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joined 2023 January 21 03:00:33 UTC

I moved to a developing country to escape the hostile, isolating culture of the US. Ask me how!


User ID: 2118



0 followers   follows 1 user   joined 2023 January 21 03:00:33 UTC


I moved to a developing country to escape the hostile, isolating culture of the US. Ask me how!


User ID: 2118

I guess I'm personally resigned to the golden cage but I just want to make sure that I'm not denied my basic needs (esp sex) for some safetyist nonsense. I mean, do you think that a woke feminist or conservative Christian, if they managed to get in control of the AI, would allow us the sexual utopia that we have a right to? This is what I'm afraid of.

But I totally agree with you: humans should be free to, for example, colonize Mars even when its dangerous because the infrastructure isn't there yet. I too worry that safetyism will prevent us from taking risks, being part of the forefront of civilization, exploring the universe.

A matchmaking AI would be amazing! But will the moral busybodies allow me to train my AI to deselect people who hate me? I'd like to eliminate from my life anyone who believes that sexual harassment is a real problem.

How are you feeling about "The AI Takeover"? Have you gotten more optimistic, more pessimistic?

I have to be honest that I'm positively gleeful. AI appears to be trending in a more anarchic direction as opposed to the more totalitarian direction that everyone assumed. We now have open source LLMs running on home computers approaching parity with the big corporate datacenter AIs. LLMs appear to be a totally uncontainable technology, with everyone training small LLMs by stealing data from big LLMs. I feel like Christmas has come early.

And I have to laugh that the people who hurt me and held me back in life are the same people, left right and center, who are now so terrified that AI will disrupt society. I say let AI disrupt society! If the average US man knew what I know after living in a foreign country, it would totally destroy American society. If you're one of these people that demands that society is morally structured in a specific way (what I might call a moralist), well, how are you going to force people to play your social games in the future? I can just tell my assistant to dream up a world where I don't have to play said games. Uncontainable AIs make uncontainable humans.

A couple months ago I posted a prediction that humans would mostly be socially isolated in the age of AI, due to the forces of moralists making ordinary human interaction impossible. But now I think that the moralists will become totally powerless. (Moralists would be the top of the political compass, sometimes called authoritarians, and the opposite of anarchists.) If nobody has to work, then that takes away the biggest level of power in most people's lives. And TPTB would have no choice but to either share economic power or kill us. (I think the later outcome, and the related idea of Big Yud DOOM, are unlikely for other reasons I can get into if you're curious.) If TPTB don't control all the robots, that's an even less governable situation!

Anyway it's been a crazy couple of months! How has the recent developments in AI changed how you feel about the future? More or less concerned about Big Yud DOOM? Or do you think it's all overhyped?

if everyone else does, the world outside the simulation is going to become a much less pleasant place to live in.


Even if I choose to stay on Earth, it would be very meaningful to me to know that real live biological humans actually made the million year journey to another galaxy. And people will make that journey, unless the AI prevents them of course. Maybe the adventure is like a kind of art.

How would you summarize "their" beliefs? (We might have to decide who we mean by "their".)

I'd like to hear your response to this simpler counter-theory for the entire trans phenomenon (at least post-2014): Both MTFs and FTMs believe (at least subconsciously) that the opposite sex has better lives. MTFs believe that women get more love, attention and affection, while FTMs believe that men get more respect and earn more money.

First of all, this stuff happens everywhere, not just work. Second of all, this is extremely humiliating to men but I guess we'll never be able to make you empathize with us, so I don't know what to say.

I count until I get 52, and then I stop. Make sure to account for jokers though.

How much is losing your virginity worth to you? A plane ticket?

Exactly, thank you.

I think my fundamental problem is that I have a pathological fear of being accused of sexual harassment, or of being sexual in general. Approaching women as a form of exposure therapy has not helped, because I'm still waiting in fear of "The Day". Therefore, I wonder if it's possible to preemptively me-too myself? Maybe I can announce (with my real name) "I'm a horrible horrible person who has a sex drive, please stay away from me," in an absurd enough way to get noticed, and then my name will forever be associated with that. My hope is that from that point on, I can live in peace, no longer afraid of me-too nonsense.

I too am concerned about Yud-style misaligned AI, but I don't think it's more than 10% likely. Either way, if it's our fate, it's our fate. I'd rather be killed by emotionless AI than be psychologically tortured by feminists forever.

Really, in 2871 transwomen still can't pass? Tragic. RIP twenty-nineth century trans^2 people.

(Sarcasm, joking, not trying to be mean okay? :)

I have done (100% consentual and by-the-rules) CNC play. If a girl fantasizes about rape, there is presumably some BDSM-type scenario that she would consent to, or would consent to in some alternate universe where there weren't e.g. social taboos, dangers to her health, etc.

This is completely unrelated to the question of how pushy a man should be when flirting. Making a woman briefly uncomfortable is not rape, and it's not immoral in my view. (I'm not endorsing the view that women secretly wanting rape => unlimited right to sexually harass them.)

I've heard so many Americans, including my dad, repeatedly claim that America is the best place to live. And here we have a nurse, a woman who job is no less than saving lives, who is also doing her part to address the birthrate crisis, and on top of that is doing the environmentally conscious thing by riding a bike. And this is how she is treated.

I used to think that I got treated badly in the US because I was a nerdy, low-status white male. But maybe America is just an absolutely horrible place to live? So please tell me, freedom-loving patriot who waves the flag. Why should anyone live in America?

I wasn't terribly impressed by her behavior in the brief section of the video I watched.

I don't understand this attitude at all. Can't you just let a woman in an awful situation respond in the totally reasonable way which is to cry and try to get help? How do you want women to behave in these situations?

To be honest, I've felt like that poor nurse most of my life, and not just around black men. (And obviously without the viral social media component, thank god.) What I'm trying to say is, life in America is constant charade of being accosted by one group or another, people I call moralists, people who try to use the latest morality to scam you or manipulate you.

I'd rather have bad roads and bad wifi than bad people.

If AI allows for infinite content generation it's hard to see how this would be a problem. Just say "give me Final Fantasy 7 remastered with stunning graphics in FDVR and oh also change this character... etc"

The problem is when a man has his life dismantled because of a few words spoken to the wrong person. This has happened several times to me in my life, at a small scale but it was scary enough at the time that I still have psychological problems related to it. Why should I have my life ruined just to spare a woman a few minutes of discomfort?

Haha, this is exactly I don't give a shit about these people's sympathy.

Well, if it's an aligned AI, then the nanoprobes which yes, will beat us to the stars, will simply prepare the way for us, including in some regions not-preparing (leaving untouched). I'll be excited when humans do arrive.

If it's an unaligned AI, welp.