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Many such cases

The exceedingly high average age of our government officials is likely a strong contributor to our absolutely retarded covid response, leading to the economic turmoil we are now suffering years later. There absolutely should be a maximum age limit. People's brains degrade as they age, in ways that are often not readily apparent to an unrelated third-party observer until it advances to a late stage. Their judgment cannot be trusted. We don't allow 12 year olds to run anything except a lemonade stand. I say it should be likewise for those over 75, and that's being generous.

This thread is reminding me of doing high school debate and arguing about racial profiling.

If you break up with her and try to sleep around I think you'll find that as a male you will have a great deal of difficulty with this and will yearn for the days with your ex. And if the issues with sex are primarily medication induced on your end, that isn't going to go away with some strange.

The dealers are just people responding to market incentives. If you arrest them, someone else will take their place.

My big thing with voting machines is why the hell is their firmware/software NOT open source? That shit is what fuels the conspiracy theorist in my head. At this point, I want to be dying peoples thumbs blue or whatever the fuck they do in Africa, because there are just too many inconsistencies for me to be comfortable.

I can't say that it satisfies most of my cultural inclinations, but it has been a great place to be as a base camp. I can fly all over the place, but landing at BOI always brings me some peace.

Which is justified by repeating the housework/mental load justifications. In the end, you must remember that women are wonderful.

I am very pro pot legalization and share your annoyance. I like in a non-legal state, and I hope it always stays this way. As I can drive an hour to a neighboring state for whatever I want, but enjoy the fact that there isn’t a ton of dispensaries littering all the roads and stoners being brazen in public. The only people who actually get in trouble here are behaving in a way where it’s a public nuisance, in which case, good riddance. That said, I do hope it is federally decriminalized.

Spencer Klavan and his podcast

Addicts are relatively insensitive to cost fluctuations. Sure maybe the equilibrium will drop slightly, but I don’t think” arrest the dealers” (if you can identify and incarcerate enough of them without authoritarian measures) isn’t going to solve the problem in a way that would be satisfactory to me.