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joined 2022 September 04 19:24:10 UTC


User ID: 105



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User ID: 105

I don’t know, I think that the time has come for them to decide: is Israel a democracy or not? If they want to continue down the pathway to become an apartheid theocratic state, then that’s their business but they should be called out for it or and shouldn’t continue to receive foreign policy deference and foreign aid in abundance. If they are going to remain a democracy that is excellent, and I believe will ultimately be revealed as the correct choice.

I interpreted it that way

I have been having back and leg pain for the last few months. It comes and goes (although seems to be triggered by running, which is a shame because I love to run) and can be extremely painful at times (on the order of not being able to walk). It’s always on the same side and the pain is severe enough that I think I must have a pinched nerve or something (I’m sure I haven’t sprained or torn a muscle).

I want to see someone about this and I’m not sure what sort of doctor I should start with. Is there any reason to goto a chiropractor, or should I just start with an orthopedic surgeon? I’m hoping this is an issue that is solveable with physical therapy.

Testosterone replacement therapy helped me a lot, but mine was actually pretty low for my age group. It likely won’t do anything if yours is in range (and commits you to giving yourself weekly injections the rest of your life), so isn’t something to just jump right into

Why is the verbal section so much more heavily g-loaded? Does it contain logic puzzles or something? I have never taken an sat (and took the act decades ago)

Thank you that is very interesting and was completely absent from my understanding of the situation. Shame no one has written a book on this.

I’m not motivated enough to write a detailed response so I’m linking to a news story if you’re interested: https://www.timesofisrael.com/for-writer-who-broke-epstein-case-a-rumored-mossad-link-is-worth-digging-into/amp/

I’ll also point out that I find it really suspicious that Israel suddenly has so much less influence than they did just 5 years ago. This could Just be a case of Bibi being incompetent.

So if I’m reading that correctly it was us owned ammunition that was stored in Israel not a donation

Do you know if it appreciably better or different than bing chat? I know they have a partnership with Microsoft but I don’t know the particulars. I use bing chat all the time at work (since it is free)

How permanent is fat freezing? Is it like lipo where it just moves somewhere else?

Could they have actually stopped it? Couldn’t Biden have just done a recess appointment?

Thanks I’ll look into it. Its value to the company is that I may be able to give this employee some of my basic tasks, giving me more time to do harder things. As for his resume, we are a government contractor and management still cares about credentials/certs so it might benefit him.

Is there actually punishment for buying non controlled drugs from abroad? A quick google search makes this seem like it would be trivial to do.

Metformin, is widely recognized as the only pharmaceutical drug currently in use with (modest), anti-aging effects. It’s my understanding that this is hypothesized to be primarily a result of its ability to reduce blood glucose.

Does anyone know if there’s any research into whether newer antidiabetic pharmaceuticals (like ozempic or trizepeptide) may also have this affect in non obese people?

They are now, but this nonsense about either deporting all of the Palestinians or maintaining a status quo in which the palestians are not Israeli citizens is basically a form of apartheid

If you value reliability over performance then you should probably get a Honda or Toyota. If you care about having an electric vehicle they make plug in versions of many of their cars which I think gives you the best of both worlds in that you can have an ev for most regular driving but can still take road trips easily.

I currently drive an older rav4 hybrid, if I were getting a new vehicle I would likely buy the plug in version of the current year model.

If cost were a bigger concern I would just get a plug in Prius (or non plug in Prius). I had a 2004 prius for years while in grad school with over 300k miles on it (I don’t know how many miles were actually on it because the odometer quit working at 299,999). Minimal maintenance, and only real downside is if you get a bad battery pack.

Also you should do some research on hybrid vehicles post lithium switch over. Older nicad Toyota hybrid battery packs could be reconditioned fairly easily (and cheaply). I doubt this is true on newer hybrids/plug in hybrids with lithium battery packs, which might impact the calculus a bit.

I often substitute ground turkey in my chili.

Could you elaborate a little More on the effects of materials? Does it work at all in wet soils which I imagine absorb microwaves very efficiently?

Hopefully it ends up being like Colorado where you can just lie and say someone else was driving 🕶️. https://www.hg.org/legal-articles/are-traffic-camera-tickets-valid-in-colorado-38298

I get bloody noses in dry climates. If I lived in a dry climate without access to Vaseline I’d have daily bloody noses.

With Wagner in the news I’m wondering why they named themselves after a German composer? I can’t find anything on this on their Wikipedia page explaining it and it doesn’t make any sense to me. Why would a Russian merc outfit name themselves after a composer who is sort of a symbol of German nationalism.

I generally agree with this sentiment, but I think that the panic is also partly being driven by the fact that young Jewish Americans also don’t seem to be that big on Zionism either. I haven’t seen any numbers, but just the fact that these protests erupted at Columbia makes me strongly suspect that a fair number (which I define as a greater % than you would get if you just sampled the population randomly) of the pro Palestinian protesters are probably American Jews.

This is the most obvious and correct thing to do. My health insurer would save 500-1000 dollars a year if this were permitted

I assume it has a lot to do with the private universities, I mean Berkeley is basically a public ivy and they have 45k students.

I think you’re completely missing my point which is that it’s questionable that giving Israel a lot of money to destabilize the Middle East is a good idea (not the least of which is because you are mostly propping up Netanyahu). The us needs to be preparing to compete with China, not wasting our energies on regional fights in the Middle East and

As for Israel’s alleged strategic importance, every example you have was of Jews working in america. Israel itself is not particularly productive or important.

I’d also encourage you to look at the domestic Israeli political situation, before advocating American political involvement.