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joined 2022 September 05 19:37:18 UTC


User ID: 690



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User ID: 690

This is the very last place I thought I'd hear about Jake Alley aka SecretGamerGrrl after the death of Kiwifarms. My condolences. I would link to KF to explain for those not in the know, but there's really not that much. Jake has the distinction of being one of the few non-retarded cows with fewer skills and accomplishments than Chris-chan, the high point of his life being involved with gamergate's CON. He is now blocked by most of his former associates in anti-gamergate/trans twitter, but that hasn't stopped him from vaguetweeting about them for years after the fact. He maintains that he is both undoxed (not true) and that he has had to move due to threats of neonazi violence at his home multiple times (impossible unless the first claim is false).

Whole word seems like throwing in the towel in recognition of the reality that English spelling is massively divorced from English pronunciation. The phonic "rules" work for the simplest vocbulary (sometimes) but by the time you hit the numbered grades you will encounter word after word where they simply do not apply. Exceptions to the rules are more common than the rules themselves, and at some point attempting to teach a systemic set of exceptions to the exceptions to the exceptions becomes impossible. As time goes on the separation will only get worse, and teaching phonics will become fully impossible, with english words becoming impenetrable hanzi-like clumps of meaning divorced from their constituent parts. You can teach phonics and be limited to learning 3 letter words (except pho) without a mountain of non-phonetic exceptions, or you can do whole word and admit defeat.

The conspiracy theory I'm seeing is that it's Putin's way of not giving anyone who seeks to replace him a way out. If the pipelines are destroyed and Europe becomes energy-independentish then there's no way for a successor to make a rapprochement take things back to normal. Ship goes down with the captain.

Releasing personally identifiable health information is a big deal for civilian doctors, including loss of medical license at the extreme end. I'm sure the army takes a similarly dim view of it. Going out of your way to try and contact the Russian embassy to become a spy, then committing a crime to prove your commitment to future treason is a far cry from the feds "looking for any excuse to indict someone". When the FBI goes on a fishing expedition with 80 IQ ne'er-do-wells, sure, but I'd hope a pair of married doctors would have enough spare brain cells between them to know what they're getting into.

People don't want random people knowing they have AIDS, or dick fungus, or chronically shit their pants as a kid, or what have you. All kinds of reasons.

On the other hand, it opened up new and exciting possibilities if you were into shoplifting. Scanning premium grapes as regular grapes is its own reward.

I was going to accuse the New Zealanders of being more woke, on the basis of some of them refusing to use the European name for the island, but I realized Canada is already derived from a native language.

Americans drive everywhere, sit down to work, and feel too frazzled to cook for themselves so they eat foods designed to be addictive. They're getting poorer year over year and worry about whether they'll ever get to have kids, own a house, or retire. Anything less than total societal restructure is not going to put a dent on those problems.

On the plus side, we still have working antibiotics.

Toilets: because women don't want to disrobe/defecate in places where men will (at best) hit on them

Sports: because women would be excluded from competition in all but a handful of sports like target shooting and long-distance swimming

In short, because there are real physical and mental differences between male and female that necessitate segregation at times if "equality of opportunity" is a goal. Mixed-sex sports means almost no women get to be professional athletes. Mixed-sex toilets (unless single stall) mean women in practice will never leave the house without a chaperone. "Whites only" is not about giving whites equal opportunities but excluding blacks from opportunities/public life, and giving them inferior alternatives. "Use the (inferior) black fountain" is not the same as "use the (perfectly fine) male toilet".

If you mean in general, all societies have deemed various places the proper/improper place of one sex or another, whether it be kitchens, the outdoors, the sporting field, the birthing room, the tabernacle, etc. We have decided that the public world at large must be open to women, so we have created female-only toilets so they may go about in public.

Nowhere did I say Olympic. I'm sure there are national and below swimming competitions where black people could be reasonably competitive (assuming your claim is actually true, I have no idea, I assumed black people not being able to swim was just a meme). There is almost nowhere at the high school level and above where women can compete against boys, let alone men. There are also plenty of other sports where black men do fine/great (running, weightlifting, many team sports), whereas, again, there are maybe two or three things nobody really gives a shit about where women are even vaguely competitive with men. Black people are doing fine overall in the realm of sports even if they're disadvantaged in some, but without segregation the number of female athletes past elementary school would be very close to 0.

Surely the target audience must have been imagined to be primarily fujoshi-adjacent straight women, and not gay men?

I might pay 8 bucks a month to keep away Rings of Power comments.

I made close to 600 CAD in one day in the last Canadian federal election.

I for one am waiting for wheelchairs, colostomy bags, etc. to become in many cases voluntary fashion accessories

The munchies are way ahead of you, though their preferred accessories are nasogastric tubes, hickman lines and IVs (and wheelchairs).

I remember reading this and bookmarking it a while ago, no idea how accurate it is (original author got banned from medium): http://web.archive.org/web/20210904210829/https://medium.com/nerd-for-tech/greatest-scam-in-history-by-tether-76ac059b9550

tldr: He indeed thinks that there's far less backing tether than they claim, based on not performing an independent audit, and its primary use is gassing up the price of bitcoin.

It's entirely possibly he was bullshitting. I also couldn't load the article, so I just ctrl+c ctrl+v'd it into notepad and scrolled down to the text.

That picture is slightly misleading, since the left two MTFs are wearing high heels (you'd think you'd not to want to make yourself look huger when you're already well above the average height of the sex you're trying to impersonate, but I digress) while Buck isn't. According to google Laverne Cox (the black MTF on the left side of the pictures) is 5'11" while Buck Angel is 5'9" (which is the average bio-male height in the US). Assuming Buck is only doing the standard male one or two inches of lying, that's still not enough to put her firmly in the manlet realm. I wager if Buck walked past the average person who knew nothing about her and didn't say anything, nobody would pick her out as female.

Endless rehashes and reboots from potential randos and weirdos > endless rehashes and reboots from the same 3 multibillion dollar multinational media conglomerates.

Since the original topic was fantasy authors, I can't help but bring up the inimitable Muhammad Abd-al-Rahman Barker (born Phillip Barker), recently posthumously cancelled for having written a pro-nazi alternate history novel (published by the same company as The Turner Diaries) and serving on the editorial board of the Journal of Historical Review. He was also a recognized scholar of Urdu and other languages. Truly an interesting guy.

4chan has always responded to US law enforcement requests. In this case it was "X should be shot in the head (in minecraft)" posting.

Given that it was a Florida sheriff that was to be minecrafted, I could imagine the man himself getting the ball rolling to do so.

Is that head:body ratio extreme or is the clothing/camera angle/body position causing an optical illusion?

Most kids are not in control of their food intake (and should not be). Their food is prepared and portioned by adults. If a kid is fat, you need to be bullying the parents.

Tell me: why should I believe a single rumour from a guy who has been predicting Kathleen Kennedy's ouster every year for the past 5 (at least)? In fact, I've never heard of him being right about anything.