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Token Midwit

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joined 2022 November 08 14:07:24 UTC


User ID: 1819


Token Midwit

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User ID: 1819

I think that leads to one set of rules for private universities and another set for public. IIRC public universities have been considered extensions of the state in other court cases. Do we think the courts are willing to allow that split?

I don't like the Title 9 speech police and I don't like this any better. We should be free to criticize whomever we want without running afoul of thought-crime laws. This is a bad law and I hope the courts smack it down like the fist of an angry god.

Tradle. It's like Wordle but for national exports.

Yes, I am very cool, why do you ask?

Your position on rice means you're missing out on the greatness that is jambalaya, but I respect that you know who you are and what you're about.

EDIT: I just remembered you're in the UK, so you probably can't get decent jambalaya anywhere anyway.

Out of morbid curiosity, what do you consider an appalling lunch?

I agree with you on getting out of your mind and into your body. I was a skinny, awkward, and introverted kid who didn't do well in team sports so I withdrew from a lot of physical activity (aside from hiking and fishing) until I hit college. I took an introduction to martial arts course for my requisite PE credit. It wasn't until I was flat on my back after a hip-throw from a dude half my size that I really understood what my dad tried to teach me about men's capacity to cause injury and the ethical capacity not to exercise that capacity lightly. I understood them on an intellectual level but getting my ass handed to me pushed it from my brain to my gut.

Yes, I looked at the Twitter post of the Greenblatt phone call the first time you posted it. Who's he on the phone to? What demands is he making? The closest thing to a demand in the excerpt you linked to is "Our community needs to put the same brains...towards this like fast", which is frankly a pretty anodyne call to action.

Goldbloom's editorial was published March 7th. H.R.7521 was introduced March 5th. Mike Gallagher, the sponsoring legislator, is the head of the chair of the House Committee on The Chinese Communist Party. He put a version of this bill forward in 2022. He's been gunning for Tik-Tok and anything CCP-related for a while. This isn't new, he's been pretty vocal about it. I've heard concerns about Tik-Tok from other members of Congress and from national security pundits and think-tanks for a while.

ADL has control over the moderation of Reddit

Huh? What's your evidence?

It is obvious that Zionist influence is at play here

There's a version of your claim in which Jewish support is enough to push things over the line and Gallagher finally gets his bill, then sure, there's probably some truth to that. However, that's a far cry from your original claim that "[Tik-Tok is] being targeted because of antisemitism".

I guess I shouldn't be surprised your comment completely ignores the history of attempted Tik-Tok bans in favor of once again blaming the Jews. There was a measure floated in March 2023 on a Tik-Tok ban. It was banned from all US government devices in 2022. Mike Gallagher was pushing for a complete ban in 2022. Trump tried to ban Tik-Tok in 2021. The Jews probably aren't the deciding factor here.

Atwood's infamous talking squids comment comes to mind.

get rid of carseat laws

This is a weirdly-specific example. Why do you assume carseat laws have anything to do with people choosing whether or not to have kids?

The Mr and Mrs Smith show on Amazon was guilty of this and I stopped watching at three episodes in. They squandered an interesting setup on what felt like the writers rehashing all the most awkward parts of their own failed relationships.

From my limited interactions with French people, the French seem to have an unshakeable faith in the superiority of French-ness that exceeds us Americans for national pride. French food (wine especially), French art, the French language, French architecture, French fashion, French philosophy, French culture overall is the pinnacle of human achievement. I wonder if this conviction drives French lack of patience for Islamic antics in a way that more oikophobic countries can't replicate.

Why does the arrow only go one way in your equation?

Update on James Nestor's Breath: It's largely bullshit. There seems to be a kernel of scientific truth in there but it's largely buried under a large pile of junk science, just-so stories, and claims about how breathing correctly can cure $BIOLOGICALDISORDER delivered with the breathless (heh) fervor of an evangelist. I say "seems" because the citing is so bad that it's laborious to figure out which study he's citing to support which claim but there are some statements that at least seem plausible of their face. It quickly veers out of intriguing scientific possibility into wild claims on the order of those books about eating right for your blood type or a Gavin Menzies pseudohistory. 1 of 5 stars, read if you're bored.

Maybe the US should've tried not reneging on the JCPOA if it wanted its adversaries to behave. Why would anyone trust an agreement with America when someone like Trump can get elected and tear the whole thing up?

The solution here is to put it to a vote and make it a legally-binding treaty, not just the whim of whoever's in the executive branch at the time.

I'll accept your terms on defect but self-serving actions seems exactly in character for Trump. He lashes out any one who disagrees with him, why wouldn't he try to stack the deck with loyalists?

Both, depending on jurisdiction, since a lot of it was state-by-state. Once the USG passed the Equal Opportunity Credit Act of 1974, some banks tried an end run around that by simply marking women as high-risk lendees, since it was still legal to just fire a woman if she got pregant regardless of marital status.

Someone gave me "Breath" by James Nestor as a Christmas gift. It's setting all of my woo alarms. I'll report back.

They're also referring to things like women being barred from most elite colleges or being unable to open bank accounts or lines of credit without male co-signers.

Gorsuch as an obstinate contrarian

I don't know if Gorsuch is a contrarian so much as determined to force Congress to actually legislate and actually abide by the legislation it has previously written.

(Mods, let me know if I need to delete this and repost in Small Questions Sunday.)

The US Supreme Court (SCOTUS) hears Moore v United States today. According to SCOTUSBlog, at issue is "Whether the 16th Amendment authorizes Congress to tax unrealized sums without apportionment among the states". Since that's not very helpful, I'll quote The Atlantic's summary instead:

The story of Moore starts in 2017, when President Donald Trump signed the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act. The law aimed to minimize the incentive for U.S. corporations to hoard money overseas by reducing certain taxes on foreign earnings. But, in exchange, U.S. investors would have to pay a onetime tax on accumulated foreign profits going back several decades—the so-called transition tax. Charles and Kathleen Moore are among the Americans affected by the change. In 2006, they invested $40,000 in KisanKraft, an Indian company owned by a friend. They allege that they never received any payments from the company because all of its profits were reinvested. The transition tax nevertheless stuck the Moores with a $15,000 tax bill based on the company’s retained earnings. The Moores countered that the transition tax is unconstitutional because it exceeds Congress’s power under the Sixteenth Amendment. That amendment, ratified in 1913, explicitly empowers Congress to tax incomes. But the Moores argue that unrealized gains aren’t income at all.

Mother Jones, NPR, CBS, and Foreign Policy (of all the friggin' places) are running articles breathlessly proclaiming DOOM! for the US tax code, or at least the ability of Democrats to pass wealth tax laws. This Forbes article seems to be a pretty good explanation of what's at issue but I'll admit that I'm not well-versed enough in tax law to understand the full ramifications of what a Moore victory would mean for the ability of the federal government to raise revenue. On the other hand, I can't say I'm sad about the idea of a wealth taxes getting a bullet to the head. What am I missing or not considering as I read about this from the various outlets?

Yeah, first thing you should check is caulking around the frame.

On older single-paned windows or drafty windows (caused by bad installation or aging-related warping), yes. Not going to do that much for modern, double-paned windows with good seals on the gaskets.

In the long-run, it's better to just replace old windows but if you are renting or don't plan to stay more than three or four years, plastic film works fine as an inexpensive get-by solution.

I just picked it up a few months ago on a whim and have been casually playing the wind down in the evenings.

Green curry with shrimp. Just enough coconut for flavor, not so much that it blasted out the rest of the dish.