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User ID: 1863

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Why does that complicate the comparison? Doesn't it just complete it (i.e in both cases there were groups of people who did in fact want them dead and killed them and the ideologies and symbols of those groups are still in common use by their current political opponents)?

Edit: Actually, also in both cases there are still people elsewhere in the world actively killing people like them while espousing those ideologies and using those symbols.

When being strangled to death, continued flailing is more a sign of not being dead/unconscious yet than of still being a threat.

Commensurably more are killed in the extra vegetable production required for a vegan diet, so there could be some inflection point where killing animals directly provides enough calories that it means fewer dead animals in total compared to the sheer volume of rodents killed. This assumes that vegans treat all animals as morally equivalent (1 cow=1 mouse).

Isn't one of the vegan arguments about the amount of crops grown purely to feed animals and that the same land could be used to just directly grow more calories than are produced by the feed crops once converted into meat?

Main issues I could see with this:

  1. Marginal land used for grazing not suitable for crops / feed crops more resilient + able to grow where the human consumption equivalents cannot (know this is to some extent true in terms of pastures, though not for all pastures, do not know enough about soil and climate preferences for different crops for that bit)

  2. Harvesting feed crops somehow kills less birds / rodents etc (have absolutely no idea, obviously combine harvesters and pesticides would kill regardless, but don't know if feed crops are less attractive to those animals to begin with so less wind up dead)

Would it be possible for you to elaborate? Most of the guys I know who have been in such situations are only monogamous in so far as "having a sexual relationship with only one partner at a time" could be stretched to only mean "someone who does not partake in group sex."

I'm going Sorcerer this time, having been a Cleric for my first go around. Going straight from 5e to a prepared caster was a bit rough last time, hoping spontaneous will be a little more flexible.

For us the main appeal was the 3 action system (which I do much prefer to move/action/bonus action) and an easier time balancing characters and encounters for the DM.

I'm glad we're using VTT for the calculations and battlemaps, but I really do think quite a bit is lost by not being in person, especially in terms of immersion. Having some kind of touchscreen gaming table in person would probably be the best of both worlds, but would obviously require quite a bit of time and space invested.

After a long hiatus from TTRPGs, getting into a Pathfinder 2e campaign.

I'm a big fan of the system from a mechanical standpoint, and we're using a virtual tabletop which helps with some of the more fiddly modifiers / ranges.

I've been lucky enough to get to consistently "freeload" as a player- my playgroups have tended towards players itching to DM rather than DMs itching to play.

Did you once rent or own here? Have you ever lived anywhere else?

From the 2019 San Francisco homeless survey

With the relevant 2019 answers being-

Seventy percent (70%) of respondents reported living in San Francisco at the time they most recently became homeless. Of those, over half (55%) reported living in San Francisco for 10 or more years. Six percent (6%) reported living in San Francisco for less than one year.

Eight percent (8%) of respondents reported living out of state at the time they became homeless. Twenty- two percent (22%) reported living in another county within California.

Thirty percent (30%) of respondents reported living in a home owned or rented by themselves or a partner immediately prior to becoming homeless. Thirty-three percent (33%) reported staying with friends or family. Twelve percent (12%) reported living in subsidized housing, and 5% were staying in a hotel or motel. Six percent (6%) of respondents reported they were in a jail or prison immediately prior to becoming homeless, while 4% were in a hospital or treatment facility, 3% were living in foster care, and 1% were in a juvenile justice facility.

Approx where is this really tough fight in the first zone?

The northwestern corner of the first map. Bit of a doozy.

It's not an easy fight, but it isn't one of the ones that felt particularly difficult (I've run into about 3 really rough ones so far).

Glad you figured out the high ground, though, it makes a big difference in a lot of these fights. Positioning and getting the drop on enemies is essential. Also, there's 1 fight in the first zone that I would very much not advise until you hit level 5, so heads up if you run into a brick wall.

One thing that may help-

While Warlocks and Wizards do not normally have shield proficiency, humans in BG3 get it as a racial. Great idea to slap a shield on Wyll and Gale, 2 AC goes a long way.

Based on the recent community update they did, the only thing less popular than the short folk (halflings, gnomes, dwarves) were Githyanki, so absolutely give em' some love.

Yup, thunderwave shoves then if they fail the save. Really easily to avoid hitting hit by your own stuff as a Cleric, unless you go light cleric you don't have anything with quite the radius of a fireball to worry about.

Yeah, the normal damage isn't great, but lots of instakill things you can shove them into. Otherwise mostly nice to make their ranged have disadvantage or force their melee to run back up.

Dwarf Male Tempest Cleric, somewhere in the LG/NG/LN range (though certainly not a pacifist, especially against the traditional enemies of dwarves and clerics), up to level 6 so far.

The emphasis on verticality has made for some very fun thunderwaves, and spirit guardians + spiritual weapon remains excellent even after the changes to both spells.

