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joined 2022 September 10 14:30:04 UTC


User ID: 1106



0 followers   follows 0 users   joined 2022 September 10 14:30:04 UTC


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User ID: 1106

if she's fairly new to using her muscles, they're going to be sore regardless how much of them she might have. unsure if you actually need to hear this, or you just wanted to share your thoughts

is there any chance you went through his basic economics? im in two chapters, doesn't feel like the best use of time

i've seen this girl couple of times, texted couple of times, she's texted me once (initiate conversation). it's probable she likes me. in my head i've raised the stakes, i keep telling myself i have to wife her, otherwise i might not talk/take any action at all. the downside is i haven't been able to focus on anything since 4 days (or perhaps i just want to pin the blame on her?). anyhow, without going into too many details, how do i bring back focus again on my goals and also be able to talk to this person that i am not very casual about?

not sure how much we want wellness wednesday to be dating advice, but im sure many have been in my shoes at some point, and would have some helpful words. or perhaps just posting my problem here would help, because i've not told my friends any of it (they'd naturally assume im crazy, which they probably do already).

edit: one solution i've been pondering over is to go into caloric deficit for couple of weeks (i've found it helps with urges/impulses)