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User ID: 190



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User ID: 190

but where the male parties in such relationships have more simultaneous female partners

Is this true in any large-scale sense, as opposed to among some small subpopulation?

Still, this trend obviously creates a problem in the longer run, because our society is still largely built around social monogamy

Our society isn't really built around social monogamy in any sense outside raising children - women can own property, hold jobs on their own, etc, and usually do. Ofc, raising children is important, but on a long enough timescale for that to reduce the fertility rate significantly, AI and other technology accelerating will create much more pressing issues

Looking to the future, a significant proportion of young men may simply fail to find a romantic life partner unless they can distinguish themselves in some way

Even given that 'few men get many women' later applies to casual dating for most people - if the often claimed "they settle down with the beta" afterwards happens, they still get a partner.

But it "proves too much" - if cloudflare was entirely anti-kiwifarms, they would've folded in 2017, surely?

The progressive leviathan will continue to crush, oppress, and destroy, and there is nothing anyone can do to change it from the inside

there are literally multiple different people in cloudflare. Prince is the CEO and as such probably makes decisions, but he does so for reasons, needs to make his people happy, investors, customers, etc.

You know what won't stop Keffals? Fedposting bomb threats. You know what would stop Keffals? Actually doing it. You know what won't sway Prince? Apologizing, groveling, sniveling, accommodating. You know what would? Imposing costs on him as a person.

Actually killing keffals would ... uh ... not help stop progressives? It'd give them way more reason to fight back, while not materially impacting them at all (he's a random trans streamer popular on twitter). You'd argue that the way to stop christians was showing jesus's body really obviously on the cross, making it crystal clear his hands were bleeding, just in case any peasants missed it. Tell the world about john brown, so they learn from his example!

Sucking off your betters so that they can enjoy the sadistic thrill of watching you squirm unhappily might buying a mypillowbuy you some time, but it will never actually lead to a good outcome for you. Just bite it.

Okay, so you're kicked, then you bite. And what happens to dogs that bite? They get put down. This is the strategy - "this dog is dangerous. he bites when we kick him". Provoke the right, use their fighting back as an excuse to totally destroy them. Biting doesn't stop the progressives. Actually taking power would - killing keffals takes as much power away from progressives as calling them 'racist' does

If you commanded the US military and they took control of every central corporate office, every think tank, every executive agency, the internet, resisting law enforcement, significant courts, et cetera - either by killing or imprisonment (or just lustration) - then, yes, you win.

If you kill keffals, you don't win. It doesn't do anything, besides getting people mad. Keffals is a twitch streamer who posts about being trans on twitter.

No amount of political or social influence can stop the sheer mind-numbing fear of death that comes from a devoted and violent enemy

yeah, and the same applies to the right, except worse because the progs control the state or whatever, so they just use the entire power of the state as the justified violent enemy to suppress the right. Guerilla movements only work because there isn't will to violently suppress them. And if rightoids start suicide bombing innocent trans people, there will be will to suppress them!

right, and if you manage to convince the US military to do a right-wing coup (not possible itself), it'd be fine. but the point is - you suicide bomb, the state imprisons you and your friends, you don't get special treatment like hitler did or the communists did because nobody in the state wants to protect you, you lose. Nothing is accomplished - being gay was illegal 100 years ago and they still fought for it, a few terrorist threats aren't quite enough to win here. what's the point?

Eventually I developed the ability to relax muscles at will even if they were tense from stress

Isn't this just a thing one can do with muscles, like moving them?

most importantly yoga

Yoga is physical activity though, this doesn't distinguish between "more physical activity / stronger core / better integrated muscles / stretching muscles" helping the pain and it being mental

Claims that it works, from patrick collison's twitter - the "sarno method", fixing chronic pain just by intent, he claims it worked for 4/4 people he knows and many agree in the comments. Maybe ... the whole "people tense muscles when stressed for a long time, relaxing them fixes pain" is a component - the "stress = tense muscles" thing is certainly true in some sense, but the woo/therapy interpretations aren't quite right imo. And most woo-seeming things that work don't work for the reasons people think they do, and come with meaningless pacifying therapywoo! It just coming down to relaxing the muscles is plausible, but probably not the whole story, idk.

