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User ID: 937



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User ID: 937

Nah single thread is better, I can mindlessly scroll through dozens of different topics without opening new links

Plenty of sf classics were written by leftists though? Gibson, arguably the father of cyberpunk, is even woke now.

I'm not even sure what baseline you could pick that would make your proposition true. Straight white men are already a pretty unwoke demo.

But I don't know the numbers, you may be right that conservatives are very overrepresented in sf classics.

This is just Jordan Peterson's idea of what Marxism is, based, apparently, on reading a political pamphlet. Marxism is a critique of political economy, or an analysis of capitalism. One of the intermediate conclusions is indeed that capitalism requires a class division (or, that it is constituted in a social division of ownership). Further conclusions are that this actually limits productive capacity for example, and should be abandoned for the sake of scientific planning of the economy.

This is of course wrong, I'm just pointing out that wrongly interpreting a relatively small part of his ideas, abstracting it away from its foundamentally economic context into a completely generic "oppressor-oppressed" framework, is intellectually lazy and plain wrong. It is wrong because the moralistic dimension is unimportant to the actual intellectual content, and this approach is what set Marx apart from the myriad of other socialists at the time or before him.

I'm blaming Peterson for popularizing a very shallow reading of Marx, not the concept of cultural Marxism.

Influence ops are definitely a thing. Your point may just as well be made to argue that they are easier to implement than one may think. I've seen a convincing paper analyzing twitter bot activity in influence ops around the war in Ukraine recently: https://arxiv.org/abs/2208.07038

I'm guessing because avoiding these pitfalls is politician 101. They're not actually having a debate up there, Trump doesn't have to answer the question he can weasel out somehow, and Dems know it. This is more useful for actual debates where opponenets are trying to convince each other or the audience, i.e. they answer questions more or less honestly

I don't understand your point. Leftists would probably agree that these days white supremacy and patriarchy are instantiated through socioeconomic effects and networking effects.

You can't conclude that just because one technology didn't pan out. To me VR problems seem much more 'hard', related to hardware and biology and economies of scale, while AI continues to make rapid progress is infinitely more valuable economically.

A year ago you would've listed a different set of problems. They got solved. Things like "maintain coherent style" sound like research problems that are being solved right now.

Imma be real I have no idea what VTubers are. Virtual YouTubers? Strong suspicion that it's all media invention. Have never seen literally anyone mention them irl. And people here follow streamers.

Besides, how are they related to VR?

Imagine working your ass off, being in that top 0 point whatever percent of the population that could ever be CEO of anything... And then sleeping with some woman your age. It sounds almost autistic: he didn't get the message (that sexual access is one of the main components of the payoff for male success).

I'm not saying sleep with your intern. Or never have a serious relationship. Just that the opportunities and expectations are different for different classes of people.

808s is considered his worst album? Weird it's my favorite

Did you watch HoD? It's genuinely amazing. Not sure how to put it exactly but its treatment of power and tragedy makes GoT look one-dimensional. And there are some scenes that took my "#1 Tv/movie writing" spot. For example king Viserys' ruminating on the nature of his rule and what it means to be King to his Hand, if you've seen it.

This show deserves more cultural spotlight than GoT had, imo. And I love GoT.

I saw people saying that he was on there very briefly. It might be a Russian psyop of course but they put children and Roger Waters on there. So they might as well have put Musk before someone with a brain gave them a call.

I think it's still worth watching, more than anything I've watched over the last few years. It dethroned Better Call Saul as my favorite. It would suck if they cock it up but the writing, acting, and aesthetics are still so good that they stand on their own.

You're genuinely depriving yourself of something Great.

Besides, why would they cock it up again? Are the conditions for that happening even there? It's a finished story of a smaller scope. They know they fucked up. I'm not worried.

That's true in general but not here I think. Other 'good' series usually manage to maintain great scriptwriting, for example Sopranos, Breaking Bad, etc. Bad scriptwriting is the default starting position, but series that start good and are intended to be good really do require special circumstances to go down the drain.

We know what caused the GoT fiasco (lack of source material, producers wanted out, extremely long and built careers which caused pressure to move on). Those are the conditions.

Fair enough, they certainly might fuck it up. Personally I think it's much less likely than it was for GoT. Baseline probability for fucking up shows that start so great is low, smaller scope, and lessons learned are still my arguments.

But that's not the point. I just don't share the overall sentiment that GoT is not worth watching because they fucked up the last few seasons. It feels like you are substituting the legacy of the whole show for its overall quality.

Do beware: I initially almost dropped it out of annoyance at the woke casting of one Old Valyrian family (not the Targaryens thankfully). Since then they've more than made up for it. On the other hand, the woke actors are at least very good, and it's consistent (instead of making random characters black they really bit the bullet and made an entire family black with white hair).

I wouldn't read that book because reading is much harder than watching a TV series but I do get your point. GoT is worsened by its bad ending, how can I argue it's not. I'm just saying it's not completely ruined and that I'll rewatch it no problem.

Some limited nato training since 2014 simply eclipsed the entire Russian military.

More like a force of 150k couldn't fight a force of 900k. We'll see how this plays out on a less uneven field soon.

What's the economic cost of torturing 100 disabled, net-cost people? If it's second-order effects of normalizing such practices, good luck reasoning about a concrete number...

He hasn't been particularly active recently.

Personally I'd live in a socialist socially conservative Denmark

Can someone explain this thread to a confused Slav? I thought "are Slavs white" question was just an expression of good old-fashioned Anglo supremacism. And that it was aimed at our culture. But people here seem to be seriously discussing whether we are white, in literal terms.

What does it mean? Personally I am probably paler than most Anglos. Most people in my country are paler than Italians or Spaniards. What's going on?

Can someone explain to me how sex with no strings hurts people, and specifically how it hurts women more? In an age of contraceptives?

I'm not saying it's not true, it obviously is. I've been in situations where "sex with no strings" turned out to have a lot of expectations attached after all, while I on the other hand would be perfectly fine if we just went on with our lives. As would most men I know. (Maybe I'm some awful combination of high value enough to be given a chance, but not high value enough for it to be free.)

So it must be true, because they wouldn't bother pursuing anything more un

Worldnews is more interested in bullshit and propaganda than predictions.