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joined 2022 September 04 20:49:22 UTC
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User ID: 149



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User ID: 149

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Isn't conscription itself evidence that there is a fairly significant portion of people who don't want to fight?

The expectation that everyone cleans the dryer lint before using the dryer is one where someone else not doing it means nothing to you (just fluffier lint, I guess).

In my experience with dryers, fluffier lint is even easier to clean out, so I don't even care if other people aren't doing it.

I assumed it was some kind of reference that I just didn't get.

Those are neat videos. I then got recommended https://youtube.com/watch?v=4Nr1AgIfajI, which is from the same channel about an 18th century ship of the line.

I was able to understand most of how these vehicles worked thanks to these videos, but I definitely didn't realize before just how much had to be considered and engineered for these things to work as they did (do).

This reminds me of the video game localization done by Cygames (a Japanese company notable for mobile game Granblue Fantasy). In every localization that they've ever done, "Merry Christmas" becomes "Happy Holidays", and all references to the word "Christmas" get removed.

However, they generally don't dub their games, so you can read "Happy Holidays" in the text while hearing the voice actors say "Merry Christmas" in heavily accented English.

Well I suppose that's bad news for people who want to break the law when driving, for the rest of us though it's a good if such drivers are off the roads.

My new car will helpfully display what it thinks the current speed limit is.

Sometimes, that means that while I'm driving down the highway with a posted 65mph speed limit, it will start flashing "25 mph" on the dashboard.

I can't recall many of the "good" guys ever resorting to them, if at all.

I mean, in the last book there was the protagonist casually using the torture spell on someone for the crime of spitting on an old lady he liked.

I don't find race swapping to be necessarily bad, but it's often at the very least a red flag.

As for your Sir Orfeo example, I have much more respect for a full-scale consistent race/location/culture swap than inconsistent piecemeal swaps that seem as if to attempt a replacement of the source material.

"The Wiz" is fine. Disney's "The Princess and the Frog" is fine. Disney's "The Little Mermaid" remake is not fine, but it would have been if they called it something different and marketed it differently.

Except there is zero evidence aside from the memories. She's not decades older than she should be, she came back to Earth exactly the same age and exactly the same time that she left, wearing the same clothes that she entered Narnia wearing.

Basically the only evidence she might possibly have is her skill with a bow, I think? With a situation like that, I can see her accepting and internalizing the idea that Narnia is a made-up game she played with her siblings to help them cope with the war.

It's not baffling to me. If a 30yo dating a 20yo becomes taboo, it is essentially put in the same category as a 30yo dating someone even younger.

It's already there in some ways with the taboo on admitting attraction to literally anyone younger than 18. Both a person attracted to a 16yo and a person attracted to a 6yo are called pedophiles.