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User ID: 190



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User ID: 190

unpaywalled: https://archive.ph/Z4uxN

The stakes here are renaming a few species with weird names, so ... seems unimportant tbh. Taxonomic names are regularly changed, often because species weren't related in the manner previously thought, so it wouldn't be that disruptive to do a few more. Obviously the motivation for doing so is very dumb, it accomplishes nothing and creates needless work, but it won't be destroying taxonomy or anything.

I intended the "in the 'they usually grow out group'" to be the focus there - i.e. how do you know that both are "things they usually grow out of"? 'sociogenic' is not a useful category either, IMO - 'epidemeologically', iron forging, belief in general relativity, self-identification of homosexuality, and "eating potatoes" are all epidemiologically sociogenic, in the sense that they're all behaviors that spread from person to person. It doesn't tell us anything useful about the behavior, almost all good human behaviors are partially learned, as are almost all bad ones.

Not relying on academia

I agree entirely. My only disagreement is that - even if the surveys weren't ideologically captured, they'd still be very unreliable.

If a statement is true, but is boo outgroupy, you can make it not boo outgroup by just fleshing it out more and explaining why it's true. If you make novel or compelling, or even just interesting, points that are 'boo outgroup', the mods will probably allow it (see: kulak's regular genocidposts), but the OP was meh

Left-wing of course is an organizational structure where low performers pledge their loyalty to managers in exchange for loot

Did jesus give anyone loot? What about philanthropy? Left-wingers really do care about the poor minorities (not that they should), and really do want to free them from pain, complexity, oppression. This isn't just 'pledging loyalty for loot' exactly

You definitely have, see the mau chart.

The US depends much more on those with 3-4 or higher standard deviation higher IQ than it does having a mass of 100IQ people. The latter already just believe what smarter people come up with and work in jobs, entertain themselves, in ways said smarter people come up with. Whereas the latter ... physics, philosophy, finance, law, math, engineering, etc.

So if you're worried about tens of millions of lower IQ people added to the nation, why not worry about the hundreds of millions of similarly lower IQ people already here? There are still 15% of the population below a standard deviation anyway.

Maybe islamic terrorism only works because those with power's willingness to violently suppress it varies? The US could have conquered afghanistan, or any other ME country, like an old-school colony, if such was desired.

And islamic terrorism is often explicitly state-sponsored, and isn't a useful way to "change the culture" on its own. Islamic terrorism hasn't made the west meaningfully less progressive in a coercive way.

but where the male parties in such relationships have more simultaneous female partners

Is this true in any large-scale sense, as opposed to among some small subpopulation?

Still, this trend obviously creates a problem in the longer run, because our society is still largely built around social monogamy

Our society isn't really built around social monogamy in any sense outside raising children - women can own property, hold jobs on their own, etc, and usually do. Ofc, raising children is important, but on a long enough timescale for that to reduce the fertility rate significantly, AI and other technology accelerating will create much more pressing issues

Looking to the future, a significant proportion of young men may simply fail to find a romantic life partner unless they can distinguish themselves in some way

Even given that 'few men get many women' later applies to casual dating for most people - if the often claimed "they settle down with the beta" afterwards happens, they still get a partner.

It's very plausible, EA does a lot of policy stuff, and that can mean writing the text of bills / regulations

Here's an example of how 8/mo verified accounts won't stop spam replies to people like Musk: https://twitter.com/ArmisteadMaupin/status/1589022522175111170 this is currently the top reply to a 6h old elon musk tweet. It's a sexy girl spam link (link to archive, nsfw), and is posted by a hacked verified account. Note that this is an account that was verified before musk's takeover (can they just pay someone to watch elon and vitalik's tweets?). Verified accounts currently appear to sell for $1.5k on some website I didn't look too hard at. So ... in that sense, $8 is clearly a win for spammers! (the scammer probably pays less than the $1.5k upfront per account, if they even do at all vs hacking, so who knows how hard it is to actually get an account ofc).

