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joined 2022 September 04 20:31:02 UTC


User ID: 142



2 followers   follows 0 users   joined 2022 September 04 20:31:02 UTC


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User ID: 142

plenty of people do have yards in less urban areas of Japan

Here's the key phrase here. I'm specifically seething about the ones in more urban areas. What people do in the middle of nowhere concerns me very little. I in fact sympathise (at least to an extent) with people that prefer more rural living.

I am suggesting these are similar terms people use to classify their outgroup, as you have classified Karens, or by using the term "Karen-y" as if that is something we are all meant to sympathize with and understand.

Not to go into meta-linguistics, but it's just a shorthand for an annoying, pedantic, and pushy person. All words carry some sort of an origin, but worrying about that sort of thing is just limiting your own ability to express yourself.

There's three separate issues presented there. Automobiles and their radical and very successful destruction of public transport and creation of absolutely massive parking infrastructure - all as part of a concerted effort by relevant industries to lobby for these changes. The hysteria refers to white flight, which started on its own but was considerably aggravated by highly destructive bussing policies within urban areas.

Obviously each one of these could have their very own post written about them.

Do you want suburban housing demolished and larger capacity units built instead?

That would be ideal. Larger capacity also fixes the mass transit problem, as denser areas are much easier and more cost-effective to connect.

I don't see how an extra hour of free time per week per household would change anything in the grand calculus of life.

As part of a grand realignment it would actually be quite significant. Keep in mind that commute would also significantly decrease (denser, closer, better transit, etc) and public spaces would improve.

But I really don't want to tie it to upvotes; we don't want to encourage people to pander to upvotes even further, y'know?

We fixed this on rdrama in a fairly trivial manner - make both upvotes and downvotes give dramacoin.

Not fair! I tried to post my thread back when you guys had like three posts, and then your site died...