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joined 2022 September 05 00:54:43 UTC


User ID: 325



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User ID: 325

To me the most plausible claim you make is that all is all internal feedback would have been deflected. (I'd also give you the claim that all would have been forgotten after the PM got a promotion, except that unfortunately for then the promo cycle is a lot slower than the media cycle...)

I'm under the impression that parental (or in loco parents) supervision of children has been more or less steadily increasing since at least the 1930s, hence why kids are driven everywhere, parents get arrested for letting their teenage kids play in the park I'm unsupervised and "free range parenting" hads emerged as an effort to counter this insanity.

At what point do you think supervision decreased?

Ahh, I'd read only the article about the court cases. The article about Schmeister does read rather more like a hagiography.

It is interesting to realise that I have higher expectations for internal consistency if Wikipedia articles than I do for inter-article consistency.

Could you be more specific about what what exactly is claimed by A–D?

Wow I keep forgetting how extortionate US phone plans are. Here in the UK £8/month will get you a perfectly good SIM-only plan with 10+ GB of data, and unlimited data starts at £15/month.

Is it standard, though? I've never presented any ID to court in any Canadian or UK election—and I have voted in many. I understand that the UK will now be requiring ID in future elections, but this is a novel development that the current government seems to have cribbed (like many of their more dubious electoral engineering projects) from the US Republicans.

Nominally, yes. But would they care about his open rejection of feminist ideology so much if he were stronger? In my observation the answer is usually either "yes, but not nearly so much" or "possibly, but they'd keep their opinions to themselves, at least around him", which amounts to the same thing from his point of view.

Attractive people (of both sexes) just get cut a lot more slack for their opinions and treatment of others.

Why would any government subsidize the creation of a colony with no expectation of ultimately realising the profits?

Can you elaborate about how some make folding impossible? Are you speaking only about the difficulty of avoiding taxation, or do you posit other ways that opting out, MGTOW-style, is insufficient/impossible?

(As to taxation: I can see some might the on average unequal contributions/disbursements for men and women a source of resentment, but I hardly think this is universal amongst unsuccessful men—consider that at least some are socialist—while plenty of successful men object to taxation on grounds unrelated to the disparate impact between men and women.)

For me the upvote/downvote mechanism did a lot better job of surfacing the most interesting things to read (posts and comments) that previous systems like Slashdot's moderation system.

Corporations benefitting at the expense of the public purse is not exactly a new idea. Indeed, it is one of the more compelling arguments against unfettered capitalism.

I would absolutely expect that corporations would like more cheap labour that is ultimately subsidised by taxpayers, especially in places where corporations are not themselves especially highly taxed. It's the same principle as Walmart workers on food stamps, writ large.

The likelihood that the general public would not buy the economic arguments in favour of immigration if they were more familiar with the numbers (at least in Denmark) may explain why those numbers do not seem to be particularly well reported.

I'm interested in knowing more about this. Growing up fairly poor it seemed like hand tools were ubiquitous but power tools were reserved for professionals and maybe rich hobbyists. I guess like horses and automobiles the ever-cheaper tech has reversed this dynamic?

Where do hand tool woodworking hobbyists congregate? Is Fine Woodworking magazine still relevant, or does it have too many power tools?