There's a reason some of the most moving parts of the bible are jesus's suffering and death and resurrection, not jesus smiling, kumbaya, and doing a happy PR piece about mental health. The passionate and tortured struggle is moving! Someone you're not a fan of doing a forceful protest may be unpleasant, but someone you support shouting for justice, they're upset because they care that much, because the republicans are taking away the bright futures of black children, is more moving than smiling for justice. (not saying anything about the correctness of said causes, this 'struggle' isn't that much of one). (not to give the idea there's some simple dichotomy here - both 'passionate struggle against oppression' and 'happy PR speak' are just a few of many different affects / approaches, and they aren't necessarily wholes, and you can take some parts of one without other parts, you can have a struggle against something that isn't oppression that's also moving, etc)

That doesn't mean they aren't mental illnesses in general which we need to treat with a deterrence treatment

Sure, but why, in the case of trans? Alcoholism sucks, liver disease, it makes you dumb and act stupidly, etc. "There are plenty of well-adjusted trans people living happy lives" is intended to be an argument that most trans people could be 'well adjusted andhappy' (what does that mean, exactly) and there's no point in 'deterrence'.

@ last paragraph, 'intelligence' is just whatever causes intelligence, and if that trait makes people - in practice, in the complexities of society and technical work - smarter, then it is 'part of' intelligence too, because it really does lead to that person being smarter in the specific area

Alt right originally just meant the same thing that MAGA does now. It was conservatives who didn't identify with the likes of Mitt Romney or the Bushes

what? This isn't true at all.

from wikipedia

In 2010, the American white nationalist Richard B. Spencer launched The Alternative Right webzine. His "alternative right" was influenced by earlier forms of American white nationalism, as well as paleoconservatism, the Dark Enlightenment, and the Nouvelle Droite

from alternativeright.com (sorted by earliest first, i.e. from field)

The URLs say enough already - "julius-evola-radical-traditionalism", "hbd-human-biodiversity/liberals-face-reality", "left-right/the-failure-of-conservatism", "authors/steve-sailer",

As for Meshkout, it was rather typical, given his established fixations for returning to certain topics every few months with the same refrain regardless of prior engagement

Unrelated comment: I don't think it makes sense to describe a "communication fixation" as "internally wired" when, well, the topic of said communication is always 'the external world' and the mechanisms underlying all communications and ideas are, you'd think, biologically, internal. It seems to be trying to convey something like 'he has a neurosis where he says X over and over and the neurosis is internal' - but doing the correct thing where you say Y instead would ... also be an internal property, so the internal vs external dichotomy doesn't seem to help.

I have no idea what that has to do with meskhout though.

Also, in the absence of porn people will just jerk off to non-porn naked women, and then almost-naked women, and then mostly-clothed women. (in current modern conditions, upon which that depends very finely. no idea if hunter gatherers masturbate or how often, etc). Or they'd just torrent it. A better argument would probably be directly against masturbation as opposed to for banning it.

Due to the nature of human habit and memory, obtaining satisfaction from a woman promotes and orients a man’s sexuality toward women, and not oneself

Why isn't this also true of masturbation? It orients one towards women because it's images of them!

"The west", "Asia", and "India" are large areas with complex culture that are internally similar in many ways. So you'd expect china/japan/SK to have similar birth rates, and to be similarly feminist - but there are many other potential causes, as there are many other shared attributes. So just picking two ways in which the areas are internally similar and externally different doesn't prove much - maybe it's skin color? maybe it's "collectivism/individualism", maybe it's the legacy of communism, maybe it's that "paradoxically, countries that industrialize late feel the effects of modernity more rapidly". none of those are really plausible but - maybe it's japan/china/SK's work culture? dunno.

As for why SK/japan are so low - are there any in depth articles exploring why, from the details of the lives of people who live there? The similar-person who would get married, or have a few kids out of wedlock in the US - what do they do in japan instead? Large-scale "data-driven" articles about it are numerous but fail in a similar way to the above.

Why does alcohol 'reveal desires' but other drugs not though? I don't think neuroscience is developed enough to conclude that "alcohol reveals desires" mechanistically.

they aren't mental illnesses

Which is my point, the "sociogenic" part plays no role in a judgement that trans is bad or should be discouraged. Claiming it is a "mental illness" is what that relies on, which is honestly an uninformative term itself - "doing X" is only a mental illness if X is bad, and you still need to determine that.

