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User ID: 640



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User ID: 640

Before we call it incoherent, we should also ask how much of that is a reflection of the comic books. It's not something unique to the MCU, Wakanda is an existing nation in the comics they're pulling from. And if you're telling a story with the emphasis on narrative and themes, it can be forgivable to not have a coherent world.

Eyeballing it, it looks like it went from 14/100k to 18/100k. 30%, yes, but doesn't seem that big overall.

No, not so. You'd have to entice people to come back in the first place, and then engage in what we might call outright-draconian moderation to ensure that tactics that are harmful to the discussion, but do not qualify as normal censorship, are also banned.

And that's assuming communities don't just decide to take on that censorship themselves. I have yet to see anyone believe that all communities everywhere should not engage in censorship.

I'd like proof of this.

Why would it? I don't want them to pretend, I want them to actually care!

It's one thing if they started caring but then fell into a state of apathy. It's quite another to either not care or just lie about caring.

For that matter, would it satisfy you? Are you okay with ignoring a smaller issue just because it wasn't framed the right way, according to you?

That isn't the theme they're going for, though. The entire conflict is centered on the American question of whether Foundational black Americans should try reform vs. violent resistance against the white people in power. It's about transcending class boundaries to create a pan-black community that helps itself.

To that end, yes, it involves American characters, in particular as it makes the villain more understandable. I won't say they're exceptional writers/directors or whatever, but they at least understand that the more Americans they insert, the more relatable it gets to the audience.

I'm not familiar with the details. What have Keffals and her allies done to Jesse Singal that would qualify as trying to "hunt you down, dox you, petition your boss to fire you and try to get your kids expelled from their school"? At most, I can imagine 1, maybe 2 possible confirmations of your list.

The problem is that DnD has not accepted the modern progressive line on race - that it's completely arbitrary and has no impact or meaning in any way that might possibly be contorted into looking like something in the real world.

Kimchi said he was disappointed to see the word ‘race’ used, especially since it’s something that a lot of people have complained about and sought to remedy. “It seemed like the most basic change they could have done so that everyone could move on, but they didn’t go that far,” he said, describing the shift from ‘race’ to ‘species’ as “low-hanging fruit.”

And even if WotC did change from the word race to the word species, Isa said, that would still be a problem, “because there would still be a lot of racial coding.”

The people pushing for this change are not inherently wrong. Changing the term "race" to "species" would probably fit better with modern usage of those terms. But their goal is not to see DnD modernize its vocabulary, it's to effectively see their own beliefs reflected in the media they consume.

I happen to overall disagree with this assessment, though I can certainly understand how the world might be better if Issac Newton had given up on Biblical numerology and instead focused even more on math and physics.

This seems contradictory. On what grounds do you disagree with the assessment of your atheist acquaintances?

Even politically, I think much of the vitriol and energy is about how evil the opposing tribe is rather than any sense that one's own tribe has a chance of making things good.

...defeating evil is not considered good?

Martha’s Vineyard is one of the wealthier places in the US, why would you think they would be less capable of dealing with illegals than a small border town?

Why would wealth be the only indicator of a place's ability to deal with illegals? A small border town might already have a setup to deal with these people whereas MV might not. In such a situation, the border town could indeed be more capable.

All in all, I care about the citizens whose quality of life is significantly worsened from illegals, not the illegals who had a momentary blip on their desired trip to MA and got to spend some time in beautiful MV.

Meaning you care about the people who have to deal with this in MV?

They are not our countrymen by definition. YOU should treat our countrymen better instead of literal illegal border-invaders over your own fellow citizen.

Would you direct your advice towards DeSantis as well? MV's people are his countrymen as well.

So where's the evidence of them screaming? NPR reports that they're working on helping those immigrants, but they didn't have the items or capacity on hand.

"Everything from beds to food to clothing to toothbrushes, toothpaste, blankets, sheets — I mean, we had some of it ... but we did not have the numbers that we needed," said Lisa Belcastro, who runs the island's homeless shelter

For that matter, where's the virtue signaling? What proof is there that MV is supportive of illegal immigrants?

who are so eager to prove their impeccable credentials that they put up posters about welcoming immigrants

What's your source?

Thanks for the links. You're certainly correct that Martha's Vineyard appears to have pledged itself to not obeying federal immigration laws. I don't like this kind of political action, but I can't deny that MV wasn't walking the walk.

I don't follow. Both tribes will say both of those things.

Hold on just a second. Why are employers who break the law by hiring an illegal immigrant not immoral in the first place? Why do they get a pass when they refuse to do their part and verify that their employees are authorized to work?

An absolute refusal to ever "validate" the opposing side by granting them anything. You see this in how progressives rage at saying the right thing at the wrong moment (e.g. David Shor being fired for citing research that showed riots were bad for Democrats) and their constant demands to "read the room" So, if your opponents are right, just never answer the question or you will be "validating" their position

Yup, rhetorical tactics 101.

Most importantly (for us) It's a gambit of false humility; by stating that they're not qualified to define "woman" they're also implicitly saying that their opponents are not qualified to do so either.

I don't think that's the implicit point. I think it genuinely just cuts to the point about "only credentialed experts can define these things". It does follow from the broader "trust science" rhetoric we hear.

'Red' areas, in general, tend to be much more diverse ,especially economically, and culturally , and even racially

I would like proof of that diversity trend.

Bullshit. The people who aren't US citizens have some inherent moral worth, even if it isn't as high as a citizen's.

What a trivial response. Yes, we all understand that you speak from your perspective. I'm asserting that you are wrong. Or do you claim that your perspective is just that, unfounded and unsupported? Something that has about as much relevance to it as a discussion about one's favorite color?

The reason rape is worse than murder is because a women's value in society is her body.

Why the link to TvTropes? In fiction, there's a much clearer reason why rape is considered worse than murder - the readers are, unconsciously or not, prudish in nature and find violence more acceptable than something of a sexual nature.

Reviewers are also beholden to market forces, since everyone wants the first scoop and can't piss off a publisher by negatively reviewing their games as that might risk not getting an invite to the next game. That might be one reason you find their recommendations worse - they can't really call out a game for its bullshit if it means not getting to keep their jobs.

When you say

"their" land

Which land are you referring to? Land they claim was their historically, or land they are currently given via treaty?

I'm expecting some kind of justification or elaboration. Your position is drastically out of the Overton Window, but you assert it as if it wasn't.

Although TvTropes is "about fiction," it is cataloging real phenomenons. I was making the (not so controversial, in my opinion) claim that society sees rape as worse than murder. That works of fiction portray this truth is downstream of real societal attitudes.

Yes, I understand that. I just don't think TvTropes is a good source for those saying what is or isn't an attitude. It feels a bit too...removed? Yes, removed.

It's not supposed to make sense. When does any ideology care about making sense? They aren't optimized for truth-seeking.