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joined 2022 September 05 00:54:43 UTC


User ID: 325



0 followers   follows 0 users   joined 2022 September 05 00:54:43 UTC


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User ID: 325

"Of course Ukraine was not going to fall, the writing was on the wall."

None of this was obvious.

Dunno. Maybe I was just biased and happend to get lucky against the odds, but I believed from the start that things were not going to go well for the Russians and put it in writing as early as March 2nd:

[M]y prior is a conversation I had a few years ago with friend, a young Ukranian woman, about her participation in Euromaidan. The kind of determination and bravery that she described, in the face of harrowing, quasi-military oppression, was utterly astonishing to me. It made me incredibly thankful for having lived my life so far in peaceful countries—and it also made me sure that YOU DO NOT WANT TO MESS WITH THE UKRAINIANS.

Evidently the Ukrainians' grit and resolve wasn't obvious to most until the fighting actually started. Were most westerners typical-minding things? After all, if the UK got invaded I can only imagine that most of us would be trying to flee or at least keep our heads down and not get killed. But that's not what I expected the Ukrainians to do, and they didn't.

For some reason I only have downvote buttons, for both posts and comments. Is this a bug or did I do something wrong? I note that I saw only downvote arrows while not logged in, and logging in did not fix it. (I have tried force-reloading the page, opening a new tab, etc.)

Or maybe we are going to have only non-positive scores going forward? That seems… a bit negative to me. ;-)

Thanks for introducing me to a whole bunch of things I'd not previously been aware of. I hope your won't mind a small correction: if I have understood Wikipedia correctly, it was Cash's private mansion that burned down, while the House of Cash was turned into offices and a cafe.