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Token Midwit

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joined 2022 November 08 14:07:24 UTC


User ID: 1819


Token Midwit

0 followers   follows 0 users   joined 2022 November 08 14:07:24 UTC


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User ID: 1819

I read The Magicians when everyone raved about it and it just seemed to be Harry Potter and the Need for Prozac. Can you sell me on the TV show?

From the Twitter thread you linked:

During our investigation and ongoing monitoring of extremist groups, Knightsbridge found no evidence that any “National Day of Hate” was planned outside of a few small groups with very little influence nationally

Unless you're claiming the ADL was behind these "few small groups" Knightsbridge mentioned, hoax is too strong a term here. Sounds to me like there was a credible-but-low-risk threat that the ADL reacted to for either political/financial reasons. It's also possible ADL blaring this as loud as possible deterred those few small groups from actually going through on their plans. It's one thing to hit a target that's not expecting you, it's quite another to hit a target with beefed-up security.

EDIT: Added a link to the specific tweet.

Why would this get moved to Sunday questions?

Oh for fuck's sake. I'm not saying the rule should be different. I am fully fucking aware Clinton broke the law and I'm not okay with her getting away with it either. Just because one thief walked does mean we should just let all thieves walk.

Edited for clarity and charity.

So what's everyone watching? I started Banshee this week. Pretty sure it's not going to live up to its ridiculous premise and there are way more tits than neccesary but I'm going to see where this trainwreck is headed.

Discounting Ted as mentally ill is something he was extremely keen for people not to do

Crazy person claims he's totally sane, everyone else is nuts. Film at 11.

that maybe some of the failings of our world are worth killing for and that we do not do so more out of cowardice than practicality

I never see this kind of lionization of ISIS or the Weathermen ETA in The Motte /ETA, so you'll forgive me if I'm skeptical of the hagiography.

Edit: missing a few words

"Navigable", in the legal sense, can be anything as small as a kayak or johnboat.

ETA: The legal definition of navigable waters: https://www.ecfr.gov/current/title-33/chapter-II/part-329

Every Friday this month is a multiple of 7 and I find this aesthetically pleasing for some bizarre reason.

Probably too low-brow for the normal thread but apparently the RFK Jr campaign dinner was a real gas:

RFK Jr. Press Dinner Explodes in War of Words and Farting

I'm amending my will to make sure my epitaph reads "Beer-Fueled Sex Rocket".

Edit: fixed formatting

Place names are female;

Chad begs to differ

Trump's ability to make anything radioactive is truly astounding. I swear, if he cured cancer tonight, tomorrow morning Dems would have a press conference denouncing him for putting oncologists out of work.

Off to PAX Unplugged for the weekend. Any Philly food recs other than cheesesteaks?

Should I proceed to defend myself from those men effectively enough they will summarily execute me.

Nonsense. Do you have evidence of this happening at a statistically-significant rate?

I'm entertaining a few different job offers at the moment and curious to see how others here might handle negotiations. What equations do you use to compare compensation packages across disparate elements? For example, how do you decide whether net-gain in take-home pay is worth losing a few days of vacation. How do you measure the dollar value of a telework day? How do you price in a commute aside from the costs of gas?

Order of 9 Angles, a truly weird and disturbing nihilistic occultist group.

I think you've identified two keys flaws in Moldbug's writing. I'm not deeply familiar with everything he wrote but from what I've read, he strikes me as afflicted with Smart Person Syndrome. Because he's smart, he assumes everyone else is an idiot, especially anyone who disagrees with his viewpoints.

He writes like he was partially graded on word count, rather than solely substance, in college and never quite kicked the habit. I've noticed a lot of so-called "thought leaders" (I hate that term but I don't have a better one) have the same issue. 10 words when 5 will do, most of which are only tangentially related to the subject at hand. It's a sort of anti-Twitter where an idea is expanded on way past the point of coherency.

Agreed. If you're going to do crimes, at least be smart about it.

Paranoid schitzophrenia was the official diagnosis of the psychiatrist who interviewed him post-arrest.

ETA Sourcing: https://harbor.klnpa.org/california/islandora/object/cali%3A1205

Can't it be both? She faced an unusual threat but she was allowed to carry a weapon due to her prominence? If she was a business owner who faced a similar threat would she have been granted the permit? Were other people facing similar threats granted permits? It'd be interesting to review the permit applications to make an assessment but I don't think they're PAI. Feinstein says she voluntarily gave up her permit after she decided NWLF wasn't a threat to her (along with her cute little story about melting it into the cross for the Pope) but it rings a little hollow considering she had a tax-payer funded armed detail for her protection at that point.

Being honest, I never understood why I was supposed to care about Thundberg at all. I didn't really care about her tantrum at the UN, I care even less about her opinions on the Palestinian issue. Is she really still influential enough that people care that she has a only-if-you-squint antisemitic trope in her posts?

I thought LIDAR was good at finding underground structures, even in dense urban build-up. Am I imagining this?

Yes, I imagined that. I am big dumb.

I read some articles over the weekend that Newsom was under pressure to appoint Barbara Lee. Supposedly she's angry that he didn't give her the seat (with all the electoral advantages of the incumbent.)

Fighting my way through a dungeon and it's really irritating not being able to coordinate your characters to attack all at as a surprise round. In BG1 & BG2 you could pause the game, queue up an action for each party member, and unpause, and let 'er rip. But I can't do that here since BG3 doesn't have an actual pause function. Nor, weirdly, is there the ability to delay / ready an action.

Best work-arounds I've found are putting my entire party in stealth, having one character attack, and the introduce the rest of the party character by character. You're still at the mercy of the initiative rolls here though so focused-fire efforts are a crapshoot. I've tried putting it into turn-based mode but that also seems to be a crap-shoot for turn order. Anyone having better luck on bring down a world-of-hurt all at once?

You're not saying outright that I have to defer, but your statement "It is that if you are going to criticize contemporary architecture, then it helps to come across as knowing what you are talking about" certainly carries the implication that I ought to be deferring to those with the right vocabulary.

At any rate, I've edited my comment from "brutalist" to "ugly-ass concrete boxes" because that's what's getting built in my area. As I stated in my original reply to you, my city/county/state certainly isn't hiring Pritzker-nominated architects to design its public buildings.

Edit: Stupid auto-correct.

A lot of people are just mad that Musk controls their favorite toy.