hey our web servers are gonna be shut off cuz x company believes in censoring views they don't like". Most users: 'huh? whatever, im sure you'll just find a new web server or something, doesn't amazon sell web servers, or like cloud things you can use?'

Anyone else feel like they are addicted to grand theories of everything? Anytime I get two minutes to myself to sit down and think I can't help but have my mind wander in the direction of psychohistorian style bullshit. Grand theories explaining the arc of history, of wokeness, or of financial booms and busts. Its all so enticing to me, but I'm pretty sure most of it is just a bullshit feeling that my mind spins up.

It is neat that you have kids that you feel you can share the video games with. I think I really wanted that with my kids, but it just strikes me as unlikely as they get older and I get a sense of their personalities. I've got two girls so far, and the oldest one is very girly and I could see her enjoying something like the sims. The younger one seems like a potential extrovert/tomboy so I don't think she will ever be very interested in non-social video games.

I've had the mosnter hunter games on my wishlist for a while, and I've never quite felt in the right mood to buy them. They sort of seem up my alley. I'd like to know what you think of them when you get around to it.

I think the woke theorists call it erasure.

Mod here:

Top level comments in this thread as supposed to have a higher level of effort and length. For this specific comment you could elaborate on the examples of censorship and link to news stories about the censorship. Look at some of the other top level comments in this thread for examples.

Ya, I offered to help during the website transition. I didn't want to see this community dry up, and the modding has always seemed like an important component of themotte.

No...? I'm not sure what gave you that impression. We don't forbid topics, but it's not "write anything you want any way you want". There are a bunch of rules at the top of the thread for a reason.

Just add more context going forward, I don't need the article now.

This is partly to avoid a race to the bottom. If someone wants to write a top level effort post we want to encourage that. However, if there are already a bunch of low effort top level comments burning people out on the discussion then it can ruin the motivation to write a longer effort post on the same topic.

This definitely creates a tradeoff, where sometimes topics might not get any discussion at all because no one wants to write a top level effort post about it. Zorba and others in charge thinks that tradeoff is ok.

It has worked for me in some contexts but my answer to the question has basically been "they don't want to work here, cuz they have better things to do". It worked in the context of hiring diverse candidates for a tech department at a medium size tech company.

We weren't gonna beat out FAANG companies in getting our pick of the best available candidates, and it would have been delusional to think we could.

Obviously doesn't solve the general societal argument but can alleviate some pressure at some work environments.

That is incredibly patronizing on her part. If you have any colleagues that are non-white or non-asian try to get her to say shit like that in front of them, and point out the patronizing nature of it.

"So wait, are you saying my (black) colleague Brett can't get as much done as me just because of his skin color?"

"But they need the opportunity to succeed first!"

"That is noble, but we can't train the entire country, we still have a job to get done. We can occasionally give an opportunity to a deserving candidate, but otherwise we need to hire candidates that can already do the job."

If this doesn't sound like a conversation you can have, then I'd personally be worried about a few things:

  1. If external hiring is intentionally skewed, how do you know internal promotion isn't also intentionally skewed? Are you getting screwed out of raises and promotions because of your skin color. If so, there is likely little way to directly find out.

  2. If your organization cannot hire competent talent then it will die a slow and eventual death. You are on a sinking ship if quality people can't be replaced. Even a slow rate of replacement can be a death sentence if you are in a competitive industry.

  3. If this lady is high up in the organization then the organization doesn't have its priorities straight. The priority should be about keeping the organization alive, not picking out who gets the best deck seats on the titanic. (if she isn't high up, then go above her head, and tell her manager that she is making it hard for you to find quality talent, and that she is being unhelpful in the hiring process. If they don't care then the problem still exists, but if they get her out of your way then some of these worries don't apply as much.)

It is often interesting reading your perspective, thanks for writing this up. I look back at my best themotte posts that gets QQ contributions and its often something involving my own perspective. It is truly the hardest thing to get a sense of, and to communicate to others.

I find it interesting hearing this, because I was just having a talk with one of my good friends a while back. His daughter was a teenager in highschool and they were arguing about some of the complexities of modern gender issues. He eventually asked her "how do you define a man?" She didn't have a response. But my friend and I (who have never been in the military) immediately thought to define a man as a singular entity that is often at odds with the world around them. Its not a great definition, but I found it odd that we both had such similar definitions. Our backgrounds are highly different, I grew up in Charlottesville Virginia, easily upper middle class, white, atheist, and soft as hell. He grew up in Compton in the 80's, barely lower middle class, black, part of a group he described as a Christian cult, and hard as nails.

