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User ID: 1058



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User ID: 1058

Freedom depends on uncertainty

This post is an abstract framing that the trade off between freedom and authoritarianism is a proxy for how uncertain we are.

I. Game Theory

Simple game theory problems are a domain where the goal is well defined and we can mathematically model optimal policies. In this extreme case "freedom" is meaningless.

The prisoners dilemma and the fish-farm coordination problem are examples where agents might behave in different ways (have some freedom), but the optimal global strategy is to eliminate those freedoms.

These coordination problems happen because of freedom to choose the 'wrong' option. The libertarian solution is to allow contracts (enforced by other contracts I guess) that reduce the agents' freedom. The authoritarian solution is to have some Leviathan enforce the optimal policy (for some self interested reason).

II. Creating Laws

If there's uncertainty about what policy leads to the best outcomes then solutions include some freedom.

Agents explore different policies and learn more about the situation. They can teach younger agents about which policies lead to better outcomes (mentoring).

Society can start with very simple rules like "don't eat those berries". Over time society has built up metis for understanding a lot about what kind of rules work.

Nowadays our laws are complicated, and we use police to enforce them. Rules are everywhere. Parents and teachers give lots of them to children, but there are also rules about what rules can be given.

These rules are enforced because authorities have better policies than the subjects. I think this is a good basis for why force is used in society at all. Like why we allow parents to have control over children.

However these situations also have a degree of freedom. Authorities can't make all the decisions for multiple practical reasons like aging. But also because they don't know what the best policy is. They know a lot about failure modes to avoid, but don't have all the answers. Leads to a hands off parent that stops their kid from seriously injuring anyone, but otherwise lets them roam.

III. Compromise the Laws

In the real world people also disagree about what the "the best outcome" looks like (if it even exists at all).

Sometimes they resolve this using violence. If a kid is following a bad policy they would be overruled. Criminals might be punished proportionally. Rival tribes conquered.

However this is limited because violence sucks, and hurts all combatants. So sometimes they compromise and create rules that acknowledge some uncertainty in end-goals. We get radical laws like the first amendment, and religious compromise.

This is speculation about history on my part: that historically this compromise was always reluctantly made. All the initial individuals were convinced that their way was the best way, but agree to be ruled by a blind system because it reduces violence. And then later the concept of freedom is concertized so that there are actually people born who earnestly believe in the uncertainty of end-outcomes.

IV. Increasing Agency

Then when there's uncertainty even about what the nature of "the best outcome" is (if it exists at all), authoritarianism starts to become incoherent.

You can no longer justify arbitrarily overruling others. The best rule we can use here is Kant's standard to "Act in such a way as to treat everyone always as an end and never merely as a means".

With actual uncertainty (instead of the reluctant compromise above), we get the things like The Spirit of the First Amendment. And radicals saying "I disagree with everything you stand for, but I will die for your right to say it".

The most authoritarian frame is paternalism about enabling the development of freedom in the student. Instead of directly enforcing policy, the teacher guides the student to avoid self defeating loops like drug/rage/greed/power/addiction. In this view a parent shouldn't dictate what end goal their child will pursue, but help them develop into themselves while avoiding traps and tricks.

It's about increasing agency to deal with uncertainty. The opposite of the game theory section were we spent all our efforts reducing agency.

V. True Neutral

Finally with total uncertainty about what "the best outcome looks like" we get a sort of nihilism. I don't know enough to contrast this nihilism with other philosopher's understanding of the term. In this case it's a complete rejection of authoritarianism in the abstract.

I see it as a True Neutral saying "whatever happens, happens".

We can't even justify limited paternalism. Suppose I am powerful and notice some small entity is acting in self destructive ways. Something like small weak creatures are being authoritarian to each-other. I could easily interfere to increase freedom of their system, but what makes me sure that increasing freedom is even a valuable? Only physics will determine what happens to those creatures.

VI. Summary

In low uncertainty environments authoritarianism is natural and optimal. As uncertainty increases authoritarianism becomes worse and worse, until becoming incoherent as a concept.

I think this dynamic is fundamental to how these concepts interact. And provides a useful framework for talking about freedom in various settings.

Traditional tai-chi masters are indeed in shambles from MMA.

On the other hand, Muay Thai has been proven to be effective fighting style (excuse the dramatic narrator).

This video is of showbox in 1988 between the top American Kickboxer and a Muay Thai fighter using limited rules preventing elbowing, throwing, grabs, and limiting below-waist hits to a low kick. The kickboxer gets kicked in the leg so many times he starts dodging and running around at 5:50, and ends up carried away in a stretcher.

