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joined 2022 September 04 19:24:10 UTC


User ID: 105



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User ID: 105

I agree, I think the us should be deploying reactors asap, although I think the above poster vastly overstates the problems with shale oil. Shales are outrageously abundant in the US and break even costs remain far below current oil prices. https://www.statista.com/statistics/748207/breakeven-prices-for-us-oil-producers-by-oilfield/

(This is during a time period characterized by lots of inflation in the materials needed to frac)

One could argue that this has extended to other domains, with exhibit 1 being Kamala Harris. Like she must be pretending to be dumb right? I need to find a video of her in court at some point, there is no way the California attorney general was this incompetent.

One has to wonder what will happen if the unions succeed in getting this stuff banned. I mean surely someone else will use the technologies and maybe someday outcompete them.

I still can’t believe that UC has actually dropped sat/act requirements, I don’t see how this can possibly be sustainable for them.

Thanks I enjoyed reading this but I think that you miss the real significance of the ruling: I agree that that elite institutions are not being egalitarian enough (I think this is what you are arguing by comparing harvards graduation rate to the seals?) and that this is resulting in too many incompetents running the countries institutions. They are also hard to change because they are mostly privately run an have huge endowments along with influential alumni networks. The ruling alone doesn’t rectify this (as trace points out university admins will try to circumvent it), but gives a future republican president enormous leverage to massively change elite universities simply by enforcing the law.

If you go to Denver you might also consider dipping into Utah, it’s a short drive to canyon lands which is probably the most beautiful part of the American southwest (just don’t go in the summer). Zion, Bryce Canyon and capital reef are also stunning. Lots of people fly to Denver tent a car visit the Rockies, drive through Utah and/or the Grand Canyon before returning from Las Vegas.

Once you step back and remember that unlike America, France IS an active colonial power ( https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Françafrique ) having big riots every 10 to 15 years actually seems like an endorsement of having a legal system which is blind to race.

I happen to think your correct but I wonder why they don’t just admit it?

With Wagner in the news I’m wondering why they named themselves after a German composer? I can’t find anything on this on their Wikipedia page explaining it and it doesn’t make any sense to me. Why would a Russian merc outfit name themselves after a composer who is sort of a symbol of German nationalism.

Me too, isn’t Zuck in his thirties?

Could they have actually stopped it? Couldn’t Biden have just done a recess appointment?