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User ID: 690



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User ID: 690

I'm also a non-royals understander, and what I've gathered is that Kate Middleton has a long history of being extremely consistent with and open about her public role and the paparazzi, to the extent of standing for pictures less than a full day after giving birth to each of her children. It's now been several months since her last public appearance, which is apparently extremely not-normal. To add to the confusion, the only explanation has been a vague "abdominal surgery", despite the King Himself openly talking about his enlarged prostate. What could she have undergone that she and the family would want to keep it more under wraps than the state of the King's prostate? And now this strange seemingly AI-genned image purporting to be a recent photo. It makes it look like they have tried and failed to make things look normal when they're not, which just further fuels the rumor mill that she's dying or getting divorced.

Small correction, that bald guy reaction image was used to cover up the actual image, which is also actually just someone eating popcorn, but the second one does trigger an instant account ban.

Well, it's not an actual majority position, just a sizeable minority. To the extent that there was a 90+% turnout referendum in 1995 that came out to a 50.6/49.4% split for stay/leave. It's lower than that now. You can get a lot more concessions by threatening to leave than actually doing it.

So what actually happened? They just didn't do a background check? Historical illiteracy? Aide who hates his job let him through for a giggle?

For added hilarity, it was on Yom Kippur.

If it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck...

Tell me: why should I believe a single rumour from a guy who has been predicting Kathleen Kennedy's ouster every year for the past 5 (at least)? In fact, I've never heard of him being right about anything.

It's the ultimate sour grapes. We can never have it, so we must convince ourselves that we don't really want it. I do believe sour grapes is a perfectly rational and healthy response to impossible desires, however.

What's the Malthusian limit on arable land owned by Amish communities? How often do they buy more?

Most thirty year olds (male) at this point grew up playing games, and see no reason to drop them in favour of watching tv for hours like their boomer parents.

Most kids are not in control of their food intake (and should not be). Their food is prepared and portioned by adults. If a kid is fat, you need to be bullying the parents.

4chan has always responded to US law enforcement requests. In this case it was "X should be shot in the head (in minecraft)" posting.

There is definitely a class of memes along the lines of "Skyrim NPCs start looking nervous when you pull out your weapons and quick save", and torturing your sims to death via removing the pool ladder is considered a rite of passage. I think these behaviours come more from attempting to explore the limits of game worlds than anything else. Once people realize that sims can die, they want to know in what scenarios that can happen. Once they realize that fighting city guards in TES games isn't really balanced to be "fun", they want to see if their character can hack it. And of course, eventually the illusion of humanity in NPCs disappears with experience, and you see them for the automatons they are.

Releasing personally identifiable health information is a big deal for civilian doctors, including loss of medical license at the extreme end. I'm sure the army takes a similarly dim view of it. Going out of your way to try and contact the Russian embassy to become a spy, then committing a crime to prove your commitment to future treason is a far cry from the feds "looking for any excuse to indict someone". When the FBI goes on a fishing expedition with 80 IQ ne'er-do-wells, sure, but I'd hope a pair of married doctors would have enough spare brain cells between them to know what they're getting into.

You have to understand, Spiderman's writers absolutely hate Spiderman. If he isn't suffering horrifically, they're not interested. He's now on his second or third non-meme usage cuck arc, and that's not counting all the other gratuitous shit they do to make him suffer. So long as Miles isn't actually, literally cuckolding Peter Parker (and he hasn't yet, to my knowledge), Spiderman fans have much bigger targets to hate.

In pretty much every region and religion, more women identify as religious than men (https://www.pewresearch.org/religion/2016/03/22/the-gender-gap-in-religion-around-the-world/). In the U.S. that's something like 60% to 47% for women and men respectively, according to Pew. More women believe in things like healing crystals, astrology, soulmates, etc. Even ignoring things like specific personality traits, I'd expect women to be more common in cults than men.

Toilets: because women don't want to disrobe/defecate in places where men will (at best) hit on them

Sports: because women would be excluded from competition in all but a handful of sports like target shooting and long-distance swimming

In short, because there are real physical and mental differences between male and female that necessitate segregation at times if "equality of opportunity" is a goal. Mixed-sex sports means almost no women get to be professional athletes. Mixed-sex toilets (unless single stall) mean women in practice will never leave the house without a chaperone. "Whites only" is not about giving whites equal opportunities but excluding blacks from opportunities/public life, and giving them inferior alternatives. "Use the (inferior) black fountain" is not the same as "use the (perfectly fine) male toilet".

