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joined 2022 September 06 01:35:41 UTC


User ID: 783



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User ID: 783

The atmosphere right now reminds me a lot of the post 9-11, war on terror vibes. The US is about to get dragged into some middle eastern conflicts by Israel. The propaganda parrots, "patriots", Zionists, and arm chair generals repulse me. The US is led by a geriatric imbecile, our economy is hanging on by a thread, our weapon and oil stockpiles are depleted, our reputation is dwindling and our allies are weak or disappearing. This will not end well for the US. Unfortunately, I think the train has left the station. I hope this will be worth it.

Personally, I think this is the end of Zionism. Public perception has changed and the propaganda doesn't work like it used to. Israel might actually get fucked now. I feel we are in for large societal and cultural changes, as well as a geopolitical reordering if not WW3.

Perhaps it's worth reasking Amadan's question, for which I have not seen the more openly antisemitic members give an answer to:

You may see a threat in the number of Jews in Hollywood and banking, but like @SecureSignals, when asked point-blank what you think "we" should do about it, or alternatively, what you think Jews should do to stop being so offensively Jewish, you are conspicuously silent. Do you want mass conversions? Expulsions and forced deportations to Israel? Industry quotas? I'd really like to see y'all quit waffling and spell out your agenda.

Harsh measures are doomed to failure and morally repugnant, the Jews hold too much power and narrative. I think it's enough to simply redpill normies in safe settings like in your family, receptive trustworthy friends, etc. Point out areas of Jewish over-representation, tyranny, and cancellation when critiqued. Point out globo-homo propaganda in media and the Jewish writers, directors, actors, etc. Drop some holocaust revisionism facts, stuff like that. The culture needs to change and it needs to be okay to criticize Jews and maybe the needle can be moved to a more balanced position.

My wife was a rather clean slate politics wise when we met, which was something I subconsciously selected for. I could never quite get along with women with strong political or cultural opinions. Over the course of our relationship while watching TV and going out in the world around us, I would point out instances of Jewish hegemony and propaganda. Slowly she became J-woke, especially after her brother who is a career military guy also hinted at his J-wokeness. Together we have this private understanding, although there have been an instance or two when in joking with others she has hinted at my power level. I have a young son now so I am trying to figure out the best way to bring him to an understanding on the JQ, whilst not backfiring if he says something stupid in public and bringing down the Jewish hegemony on top my own head. So this anecdotal example seems to be working.

Looking at anti-semitism among African-Americans being talked about, the antics of Israel and their oppression of Palestinians becoming harder to ignore I think this subtle, private, red pilling is working - albeit not solely due to red pilling. Watching CNBC now I see ads to stop Jewish hate and maybe more articles 1, 2, 3 than normal on rising anti-semitism so maybe the wolves are realizing this too.

It's a human right to destroy millions of your neighbors? Well that's new.

Israel has created their enemies, instead of making peace with them, or coming to an agreement, they escalate, bully, and oppress. Hopefully we will see how their hubris and chutzpah will be rewarded. Unfortunately they will also drag the US with them to this lesson.


Airburst munitions don't leave much of a crater. The large fireball in the video further supports this type of weapon.

I agree, especially with another top level comment above challenging SS and his revisionism. I envy SS's endurance however it's seeming like an attempt to gang up and exhaust the discussion. Likely there are many Jewish users of this forum.

Did you listen to the speech? I don't see any blaming of minorities. The transgender culture and movement is toxic to families and there is limited data on the long term prognosis for children raised by transgender parents which I'm sure will be censored if anyone at all is studying the topic, which I imagine is impossible in academia now. Transgender people are mentally ill, unfit for raising children, and absolutely disgust me and I'm tired of pretending they don't.

IMO, the military could have immediately "debunked" the 40 beheaded babies story, but let it run wild for awhile anyways for obvious reasons.

IMO, we are moving to a multi-polar world with the powers being US, Russia, and China. During this transition the powers are trying to find their place in the new hegemony and we are seeing the areas of friction such as the war in Ukraine and now a looming war in the ME. Our rivals, seeing us weakened, are likely to take the opportunities to strike or make moves for their own position.

The ME is kind of a wildcard IMO as they are not organized, and without a regional polar power, split themselves between US and Russia as protectorates. This conflict has the possibility to provide a unifying rallying cry for the Arab states. You can see the reshuffling of the cards now with the diplomatic disposition of Saudi Arabia and Jordan to name a few.

Again IMO, I think this is signalling the end of Pax Americana and our leadership is just not capable of realizing it. Russia will win and gain some clout, some ME countries will throw off the yoke of the US, and I await a Chinese flex. I'm not sure exactly how things will play out but it seems like something is going to happen in these calamitous geopolitical environments.

