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User ID: 149

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My personal experience also matches this take.

I can enjoy media related to my favorite IPs that are objectively mediocre or even bad in various ways, as long as the IP itself is treated well by the media.

Have audiences become so fatigued by underdog stories that they will pay to see the Bad News Bears lose to the Yankees?

About a month ago, I re-watched Top Gun. One of the subplots in the movie is the pilots of the Top Gun program competing to be the best pilot. The protagonist, Maverick, was his commanding officer's second choice to be sent to the program. When he gets there we are introduced to Iceman, the clear favorite to win the prize. Maverick is the clear underdog here.

Maverick does not win, and in fact nearly drops out of the program altogether.

So, yeah, a good story is a good story, regardless of whether the underdog wins in the end.

What would happen to all the meat animals if we stopped eating them? I'm not a biologist, but I'm pretty sure prey animals (like pretty much everything humans eat) either get eaten by something, or overpopulate and regularly starve to death.

Like, do we release all the cows into the wild, and then import a lot of predators to keep them in check? I just don't think that's necessarily a better life than humane ranching. Is the idea that we just stop letting them breed until they go extinct (which doesn't seem cool to me, but some ethical systems do prioritize "lack of suffering" over "some suffering, but life").