On your second point, I got halfway through a literature review before being distracted and losing progress, but there wasn't really convincing evidence the desistance rate was 80% - it just seemed all over the place.

A combination of bad UX decisions in the browser, OS, and website ate the comment I was drafting, so 5x more briefly - what do the climate change protest stunts actually accomplish? Governments, unrelated companies, and all sorts of startups are working on climate change. It's been a very important topic in the 'mainstream' for decades. Obviously - the climate protestors believe hundreds of millions will die if things continue as they are, and the capitalists are just pretending to solve it, doing too little too late to pacify and get money while not threatening their core business of destroying nature, etc. But more attention on climate change itself, as a topic, isn't gonna help much - everyone's heard of it, most people think it's bad. The obvious point against that is the george floyd protests or generally anti-racism protests recently - clearly everyone knows about racism, maybe they didn't "accomplish much" in a 'material conditions for black people' sense, but they succeeded on their own terms and were massive. But is there some societal opportunity like that for these climate protestors to latch onto today, and effect change or grow more? I'm not seeing it. What large government initiative or private enterprise will happen but wouldn't if 50 roads weren't blocked and 10 paintings weren't glued? Protests certainly can and sometimes do cause large changes, but here?

It'd be interesting to read a piece about what the inside of one of these groups looks like in the current_year, or even better a close look at their members' social media. I did a really basic search for 3min, there seem to be a bunch of different groups, one had a subreddit that isn't super active, something like r/collapse is only vaguely related but more active.

Elaborate? Am I not in such a position because [i am a right winger and don't understand left wingers] / [i am a left winger and am therefore biased] / [other]?

And the argument "The CIA/NSA are malicious and spying on everyone" are often expounded by sane people, but "The CIA/NSA put a camera in my bagel" isn't, and "death con 3" seems more the latter than kevin macdonald or ron unz

Would it, though? Let's say the new people are, on average, 94 IQ. Are the existing 100IQ voters really competently evaluating political philosophies and candidates, or are they mostly just led by politicians and media on either side? If 150M 95Iq people were airdropped into the US right now, or the next generation was significantly dumber ... it would suck, but society wouldn't collapse. You just can't have a 95IQ person write a compiler, no matter how much affirmative action wants it.

Or - a bunch of 94IQ people wouldn't destroy society, because the existing 94IQ people and existing 100IQ people don't. And both are, relative to having much more intelligent and smart and passionate etc people, worse for 'the nation' or 'the people' or anything.

But they said all mandates would be lifted, and the US still has a mandate for healthcare workers to be vaccinated against covid.

Isn't that to be expected, though, don't they have the same for the flu?

The Pentagon also has a vaccine mandate

But the military has had vaccine mandates for a variety of vaccines for centuries?

In general, if something mandates a flu vaccine, mandating a covid vaccine too is expected. So that'd also explain colleges.

Anyway, his mistake was taking a bet saying 'all mandates' (what criteria) when he meant 'most mandates', there are many cities / states / countries / institutions, and many of them have very slow bureaucracies or processes, so even if all of them intended in some sense to repeal something, one might stick around for a while.

What are your thoughts on contingent-racism: judging people exclusively on their individual capability (obviously this isn't really what nazis or even republicans are doing), and then ending up with a class / friend group / group of employees that's smething vaguely like 33% jewish, 33% asian, 20% white and 20% indian/middle eastern (0% black/hispanic)? Is this racism? Would it be racism to say this has something to do with genes? Because "no discrimination based on skin color in hiring, promotion, etc" would do that (and already has to significant extents) in those places.

Have they made the definition of 'progressive' weirdly tolerant of Islamic norms that blatantly should be considered anti-progressive

This isn't because of terrorism though. It's just a standard progressive thing. Poor minority: must help, they do good things, yay! Irish nationalism good, zimbabwe nationalism good. See the same thing for indigenous people, who aren't doing any terrorism that isn't very progressive! Suicide bombings don't aid that.