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User ID: 335



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User ID: 335

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Can we have a thread about Alex Jones? Apparently the "victims" of his actions are pushing for something like a trillion dollar award.

I get it, he spoke some really shitty things about some people that just lost their children in a horrendous event. I can't imagine what they're going through. But I can't get past this mental block of "Yeah he said some shitty things, but he never directed his followers to do harassment, and the parents essentially just got cyber bullied, like just walk away from the screen, seriously. There were like two incidents of real life harassment, which have been prosecuted, and also were inflicted upon the parents who chose to engage with the public media."

Am I missing something here? Why is he being destroyed so thoroughly?

"Adams’ views are his choice; our choice is not to associate our company with him..."

I'm curious about this. To what extent are his views actually his choice? The concept of anyone's views being anyone's actual choice is kind of silly to me. Your views are the result of all of your life experiences, are they not? Maybe this is crossing into free will territory. I never sit down and think, "What am I going to choose to believe today?"... I just believe things. If data comes about that demonstrates I'm wrong, then that's a learning experience, not a choice to change my view.

I put "victims" in quotes because I do not believe them to be victims in the context of Alex Jones's actions. They are victims of a great deal of other grievances, namely the brutal murders of their children. But Alex Jones's actions do not seem to rise to the level to which I'd classify these parents as victims. And I do not believe they deserve the outrageous numbers ($) that are thrown around left and right in this context.

Got a full blood panel and talked with my doc about it and life in general.

Ended up walking out with scripts for: propranolol for my anxiety, a low dose naltrexone to help me keep away from alcohol, and a directive to take 5000IU of vitamin D3 every day.

Anyone familiar with taking those two drugs? They make me feel calm, in a weird way. I wonder if this is how normal people feel most of the time.

What kind of stocks are Motte people buying these days? I have a few sheckels I want to throw at something promising.

The dealers are just people responding to market incentives. If you arrest them, someone else will take their place.

Nutritional points aside, I don't get why vegans never seem to actually grapple with the morality of the fact that industrial agriculture kills millions of rodents, birds, and other animals all the time in the course of harvesting their crops. Unless you're getting all your vegetables from backyard farms, you're going to be killing animals in the course of harvesting your kale. This isn't a meme argument, if you have qualms about killing animals, why do you vegan?

Raised catholic here.

The molestation scandal was such an unprecedented breach of trust that went high up into the leadership of the church. To recover from that evil requires unprecedented repentance. And that has not happened.

I will never support the Catholic Church in its current form because of that. It is institutionally corrupt. Perhaps it always has been.

And perhaps the teaching have nothing to do with the leadership. In that case, I will not listen to sermons from the priests who prop up the evil institution. I'm perfectly able to read the Bible on my own.

If you can provide me with a representative person for any of your edge cases, I'll be able to answer them. Otherwise they're as legitimate as asking, "If the laws of physics were completely different, would gravity behave as it does now?". Yeah? No? Who fuckin' knows?

The exceedingly high average age of our government officials is likely a strong contributor to our absolutely retarded covid response, leading to the economic turmoil we are now suffering years later. There absolutely should be a maximum age limit. People's brains degrade as they age, in ways that are often not readily apparent to an unrelated third-party observer until it advances to a late stage. Their judgment cannot be trusted. We don't allow 12 year olds to run anything except a lemonade stand. I say it should be likewise for those over 75, and that's being generous.

If you break up with her and try to sleep around I think you'll find that as a male you will have a great deal of difficulty with this and will yearn for the days with your ex. And if the issues with sex are primarily medication induced on your end, that isn't going to go away with some strange.

Addicts are relatively insensitive to cost fluctuations. Sure maybe the equilibrium will drop slightly, but I don’t think” arrest the dealers” (if you can identify and incarcerate enough of them without authoritarian measures) isn’t going to solve the problem in a way that would be satisfactory to me.

This thread is reminding me of doing high school debate and arguing about racial profiling.

Underrated post. I've kind of had this notion in my mind for a while but seeing it written out really put words to something that was just a feeling before. This sentiment comes up for me most often when I hear about indigenous land acknowledgements before speeches or whatever. It makes me cringe. Why? Because the conflict is over. They were conquered. There will not be a successful independence movement in any of our lifetimes. Let's move forward.

If a group is generally smarter than average, of course members of that group will be represented at high levels of any endeavor.

As the hosts of Red Scare have pointed out, "Women are fascists for dick, and men are libtards for pussy".

I don't think you're right that women hate conservative men. They'll gladly pair up with conservative men, as long as that man's conservative views aren't verbalized in a socially unacceptable way. Women as a population group also hate football. They hate guns. They hate cars. They hate physical competition. They hate bitcoin. They hate woodworking. But they don't care if their men are into those things. They also don't care if you think the minimum wage is bullshit.

They'll gladly hate the amorphous groups of "football fans", "gun nuts", or "crypto bros", but that doesn't mean they hate individual men in those groups.

I can't say that it satisfies most of my cultural inclinations, but it has been a great place to be as a base camp. I can fly all over the place, but landing at BOI always brings me some peace.

I am very pro pot legalization and share your annoyance. I like in a non-legal state, and I hope it always stays this way. As I can drive an hour to a neighboring state for whatever I want, but enjoy the fact that there isn’t a ton of dispensaries littering all the roads and stoners being brazen in public. The only people who actually get in trouble here are behaving in a way where it’s a public nuisance, in which case, good riddance. That said, I do hope it is federally decriminalized.

Which is justified by repeating the housework/mental load justifications. In the end, you must remember that women are wonderful.

Spencer Klavan and his podcast

Many such cases

My big thing with voting machines is why the hell is their firmware/software NOT open source? That shit is what fuels the conspiracy theorist in my head. At this point, I want to be dying peoples thumbs blue or whatever the fuck they do in Africa, because there are just too many inconsistencies for me to be comfortable.

Saying "black people can be racist" already short circuits them. Look at the thread on the old place's news board and see them flip out at people questioning the narrative.

I mean yeah, most of my portfolio is in that. But I like to throw a few thousand at some fun stuff every now and then.

Men in the 17-45 range are responsible for like literally all violent crime. I'd wager 18-25 is the heaviest represented too.

Clearly OP is bringing up "military-aged" because they have the highest propensity for crime and likely least beneficial for society to import. I don't know how this is some kind of gotcha. It's literally the whole point.