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User ID: 146



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User ID: 146

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You ignored the modern part, and tried to defend the 1970s left

I'm not really interested in arguing about the 1970s left without connection to the modern left, tbh, I simply have little interest in the subject. But look at the timestamps and you'll see that your caveat of

Furthermore, I am not talking about the modern-left

Came after the post you just replied to.

IDK, for some reason I like the white space. Less congested. It's just like if someone dumps a lot of text without using paragraph breaks, I find it much harder to read.

takes you away from the rest of the thread to a "you are looking at a single comment's thread" page

Yes, I do find this annoying. I don't mind so much the "(+) 3 more replies", when it actually does work and when it also doesn't direct me away from the page.

I guess not. But I don't exactly respect them, either. But I do sympathize with some of their frustrations.

Man, I just don't understand why everyone likes old reddit so much, maybe because I didn't get into reddit until after old reddit was over and done with. Why do people like it?

Well, I guess if they factored the fact that everyone has to manage their own life into the equation, and devoted some time to that, too. Or at least commuting time. 7 hours of work, 7 hours of recreation, 1 hour commuting, 1 hour dealing with other shit, and 8 hours sleep. Or something.

I definitely don't disagree that he should not have gone into Iraq, and probably not Afghanistan, too. Uhh, I was responding in the car and maybe I got your post mixed up with another one at a similar time, also about Bush and how he responded to 9/11, when I said it was more academic.

Thanks! I kept thinking of The Pyramid and the Garden and kept combing through it to try to find it, but it is funny that it's actually from Scott's post about this exact topic!

Oh yeah, you should also check out I am the Walrus and Tomorrow Never Knows. Those would be like if Revolution 9 tried to be a little more like music.

I definitely believe both you and OP that there are probably people for which these drugs have no effect. But I also think it's worth doublechecking, since I definitely had my aforementioned experience.

Hah, I feel the same way, people online with half my YOE who are ostensibly near me are reporting that they getting my salary! But still, from all my experience, your salary seems really low for someone who's not entry level. Location could have to do with it, how big your tech company is could have to do with it, whether or not you're pushing for higher salaries could have to do with it, and also sub-field and specialization could have to do with it.

I have two fitness goals at the moment, in priority order:

  1. Lose pounds of fat
  2. Gain pounds of muscle

For the recent past, I've been focusing on this by adopting a more "bulking" strategy, wherein, I'd use larger weight for my exercises, and try to push my muscles to hit higher and higher weight limits. I'd usually do this by doing 2 to 3 of sets of 12 to 15 reps for each muscle, trying to push myself to muscle failure. So basically, more weight, less reps.

However, for achieving my stated goals, how does the above bulking strategy compare to a "toning" strategy, where I'd essentially be doing less weight, for more reps, and more time. With this sort of strategy, I may be doing up to 5 minutes of reps at a time, but with 1/2 to 1/3 of the weight as I'd be doing for bulking.

Which strategy is better to help me achieve my goal? Or should I do a mix, in which case, what percentage of time should be spent on each?

That's funny you should bring this up. I just happened to randomly watch this last week: https://youtube.com/watch?v=z4GYo1N5knA

I'm not sure. Why did @ulyssessword bring up net present value into a conversation to contradict @f3zinker talking about the future value of what $10M would be worth in 7 years?

I've heard of Bluey, but haven't watched it. Kids are slightly too young.

Ad blocking on a streaming site seems less like stealing to me than what the "you wouldn't steal a car" campaign was targeting. In the streaming ad-block case, you're just finding clever ways around certain aspects of the APIs/functionality that they're already putting forth. In the downloading movie case, those movies were never supposed to be put up for distribution on the pirating sites to begin with.

On the hosting side there's an army of programmers hell-bent on increasing engagement and ad revenue at any and all cost, from UI changes (removing the dislike button

I still don't understand why they removed the dislike button. Isn't it going to help to serve people better content overall, and thus keep them around the platform longer, if people can downvote bad content? The only reason I could see for them removing the dislike button is if people were using it for what Google would consider to be "hateful" or "harassment", which of course Google is likely usually trying to crack down on to promote a general "we're not the bad guy" image that comes from seeming outwardly progressive.

Well, I can't say that I know for a fact other platforms would be able to survive. But I bet that there will be a bunch that would be willing to try, to fill in the gap of YouTube. I also think it's likely that some Big tech companies are in very different situations than small ones, enough that they may want to try to cash in their chips where others may not

What are the concrete reasons why someone would want to use a 3P client instead of just the normal Reddit app or website?

The movie still works if both Malcom and Cole don't know he's dead. I don't see why the movie should hinge on Cole knowing anything about Malcom being dead or not.


I don't know, I thought he was implying that my first principles were just that I'm conservative and I hate the other side or something, which is not true. I think my values in many ways don't really simplify down to first order principles, depending on what you mean by that. They really are meta level. I am against self-righteousness and people who are so sure of their own convictions that they become bad people themselves. That really seems second order, not first.

I don't trust Beato. I've caught him demonstrating he doesn't know anything on more than one occasion.

If you go home with someone and discover that their genitalia are different from what you had presumed, you are perfectly entitled to leave.

What if you can't tell visually? I've heard that surgeries of this sort these days produce a very realistic looking vagina, even if it doesn't feel realistic, such that you may only know by actually sticking your penis in. And even then, many people may not even know what a fake vagina feels like, they may assume something else is up.

I'm just asking for specifics. Keep it specific to what power and responsibility a project manager would have or want. Or not want, and have forced upon them.