If you mean in general, all societies have deemed various places the proper/improper place of one sex or another, whether it be kitchens, the outdoors, the sporting field, the birthing room, the tabernacle, etc. We have decided that the public world at large must be open to women, so we have created female-only toilets so they may go about in public.

This rests on the assumption that the women are young and attractive. Not even MtFs bother trying to muscle in on middle aged women's book clubs and knitting circles.

There are very very few trans people. The fact that any can be clocked in public is evidence that a decent portion of them do not pass. The Canadian census says they are only 0.3% of people age 15 and up (closer to 0.1% for those over 50). And that's including nonbinary (aka trend chasers). You are three times more likely to meet a schizophrenic than a trans person. If you are seeing enough to notice they don't pass, the fact that you're noticing them at all is proof that a large portion of them do not pass. I've been on /lgbt/, I've seen the photos on trans subreddits, profile pictures on twitter, and from lesbian dating apps. These are not cherrypicked sources, they are as close to the modal trans person as you can get. There is a sea of obvious men in dresses, and a few who are young enough/got enough surgery and drugs that they can fool someone, at least in a photo. This mythical mass of unclockable transwomen going about their lives incognito simply does not exist. This becomes even easier in certain male-dominated spaces. 100% of "female" doom modders and professional foreigner starcraft players are transgender. I wouldn't be surprised if 70-90% of "female" speedrunners are transgender. Certainly they outnumber ciswomen massively.

Have you not heard stories of straight men flipping out once they’re told the woman they’re attracted to/slept with is trans? E.g. this story of a teen flirting with a trans woman, them going to his hotel room, then going back to hers and violently beating her once she says she’s trans, because he had no idea and felt humiliated.

"Straight" being the operative word. I have about as much confidence in their straightness as that French spy who somehow didn't notice the Chinese spy he had sex with for years was a man (intact, even!) More likely they are deeply closeted gays, got drunk/high enough that they took a transwoman to bed after their inhibitions were lowered, then the cognitive dissonance became overwhelming, and they lashed out because they have deep emotional problems. Chasers claim they're straight too, doesn't make it true.

For one thing, epilepsy is NOT a psychiatric disorder, and surgery is not the first line of treatment for it. Considering seizures in themselves cause brain damage, and in the most extreme cases can be deadly, that is an extreme far cry from shoving a metal spike into your daughter's eye so you can make her tractable and retarded.

Americans drive everywhere, sit down to work, and feel too frazzled to cook for themselves so they eat foods designed to be addictive. They're getting poorer year over year and worry about whether they'll ever get to have kids, own a house, or retire. Anything less than total societal restructure is not going to put a dent on those problems.

On the plus side, we still have working antibiotics.

This is the very last place I thought I'd hear about Jake Alley aka SecretGamerGrrl after the death of Kiwifarms. My condolences. I would link to KF to explain for those not in the know, but there's really not that much. Jake has the distinction of being one of the few non-retarded cows with fewer skills and accomplishments than Chris-chan, the high point of his life being involved with gamergate's CON. He is now blocked by most of his former associates in anti-gamergate/trans twitter, but that hasn't stopped him from vaguetweeting about them for years after the fact. He maintains that he is both undoxed (not true) and that he has had to move due to threats of neonazi violence at his home multiple times (impossible unless the first claim is false).

The conspiracy theory I'm seeing is that it's Putin's way of not giving anyone who seeks to replace him a way out. If the pipelines are destroyed and Europe becomes energy-independentish then there's no way for a successor to make a rapprochement take things back to normal. Ship goes down with the captain.

Where do you think the desire to eat comes from? The aether? It comes from your experience of the discomfort of hunger, and the feeling of reward from eating, created in the brain, exactly the same as intellect, neuroticism, conscientiousness, violence, etc.

Surely the target audience must have been imagined to be primarily fujoshi-adjacent straight women, and not gay men?

Endless rehashes and reboots from potential randos and weirdos > endless rehashes and reboots from the same 3 multibillion dollar multinational media conglomerates.