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Intel Pentium III 450 / Nvidia Riva TNT2 Ultra / Corsair 128MB PC133 / ABIT BH6

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joined 2022 September 05 02:40:37 UTC


User ID: 407


Intel Pentium III 450 / Nvidia Riva TNT2 Ultra / Corsair 128MB PC133 / ABIT BH6

4 followers   follows 13 users   joined 2022 September 05 02:40:37 UTC


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User ID: 407

Smoked imparts a flavor above your usual sushi though.

google is helping by burning blocker exploits.

This is very interesting, any further discussion on them or details of the particular blocks they avoided working around until the Kamala blitz?

A more enlightened q-tip then

Who is increasingly requiring autonomous response capabilities for IPS

Cyber insurers/underwriters for the policies I’ve seen which are common to a particular vertical I have exposure to. And then some extended federal requirements if the entity within that vertical has a service relationship with sensitive gov assets.

cleaning them with paper

What method is this exactly?

Days of Wonder removing slaves from Five Tribes (still have my copy with slave cards)

If I’m buying off eBay how do I know which edition has the slave cards intact?

Which regulators and which regulations? Honestly curious because I don’t know. There is not exactly a comprehensive central cybersecurity regulator in the U.S. to my knowledge. Some might be governed by SEC, others by DOE, which can make recommendations which I’ve seen only practically enforced by market means through cyberinsurers refusing to underwrite policies without sets of protections put in place prior by the insured.

caused by regulators who promoted its use on the basis that it ensures full security with a single tick in the box.

Regulators/insurers don’t promote a specific vendor, but either suggest or mandate specific controls that might be able to map to particular products/features, which is probably a GRC (governance risk compliance) pencil pusher or auditor/consultant task. Crowdstrike Falcon is a platform with lots of different features that can be licensed, but is primarily an EDR/NGAV tool that runs on workstations and servers. You’ll check one or a couple checkboxes, but not all, such as increasingly required autonomous response capabilities within a network traffic analysis IDS/IPS which is situated much differently both physically and conceptually in a cybersecurity stack than a CrowdStrike EDR.

CrowdStrike seems to have such a large footprint because of excellent positioning and business development - they were first on the cloud-managed endpoint scene while other vendors were stuck supporting legacy on-premise solutions, and they had waves of VC funding that compounded their growth.

Are we talking about billiards and craps and whatever gaming table or are we talking about tabletop/miniatures games gaming table?

How did this become a trump card in congressional questioning?

My main issue with Kamala is how do we reconcile the “coconut” comments with the “unburdened by what has been” comments?

If we didn’t fall out of the coconut tree, we exist in the context. But isn’t existing in the context, in essence, very similar (if not the same) as being burdened by what has been?

I thought we were talking about I2P, GnuNet, FreeNet, Toxx(?)

Any technology your faction didn't create is a tactical and strategic liability. This is also the root of why people are bothered by AI censorship.

Which faction created Matrix, and how are people adopting certain design principles for these networks based on CW tactics and liabilities?

What designs would actually distribute control to end users?

People think federation is a feature for some reason, but the only people it helps are not people you should ever empower, because it allows them to bully you across instances for the crime of not sharing the same killfile.

"Federation" as far as the client sees it is just managing multiple accounts, which doesn't tilt the playing field in favor of the bullies.

Don’t these two paragraphs conflict?

And Matrix appears to have open federation, but can’t you just create your own insulated private swarm of Matrix servers like IRC networks?

What do you think about this explanation for that recurring turn of phrase she uses?


Which video?

Many of us have been pointing at NRx for being esoterically or even exoterically Zionist for some time

Can you point to this pointing?

What exactly are the Feds taking offline here

What is this all for? Will it at least make you sound more manly?

Trying to learn something from this. Should my wife and I not be both doomscrolling independently of one another in bed?

Will you play Zelda?

Do you have a link to that hyena post?

Doesn’t that risk superheating and explosion

Which electric kettle should I buy?

Where is this banner?