What we did have in common was almost a decade of working in the corporate world and for private companies. You have to be kind of dense working at a corporate gig for so long and not realize that shit rolls down hill, and so does fire. But the trick is that you don't have to take it. The companies are mercenary, but so are the smart employees. There are suckers and naive ones that don't get it. But they either learn or burn out. My friend and I both knew these things. We saw the world as cruel and mercenary. It would not support you, it would not save you. You have to save yourself. You have to look out for yourself. At least you do in the corporate world.

When I see politicians being mercenary, ruthless, and not protecting the people they have downhill I feel totally unsurprised. It happens all the time in the corporate world. Why would they behave any differently? It is only when I have the sinking realization that I will always be downhill from them that the real horror sets in. In the military it sounds like you have an expectation of 'in it together'. In the corporate world I could always leave and escape. In US politics we get neither.

This comment and your other one:

Yes, how dare they be free to practice their dumb religion? This is America.

Are low quality.

I see you participating heavily in this discussion and some of your other comments are better contributions.

But there are some rule violations. Please try to support controversial arguments with evidence. Speak plainly and without sarcasm. Do not be antagonistic or inflammatory.

This is a low quality comment. Please do less of these.

Specifically it is very "boo outgroup" without supporting evidence. And you are not speaking very plainly.

Long effort comments are ok, and in fact encouraged. Next time go on the rant. Otherwise don't comment at all. We have rules of engagement here. Earnestly believing that you can break the rules of engagement is not an acceptable reason for breaking them.

This looks like an AI wrote it. If not, it is terribly incoherent. Gonna remove.

I feel like I don't care too much about the actor's races, as long as the actors are good. I've watched live plays where men play women and women play men. Or where one actor plays multiple characters. Idk, its all make believe and I have an easy time suspending my disbelief and filling in the gaps. I think the casting in hollywood is pretty competitive these days and its not hard to get good actors of any race.

Having said all that ... I still don't want to watch any of these shows. As others have said there is a whole marketing strategy with stoking these racial animosity stories, and I really don't want to support that sort of marketing strategy, and nor do I think its a good signal of quality. If the show is still considered huge and important in five years I'll start watching it then. Otherwise I'll just read a plot summary/spark notes at some point to understand any cultural references.

I don't know what they have officially said or not said about the actors being black. I just got a bunch of articles about how so and so actor was flooded with hate for their role in the rings of power. I don't want to waste any time researching what was said back and forth by the creators (unless this turns out to be a popular show 5 years from now). Condemning them without knowing what they said seems premature, so I'll mostly withhold judgement. All I've seen so far is the advertising campaign, and that is what I'm judging.

Status is such a nebulous thing that I worry about this a lot less than you.

Status doesn't have to be moneymaking, or having the best jobs. In fact, these are poor stand ins for the real status maker: what other people think of you. Being a well respected person among a group of well respected people is status, and you don't need a specific job or achievement to do that. Men can achieve status and reputation through social skills, sports achievements, comedy, etc.

I would like to actually read this vault of stories, or at least the summaries. Kinda wish it actually existed.

Definitely happens in one off scenarios. District 9 was originally gonna be a halo movie. The giant robot spider in wild wild west has an amusing story behind it of one of the director types being desperate for a giant spider in his next movie (it was originally gonna be a super hero movie I think). Kevin James tells the story on a panel at a con.

Twilight author is Mormon too.

I understand the anger, I feel a lot of it myself. But this is too boo-outgroupy and inflammatory for what is supposed to be a discussion group. This isn't a place to vent, it is a place to discuss, and you should speak as if everyone is reading/listening.

I am married now and don't really do the whole dating thing. But I am still on the lookout for new friends, and although friendship is lower stake, politics does seem to matter a little more with friends than it used to.

The underlying problem is that people seem to inhabit entirely different worlds nowadays depending on their politics. Your social media bubble and news diet can make your perception of the world completely different from that of your neighbors. The news stories you know about, the 'must watch' shows, the latest international incidents, etc. Its just hard to culturally connect with someone that has nothing in common with me. I am politically libertarian, and I was never gonna agree with their politics in the first place, but I have at least learned how to handle political disagreements in a friendly way. I don't know how to handle disagreements about reality itself.

The pandemic seemed to have made this far worse, with fewer people inhabiting a shared local reality, and instead inhabiting a shared political reality in the online space. But the pandemic also created a filter for shared local reality that I have been enjoying. All the people who aren't very worried about the pandemic tend to be the people out in the world interacting with each other. As long as I am someplace that is fully optional to be in (like a restaurant, and not like a school or grocery store) then I can safely assume I share at least some of my perception of reality with the people around me.

Could we pay Scott for an advertisement?

That is a good thought, and might double as free advertising even if he only gives us a token amount.