I saw a video from a couple days ago, which I am too lazy to lookup, in which a plane - or drone - targeted and bombed a source from a rocket launch from overhead. The scenario I am picturing is something like that, a quick trigger pull on a rocket launch source in the middle of the night with lights off or something. It's plausible that a shot from the hip like that could have been done. I imagine the operators and pilots are quite trigger happy at the moment over Gaza. Maybe they don't even have to ask a command chain for a decision like that.

Alright a little war gaming here. Suppose Hamas launched these attacks in order to provoke Israel into invading Gaza. Having stockpiled weapons received from Iran including ATGM and S2A missles, has chosen Gaza as their battlefield, the middle eastern Stalingrad. The IDF goes into Gaza and takes a real beating, close urban warfare diminishing Israeli technological advantage.

With the IDF being bogged down in Gaza Hezbollah attacks from the north, or Israel makes some preemptive strikes, in any case Iran gets involved, mines the straight of Hormuz. US joins the fray and gets dragged in, China sees its opportunity and launches its invasion of Taiwan. Oil skyrockets and the US enters a hard recession. US/NATO weapon stockpiles and strategic oil reserve depleted, makes for a rough start to WW3.

What do you think happens domestically (in the US) and globally? I don't think there is enough political unity nor appetite for the US population to enter into another war. Will any other countries enter the conflict? IMO this would not end well for US hegemony.

In the short term it is going to be hilarious to see the Republicans be hypocrites, against Ukraine aid but fervently for Israeli aid and support.

Edit: Also curious what the mottizens think on how these current events, and the aforementioned hypotheticals, will affect the US 2024 election.

I'm not so optimistic. Israel will likely get a free pass on savagery in popular opinion while all other countries continue to be gentled into submission.

I'm not going to get dragged into a justification debate on WW2. You will clearly stick to the usual normie narrative so it's not worth the reddit style back and forth.

I think that it's possible Hamas was launching rockets near the hospital and the IDF Air Force hit it after seeing a rocket launch from that location, not realizing its a hospital, or realizing too late.

If you look at the video of the one explosion close up, its way larger than any rocket we've seen Hamas launch in this conflict. Pretty clear its a JDAM IMO. Takes a lot of hoop jumping to conclude otherwise.

I am extremely skeptical that any such conversation happened back at the Old Place, let alone that multiple "Blue Tribe" regulars expressed such a sentiment.

This seems like a comment intended to cause friction and adds little to the conversation, a similar transgression you felt the need to mod comment another user about. Seems like you want to be a bully and it really irks me.

I for one liked the prose, it was inoffensive and fair.

Negotiate with Hamas and make peace including concessions. Probably something like recognizing Palestine, ending settlements, respecting borders, ending blockades and embargo, whatever it takes I guess.

Yes it was, don't be disingenuous.

So I've been reading and listening to a lot of WWII memoirs, specifically of Germans on the eastern front. I want to find out for myself the motivations of these men, dispel the myths and western propaganda of WWII, and find any parallels to our modern times. Many of these memoirs are written by soldiers of a Waffen-SS division. What I have picked up from reading these memoirs, is that the reasons these men joined the Waffen-SS are diverse and not as dubious as our western propaganda and the myth of the just war would have you believe. The Waffen-SS were elite units composed of volunteers, whereas I imagine the Wermacht were comprised of mostly conscripts.

Based on the accounts I have read, many of the men joined the Waffen-SS out of pure hatred for the communists and concerned the growth of communism would swallow European culture and religion. The time they spent in the Ukraine often talked of the local populace's hatred of the communists and the atrocities that were committed against them by the bolsheviks. The more fanatical SS that one usually thinks of were termed the Allgemeine SS and were often thought of poorly by the soldiers of the Waffen-SS.

So, it is no surprise that many Ukranians such as Mr. Hunka volunteered to serve in a Waffen-SS division as a matter of revenge against the bolshevik hordes. This hardly makes him a nazi as is the common narrative and its hilarious to see this backfire on Canada. Many if not most of these brave heroes died and its sad to see them slandered after the fact, when they were right to fear, and fight against communism.

Relevant Books

The Eastern Front: Memoirs of a Waffen-SS Volunteer

Für Volk and Führer: The Memoir of a Veteran of the 1st SS Panzer Division Leibstandarte SS Adolf Hitler One of my favorites and actually has a really good audiobook on Audible, which as you can imagine is hit or miss on these memoirs.

The Forgotten Soldier This one is unique as the author was a young poor french kid who joined the army under Vichy France because of little opportunity when he came of age, then found himself a part of the Großdeutschland division. Also had a real good audiobook on audible.

Just dropping in to say that after the last 2 years I don't think using the CDC as a source has the punch you think it does.

Except now all their neighbors are rallying around a common cause, so guess that isn't sound warfare strategy either.

As usual for themotte a beautiful comment that captures my thoughts written far better than my own. Thank you!