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joined 2022 September 04 19:24:10 UTC


User ID: 105



0 followers   follows 1 user   joined 2022 September 04 19:24:10 UTC


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User ID: 105

I don’t know, I think that the time has come for them to decide: is Israel a democracy or not? If they want to continue down the pathway to become an apartheid theocratic state, then that’s their business but they should be called out for it or and shouldn’t continue to receive foreign policy deference and foreign aid in abundance. If they are going to remain a democracy that is excellent, and I believe will ultimately be revealed as the correct choice.

Something I never understood is why Russia hasn’t taken any nuclear action. Last year there seemed to be very serious concerns that Russia would do something nuclear and now they don’t even seem to threatening nearly as much or as loudly. What happened? I was strongly expecting them to preform a nuclear test or some other demonstration, I’m delighted that they didn’t, but find it hugely suspicious that this issue just seemed to evaporate over night.

I interpreted it that way

I have been having back and leg pain for the last few months. It comes and goes (although seems to be triggered by running, which is a shame because I love to run) and can be extremely painful at times (on the order of not being able to walk). It’s always on the same side and the pain is severe enough that I think I must have a pinched nerve or something (I’m sure I haven’t sprained or torn a muscle).

I want to see someone about this and I’m not sure what sort of doctor I should start with. Is there any reason to goto a chiropractor, or should I just start with an orthopedic surgeon? I’m hoping this is an issue that is solveable with physical therapy.

Testosterone replacement therapy helped me a lot, but mine was actually pretty low for my age group. It likely won’t do anything if yours is in range (and commits you to giving yourself weekly injections the rest of your life), so isn’t something to just jump right into

Why is the verbal section so much more heavily g-loaded? Does it contain logic puzzles or something? I have never taken an sat (and took the act decades ago)

Thank you that is very interesting and was completely absent from my understanding of the situation. Shame no one has written a book on this.

I’m not motivated enough to write a detailed response so I’m linking to a news story if you’re interested: https://www.timesofisrael.com/for-writer-who-broke-epstein-case-a-rumored-mossad-link-is-worth-digging-into/amp/

I’ll also point out that I find it really suspicious that Israel suddenly has so much less influence than they did just 5 years ago. This could Just be a case of Bibi being incompetent.

So if I’m reading that correctly it was us owned ammunition that was stored in Israel not a donation

Do you know if it appreciably better or different than bing chat? I know they have a partnership with Microsoft but I don’t know the particulars. I use bing chat all the time at work (since it is free)

How permanent is fat freezing? Is it like lipo where it just moves somewhere else?

Could they have actually stopped it? Couldn’t Biden have just done a recess appointment?

How is it? I really enjoyed the path to power but got very bored during the means of ascent (maybe I should just skip to a later chapter? The early material spends a lot of time regurgitating things from path to power)

I’d be interested in who you follow on China (I agree Zeihan is a clown on China).

It is at least very certain that bombs where placed on the pipelines since the explosions where recorded on seismic instruments https://www.gpb.org/news/2022/09/27/seismologists-suspect-explosions-damaged-undersea-pipelines-carry-russian-gas

Keep an eye on you’re blood pressure, I liked bromantane but it spiked mine so I quit using it

Seriously just ozempic or moujarno, obesity is basically solved.

Howard is a famous HSBU (historically black university)

Also I never figured out if Matlab even has a real debugger. Being able to just %debug is so ridiculously useful

That’s a good point, I’m still getting used to being out of college and needing to work much more to meet people.

That’s a good point, I have managed to avoid instagram thus far but I may just need to bite the bullet and do it!

I don’t know his real name but his username was euphoricbaseball I’m completely convinced that he actually was a teenager who hated how adults colluded to keep him down

I’m sorry to here that, practically speaking if your employer can keep you out isn’t it a lot more dangerous and uncertain to just flee?

Isn’t this basically cal tech? Or is your Ivy League competitor also teaching social sciences?

Is there actually punishment for buying non controlled drugs from abroad? A quick google search makes this seem like it would be trivial to do.