Fair that the two are not synonymous, but Burr is also portrayed as a villain, albeit a sympathetic one.

Edit: Sorry, I misread you. What would be sufficient to show that Burr is a villain and not just an antagonist in Hamilton? At the bare minimum, a whole lot of viewers seem to identify him as a villain, so if the casting choices were made to avoid having audiences see a black actor as a villain then they failed.

Unfortunately for women who aspire to greatness, or even just happiness and contentment, their higher agreeableness and neuroticism causes them to cave to their haters more often than they reach escape velocity from the crab bucket.

I think this might be closer to the key. I'll (partially) be your internet rando with a penis, I'm not especially fit but I exercise and am not overweight and often get shit from my slightly to very overweight male co-workers for not eating or drinking more.

However, I also don't put much weight on what they say about such things so it has never become an issue.

I could definitely see someone who did care what they thought being negatively impacted, to your point.

Edit: FWIW, never had that issue about weight with male peers as a kid and I never encountered crab bucket mentality about academics either, though some of my nerdy male friends who went to worse schools have mentioned getting shit for being in AP classes. They also were not strongly impacted by such statements.

Agreed on broad strokes, hence keeping the order of likelihood if not the %s, mostly felt the need to bring it up because my %s would've looked more like yours if this had happened 2015-2019 (prior to that up the feds and lower the leftists) and only differ now due to personal experiences in Florida over the last couple years.

More credit to you for it, but often the target audience for these games is teenaged boys who tend to be less comfortable choosing anything easier than Normal (speaking from my personal experience of having once been one). If shifting around how things are named allows devs to target a higher skilled audience with their design while still making money, I'm all for it.

I've had Eagle Rare and quite liked it, but spot-on in terms of availability. I've only snagged it as a consolation prize in a Blanton's raffle.

For the 1920s and 1930s, I was just going off of this which is just the source from the Wikipedia page.Since that data was from the NCHS, I then compared it to the rates for 2021 and 2022 from their dashboard, which showed 2021 and 2022 as being a bit lower than the averages for the 20s and 30s.

The numbers I saw from the first link seemed ballpark with the other ones I could find (The FBI crime data explorer only goes back to 1985 and tends to show lower rates across the board than the NCHS data, but is in the same ballpark and trends in the same direction by year).

Once again, just what I could find quickly off Google, not a rigorous analysis.

And yeah, not a commentary on rates of violence, just in terms of folks going in the ground.

That seems highly relevant when discussing the murder rate in terms of violent crime, but less relevant when discussing the murder rate in terms of life expectancy.

Unless the argument is the life expectancy lost by the increased # of aggravated assaults outweighs the life expectancy gained by the decreased # of outright murders. Though I would not phrase that as life expectancy lost due to increase in murders.

Won't help when you're out and about, but I got a one liter glass bottle with a stopper attached (one of the ones you'll often find at restaurants) which I fill up with tap water and chill during the day, then drink at night. Obviously could do filtered water as well.

I've found that just swigging it straight from a glass bottle makes me drink significantly more than I would otherwise (compared to pouring a glass, drinking from a plastic water bottle or jug, etc). YMMV on this one, I'll admit this might just be a weird quirk of my brain.

Correct on the first one, I think the average 21 year old would prefer the greater quantity and the average 31 year old would prefer the greater quality.

Glad to hear other players had their own downtime traditions. We would find crappy rips of terrible movies to watch MST3K-style. Fond memories of watching Japanese Star Wars knock-off "Message from Space" one Tuesday night.

I never thought I'd see a Pro/Con for NYC with "friendlier" in the Pro column, but I suppose it makes sense from an international perspective (NYC is routinely rated the least friendly city in the US).

My concern is activists who want people, including kids, to be self-critical of their identity characteristics in a social, cultural and political fashion.

Self-deconstruction is inherently very unhealthy. It's not something that should be encouraged in any way, shape or form.

Would you mind expanding on this with examples of what you mean, especially any examples outside of trans stuff?

I think you're getting at something interesting here but I'm not fully understanding it.

And no, the kids aren’t going to do their required history reading, so that’s not going to help. They’ll also use ChatGPT to write their papers (this is already happening), so their writing skills will atrophy as well.

Understand the concern, but I'm unclear as to why this is a problem for reading and writing about World War I and not for reading and writing about, say, The Scarlet Letter.

Would the students not wish to skip the reading and use ChatGPT to write the papers regardless of the subject matter?

Just wanted to say thanks to you and @DTulpa because this 3 comment chain did a better job at communicating my frustrations with the use of the term groomer while also communicating the frustrations of those who use the term groomer than basically the whole of the interactions I've seen on the Internet since the term gained popularity in the culture war.

I do like how people here on TheMotte will actually come out and say it when what they care about is that they don't think queer culture should be normalized and explain their reasons. I wish the greater culture war would focus more on object level concerns.

This is why I'm so fond of this place, I love when it actually lives up to its name.