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Token Midwit

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joined 2022 November 08 14:07:24 UTC


User ID: 1819


Token Midwit

0 followers   follows 0 users   joined 2022 November 08 14:07:24 UTC


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User ID: 1819

And Hamas hasn't allowed another election since 2008. I think we can be charitable enough to say that a rift between Hamas and the Palestinians might have developed a bit in the last 15 years.

Ah, Waffle House. It's Denny's for people who can actually win a bar fight.

When ISIS un-assed for the Sahel, they took Captagon with them. It has since made its way into pretty much every fight going on across the continent. I guess it's a step up from brown-brown but not by much.

The Azeri-Armenian conflict goes back even further than that. Pretty much as soon as the Russian empire collapsed the two groups were fighting each other and didn't stop until the USSR regained control of the Caucuses.

I'm not sure that I've substantially changed my introverted self to an extroverted sense, but I can "mask" (or whatever term the kids are using these days) significantly better than I used to.

The solution is therefore to Be Better and self-improve until women your own age DO want to date you.

Tangentially, I find the near-horseshoe with the whole "alpha male" mindset community (or whatever the term is, idk) fascinating. You suck, be an alpha. She didn't want to date you? Not alpha enough. She broke up with you and started dating someone else? You weren't alpha enough. What's the issue, bro? Just be an alpha? Why aren't you more alpha? Just be alpha like me!

I'm entertaining a few different job offers at the moment and curious to see how others here might handle negotiations. What equations do you use to compare compensation packages across disparate elements? For example, how do you decide whether net-gain in take-home pay is worth losing a few days of vacation. How do you measure the dollar value of a telework day? How do you price in a commute aside from the costs of gas?

Odd. Do I need to have an account to view, maybe?

Link appears to be dead. "Hmm...this page doesn’t exist. Try searching for something else."

From what I understand from the news, they don't have an obligation to send food, water, or electricity but they do have an obligation under international law to allow for a humanitarian corridor. Willing to cede the floor to anyone who understands international law better than I do.

I think @bro is asking which tactical objectives were pre-planned and which were simply targets of opportunity. For example, did Hamas decide to attack the nightclub months ago or did they only learn about it after the breach and thought "YOLO LET'S GO"?

...right. I should really think before I post.

I thought LIDAR was good at finding underground structures, even in dense urban build-up. Am I imagining this?

Yes, I imagined that. I am big dumb.

Blessed are the mods.

That is such an insane understanding of international war conventions that I'm hard-pressed to believe anyone is making that argument in good faith. By that logic, Swedish citizens are fair game for the Taliban.

Epistemic status: Pure speculation.

Supposedly the Saudis and the Israelis were on the path to normalized relations. Saudi Arabia's remarks could be construed as blaming Israel for the situation, which would derails those normalization talks. Hamas gets a win if it can keep Israeli from having one less enemy.

I concur. @Amadan & @naraburns could we do this?

Why would this get moved to Sunday questions?

I read some articles over the weekend that Newsom was under pressure to appoint Barbara Lee. Supposedly she's angry that he didn't give her the seat (with all the electoral advantages of the incumbent.)

Let me clarify my question a little. Can you explain why you think the civil rights era was a disaster and what you mean by "where we are today"? I'm vaguely aware of some concerns surrounding the right of free association but I don't know if that's what you're referring to here.

What civil rights era disasters and/or apparatus are you referring to here?

Fair, amended.

I don't think it has much of a chance of swinging the Senate in 2024. He won his last re-election with an 11.2% margin even in the wake of a corruption trial. NJ hasn't actually elected a Republican senator since 1972, so I think it's safe to say NJ is a Democrat stronghold. If Menendez resigns, the Democrat governor just appoints someone else. I'm not an expert on NJ politics but I can't imagine the governor putting in Republican into that seat. If Menendez refuses to resign (and isn't removed) another NJ Democrat has stepped up to challenge him in the next election.

Discounting Ted as mentally ill is something he was extremely keen for people not to do

Crazy person claims he's totally sane, everyone else is nuts. Film at 11.

that maybe some of the failings of our world are worth killing for and that we do not do so more out of cowardice than practicality

I never see this kind of lionization of ISIS or the Weathermen ETA in The Motte /ETA, so you'll forgive me if I'm skeptical of the hagiography.

Edit: missing a few words

Ted Kaczynski always struck me as the smart guy who was pissed off that the world wasn't being run in a way he approved of. He also struck me someone who suffered from profound social isolation, no matter where he was. I remember an interview with his brother David describing a failed hiking trip where they tried to live off the land. They couldn't forage enough food and David turned to some store-bought granola bars he'd brought. Ted had a massive temper tantrum about it which caused David to pack up and head back to the trail head. It's not like David was some citified yuppie either, he spent some time living off the grid in the Texas desert. He just wasn't the same as Ted and Ted was angry about it.

I also really don't think we can discount the effect his mental illness had on him. Without it he probably would have ended up just another North Pond Hermit.