MMA rules allow lowkicks and elbows in some positions. Fighters study techniques derived from Muay Thai, along with other lineages like Greco-roman wrestling and Juijitsu. And "MMA style" is just whatever works in the ring's rules.

Quoting https://slatestarcodex.com/2016/07/25/how-the-west-was-won/

An analogy: naturopaths like to use the term “western medicine” to refer to the evidence-based medicine of drugs and surgeries you would get at your local hospital. They contrast this with traditional Chinese medicine and Ayurvedic medicine, which it has somewhat replaced, apparently a symptom of the “westernization” of Chinese and Indian societies.

But “western medicine” is just medicine that works. It happens to be western because the West had a technological head start, and so discovered most of the medicine that works first. But there’s nothing culturally western about it; there’s nothing Christian or Greco-Roman about using penicillin to deal with a bacterial infection. Indeed, “western medicine” replaced the traditional medicine of Europe – Hippocrates’ four humors – before it started threatening the traditional medicines of China or India. So-called “western medicine” is an inhuman perfect construct from beyond the void, summoned by Westerners, which ate traditional Western medicine first and is now proceeding to eat the rest of the world.

Reading fiction is a metaphorical cuckholding when the reader is watching the characters experience the narrative and discovery that they themselves want to experience.

This is not a bad thing about fiction, and it is not-not a bad thing. I think there's an important pattern to be noticed around 'cucking' and how we experience desire. I don't want to be making the worst argument in the world by tying this pattern to the negative connotations of 'cucking'.

If you read Harry Potter and enjoy it, there may be many reasons why you enjoy it. Learning character archetypes, learning more about oneself through reading, trying to predict what happens next, etc. But if you told me that you expressly enjoyed reading Harry Potter because you would love to go on a wizarding adventure and therefore enjoyed reading about someone else who could... well. Especially if you told me you'd rather read Harry Potter than go on your own adventure somehow.

Harry Potter's adventures are more interesting than my adventures in the day, because they're more exciting and I don't have to do any work to make them happen.

To clarify, is the confounder sex differences in reflexes and grip strength?

EG: the best esports players are almost all AMAB.

Why does selecting text near the top of the screen scroll up in this UI?

Find a big post like https://www.themotte.org/post/216/meta-something-shiny-and-two-things, scroll down a bit, and then try to select a sentence within an inch of the screen-top.

Local archive of the subreddit from before the API ban

It's a very strong argument against naive whiggish presentism. You've given good argument that some moral principles merely followed in the wake of technological abundance, and weren't "self evidently" adapted until the economics changed. Perhaps the average morality as practiced is accidental and self congratulatory.

Something hinted in this post is that an individual "weak" morality is a strong meme, and can convert others faster than they destroy the carriers. The "go kill people and take their shit" meme builds a large empire through conquer. When material conditions improve it seems like "tithe to the poor and hungry" gains a footing and starts taking over though. Either through Fashionably irrationality or through moral discovery who knows. A prime case study of this is the spread of Christianity through Rome. Or the final boss Fukuyama.

The core question is what happens to morality over time when material conditions don't improve. Do the social structures remain static? Or do they develop on the same converging fixed points but more slowly. You mention George Washington was a strong supporter of slavery during a time it was seems as economically necessary, and yet during that time there were also abolitionists, who opposed it purely for moral reasons. This seems contrary to the simple thesis you've presented,

For me, I think the nature of morality is too early to call, and depends on deeper studying patterns of history and some questions about how consciousness exists and such.

Might be falling into a history average familiarity trap. I don't people are going to be naming even second-rate pharaohs

Watts used to hold those positions more strongly. I think he has updated his opinions more recently in Nov 2022. His blog has some posts about consciousness and survival


What they’ve got, as it turns out, is a nifty little proof-of-principle in support of the Free-Energy-Minimization model I was chewing over last April. Back then it was Mark Solms, forcing me to rethink my assertion that consciousness could be decoupled from the survival instinct. The essence of Solms’ argument is that feelings are a metric of need, you don’t have needs unless you have an agenda (i.e., survival), and you can’t feel feelings without being subjectively aware of them (i.e., conscious). I wasn’t fully convinced, but I was shaken free of certain suppositions I’d encrusted around myself over a couple of decades. If Solms was right, I realized, consciousness wasn’t independent of survival drives; it was a manifestation of them.


Only now—now, as it turns out, maybe sentience implies survival after all. Maybe I’ve had my head up my ass all these years.

I’m not sure I buy it. Then again, I’m not writing it off, either.