Maybe islamic terrorism only works because those with power's willingness to violently suppress it varies? The US could have conquered afghanistan, or any other ME country, like an old-school colony, if such was desired.

And islamic terrorism is often explicitly state-sponsored, and isn't a useful way to "change the culture" on its own. Islamic terrorism hasn't made the west meaningfully less progressive in a coercive way.

Have they made the definition of 'progressive' weirdly tolerant of Islamic norms that blatantly should be considered anti-progressive

This isn't because of terrorism though. It's just a standard progressive thing. Poor minority: must help, they do good things, yay! Irish nationalism good, zimbabwe nationalism good. See the same thing for indigenous people, who aren't doing any terrorism that isn't very progressive! Suicide bombings don't aid that.

And most woo-seeming things that work don't work for the reasons people think they do

Therapy/psychonalysis where you "get rid of negative thought patterns / childhood trauma / latent oedipal desire / condition your lizard mind / remove tensions between different sub-parts of your mind", but the practical outcome is just "the therapist becoming your friend / socially pressuring you to do the thing", with the explanation mostly serving as a distracting trick (although one all parties sincerely believe!). Meditation on chakras, even though the physical location of the chakra is basically random and it'd work if the chakra was just a vague concept instead of having a location. Spiritual claims about specific yoga poses. "The secret", the whole "visualize a thing and it'll come", when "visualize it" is either a "if you look for something you'll see it" trick or a way to get people to try just a little bit to actually accomplish it. These are all very different things, and are only all 'woo' in a broad sense, but there's a similarity!

But muslims are ... definitely not the minorities progressives appease the most. Trans, women, etc get more surely.

People grow and learn important skills from relationships

... doesn't arranged marriage / getting married quickly for children have this same problem? The main issue is still that 'poly / few men many women' isn't an accurate representation of dating for most of the population, and won't be in the future, at a guess.

Eh ... there are a lot of 'grand theories' that aren't grand in retrospect. Like - wow, everything is on a computer today! Proposing that in 1900 would've certainly been "grand", yet it happened. And narrow theories can also be very wrong too!

It ends up declaring - "ambitious theories are wrong". Which is often true, but ambitious theories are also useful if correct, so you shouldn't give up trying them

For forecasting - well, isn't "forecasting is a useful methodology in general" a grand theory? I think what Tetlock's seeing is -

I guess there's also a bit of "if you aren't being serious, it's incredibly easy to make a fake grand theory by just claiming things at random" - but unserious narrow theories aren't better than unserious grand theories. That might be what's causing the thing - historians do narrow work on the travel time of mail carriers in Derbyshire in 1750, some blogger declares all the world's problems are because of rent control. but the blogger isn't going to be more correct if he declares something about mail carriers in derbyshire.

"The west", "Asia", and "India" are large areas with complex culture that are internally similar in many ways. So you'd expect china/japan/SK to have similar birth rates, and to be similarly feminist - but there are many other potential causes, as there are many other shared attributes. So just picking two ways in which the areas are internally similar and externally different doesn't prove much - maybe it's skin color? maybe it's "collectivism/individualism", maybe it's the legacy of communism, maybe it's that "paradoxically, countries that industrialize late feel the effects of modernity more rapidly". none of those are really plausible but - maybe it's japan/china/SK's work culture? dunno.

As for why SK/japan are so low - are there any in depth articles exploring why, from the details of the lives of people who live there? The similar-person who would get married, or have a few kids out of wedlock in the US - what do they do in japan instead? Large-scale "data-driven" articles about it are numerous but fail in a similar way to the above.

MV3 doesn't ban adblockers - it restricts them more, but they will still work, and the MV3 APIs have been adjusted a few times to make some adblocking use cases easier (idk if that was by intent or a coincidence)

First four lines: as said in OP, "none of those are really plausible", I agree.

I think the more plausible explanation is work culture, tbh - but, idk, it'd probably be illuminating to have someone who lives/d in sk/japan/china write about it, which presumably is on the internet somewhere, maybe on reddit or substack. Within the US, we see the opposite - more traditional cultures have higher fertility rates - even in very small senses like Rs having higher than Ds or christians having higher than muslims, mormons have significantly higher birth rates, haredi jews and amish have much higher birth rates, so it seems unlikely as a large-scale explanation.

Yeah, agree with that - but just in a practical sense - whatever there is good about having two children, you get twice that for four - more human experience! Plus, an increased chance of getting a good genetic diceroll.

Kiwifarms, again

From the telegram, kiwifarms is back up at kiwifarms.top - in addition to the onion address. Their new IP seems to be from orcatech/vanwatech, who host 8kun - 8kun had trouble during the jan 6th hearings.

In a featured post, Josh is locking the threads of keffals and associates, and asking people to leave them alone for the moment. User responses range from "well, that sucks" to "yes, sir" to "probably the best move at the moment". Probably partially cope, but none of them want the farms to go down every two days.

Yesterday a discussion about this pitted "blocking some keffals posts strategically" vs "that's giving into the leviathan, never flinch, it's what they want". Ignoring the political violence detour, josh's probably making the right choice - and probably should've done something like it days ago. I'd still prefer lighter (very strict wordfilter? banning doxxing/anything implying violence or doxxing but allowing any other posts?) restrictions a week ago to banning the thread outright a week ago ... but if that wouldn't have worked, temporarily lock the thread outright might've saved the rest of the site.

this is exactly what moldbug's terrorism as folk activism or breivik was about. The left can kill and smash as much as they want because they're left wing, and because SOME in power supported them. If you shoot keffals, nobody's gonna support you. No NLG will break you out. No politicians will pardon you. You'll just be all over the internet as christchurch 2, shooting a bunch of fweaking innocent people for no reason, evil right wingers are a threat to society.

Ehhhhhhh. Political violence has a long history in the US of being used by both the victors and losers. The Wide Awakes, unions, race riots, etc.

They already do lock some dox info until you register an account to make isp/cdn takedown based on the doxxes harder, that's about it

It's very difficult to create a rule "allow mild use of steroids, but don't allow more extreme use of steroids

This is true if "rule" means "lightly enforced law, for the general population". However, the navy could very easily (technically, idk about politically) run a "properly used steroid" program themselves, provide the drugs, ensure they're administered very safely, and still test for use of other drugs. If done well, this might reduce steroid use in general. (good idea? dunno. just a point about the power of a sovereign).

While this is true, saying "americans" suggests other modern countries are less so. China/asian countries do similar, although sometimes using different interventions. I'd guess europe is similar to america, although with less spending.

that person, and the conservative anti-woke people in general, manage to be significantly more misleading and less useful than even CNN.

There's some people who would "go for substack" if they could. Yarvin, bari weiss, whatever. But they can't. Substack is a large venture-backed company with connections, as opposed to a nazi with a box in a datacenter somewhere, making pressuring people to drop them much, much, much harder even given similar offenses. Substack hosts at worst people 'questioning the trans/covid narratives' and, for some reason, yarvin's coup-posts, although nobody seems to care about those. There aren't any doxxings, no harassment, no swatting, no suicides, not even close. So ... how would they come for substack?

The only significant forces that would stop them from doing that are forces that would stop them from having a steroid program at all.

... huh? This is like saying that hospitals can't use fentanyl as an anaesthetic sometimes, because the only thing stopping them from doing that are what's stopping them from selling fentanyl on the street. And yet ... they do the former, and not the latter. Or ... the only thing stopping the military from conquering the US and starting a new regime are that they don't really want to (and a lot more about connections, power, socialization, etc, but w/e). And that's the same thing stopping them from doing anything else. Yet they can revise their regulations without risking a coup.

If they can run a "properly used steroid" program, they could also run a "dangerously used steroid" program (while still calling it "properly used", of course).

The navy could do many different things they don't do. They could simply choose to run a good program and not a bad one, like they do with every other thing they do.

The mechanism the navy would use would be their ... organizational structure, discipline, hierarchy, higher-ups ordering lower-levels around. The same way they prevent crime, the same way they organize training, the same way they deploy people. If that was used to give people steroids in a performance-enhancing yet restrained physically nondamaging way - why isn't that possible?

Like, they wouldn't allow using steroids you purchase yourself any more than they do now, that'd still be tested for and not allowed. But there'd be a navy doctor that puts you on a navy steroid program, monitors your dose and progress and health, etc.