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User ID: 82



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User ID: 82

Nothing I’ve seen suggests that Trump was innocent, or that a random citizen could get away with doing the same thing.

Probably not a random person, but every other President in history -- which does seem a bit unfair?

Are they the sort to stand around at the entrance to federal workplaces checking ID badges, though?

IIRC there was a (bad) tempban that may have led her to conclude that the place is beyond hope.

The stealing/selling of information was never what got him in trouble -- early Facebook was literally giving it away for free, borderline open-sourcing it. Pretty libertarian in an 'information wants to be free' way, but I think they just did it because they figured their graph was really neat and wanted to share.

AFAICT there weren't really negative consequences either, apart from the Trump team using the features as intended -- to create a graph of potential Trump supporters to target political ads at receptive individuals, building an effective campaign with big bang for relatively few bucks. (ie. what the Obama campaign did on the last go-round)

You might not like it, but this is what peak (advertising) performance looks like -- now they do the same thing but keep it all under the hood.

"Feelings don't care about your facts" is probably more accurate in politics (which this is) than the obverse.

Yes that's me, fuck it. It was 11 yrs ago.

That's hilarious -- now I kind of want one of those cases, so you are worth the money I guess!

Ironic given his habit of dropping media falsities in the middle of long arguments, seeming to acknowledge corrections only to advance the same claims again a few months later in the middle of even longer arguments...

Canadian please -- Americans rarely hoard WWI era .303 shells, whereas every farmhouse up here has a mouldy old box of cordite (or several) lying around the garage. (I'm a bit surprised at netstack TBH!)

Looking at the AAQCs from August 2022, something like half of those people are still posting here regularly.

"Losing ~50% of the best posters" over the course of two years does seem like kind of a big deal? (and I do think we lost a lot of good people in the years prior to that, albeit for different reasons)

Biden and Pence were not President -- every other President has been allowed to go through his papers at his leisure and select what to return and when. Obama probably still has stuff. It seems like a fairly civilized policy.

Just make IoT doodad manufacturers liable for bad things that happen with them and the problem will sort itself out, no state intervention with the potential for universal surveillance and totalitarian control needed.

How about a government funded Red Team who's raison d'etre is taking out insecure household devices? Could be a nice cyber-warfare bootcamp; I can certainly think of worse uses for government funds. The problem with letting the market take its course is that IoT devices are a low-value target for black hattery -- classic case for governments protecting the commons!

Carnivorous birds are hard to feed -- I've tried dried mealworms and grub-infused suet, the ones in my neighbourhood turn up their noses.

On the plus side they seem to mostly do alright on their own; lots of bugs out there I guess. You can get refrigerated/dormant mealworms at bait shops which supposedly you can put in a tray and the birds will go for them once they warm up and start wriggling around -- I haven't tried it, but it would be my next step if there were a bird around that seemed to be in trouble.

Potential emergency home remedy for angina I guess? Keep your powder dry and your bullet-puller at the ready!

Cows don't eat trees (much) though -- they eat grass, and after a year that grass is turning back into CO2 one way or another.

The issue is that we can't have 10 billion peole living a western lifestyle on a finite planet.

Have you tried, like -- not doing that?

If you are in the forest, there is probably a bear around somewhere -- so isn't the question really "would you rather be stuck in the forest with one or more bears, or with a man and some bears"?

The big problem is that Young Pierre Trudeau and Young Castro could easily pass for brothers.

One could just shift the conspiracy a generation backwards I suppose -- do we really know what Pierre's mother was up to?

Who is his audience? Covid warriors?

Something like 20-25% of the population was never vaccinated -- it would not surprise me in the slightest if ~50% of them had become single issue voters on the topic, given all the hassles we were subjected to.

Biden is pretty well hooped with the Democratic portion of this cohort, because there's not much way to walk his actions back even if he wanted to/could without alienating the warriors on the other side -- Trump is not really in a much better place, but could maybe get some back if he makes it clear that he wouldn't have done mandates, just rapid availability for vulnerables/those who wanted it. (whether that's true or not, lol)

But legally, if you were struck first by a woman then she assaulted you.

Legally, sure (well, maybe -- I think that guy who stabbed the kids attacking him in the river went down for murder) -- but everyone will think you are an asshole and be on the lookout for anything else they can pin on you. Which is kind of what's going on with the (less-extreme) anti-Israel sentiment ATM.

But none of these apply to nations anyway.

Again, legally correct -- international law (as Dean points out over and over again) is not really a thing.

But countries that behave in such a way as to turn international sentiment in the direction of "they are kind of assholes all the time, hey" will (may) eventually suffer consequences from that.

"People don't drink that much anymore" seems like a far more plausible explaination -- tables eating free shrimp all night is no problem if they are also getting hammered on $12 Crantinis or whatnot. I could believe that R.L. was slow to update their business model to take this into account I suppose.

The 4chan approach would be to name your product "NiggerSoft" or something along those lines I suppose?

This does not align with my experience at all -- all of the old dudes I've ever know are proud of their 'zero sick days since 2005 (or whatever)' and as I stack up the years I find that frequency and severity of respiratory illness gets less and less. (including my covid experience FWIW)

I always chalked this up to increased immune system experience with various circulating viruses; ie. previous exposure to similar things to whatever's going around.

Recent example: My kid returned from a trip and was totally knocked on his ass for a week upon his return -- not covid, but hit him worse than when he had that. Around when he recovered, my wife got it almost as bad for about another week. Me? Nada. I just assumed it was something I'd already picked up in my travels -- which just accumulates with age.

The land used for the grass and the cereals could be used for something else (growing trees, for example).

No, it couldn't -- cows (in the US) primarily graze in a place that has been know for hundreds (maybe more) of years as "The Great Plains" -- trees don't grow there.

Anyways, trees don't fix carbon either -- it doesn't really matter what you grow there, it's going to rot eventually.

Moreover the grass produces CO2 if it's not eaten by some other animal while the cow produces CH4. CH4 has a stronger greenhouse effect than CO2 and then it quite rapidly degrades and becomes CO2.

Actually proving that this made any difference would require writing out (and balancing) all of the reactions involved, including the ones taking place in the cow -- just saying "cows produce methane and that's even worse than CO2" doesn't really say anything about the quantities involved. I'm not going to do that work, because I'd be quite surprised if it didn't pencil out as a wash -- but you are welcome to write it up and if the methane from a cow's farts ends up significantly more impactful than all of the carbon contained in the grass a cow would eat over the course of a year I will eat a steak my words.

Factory farms for beef basically do not exist, especially not in the united states -- the feedlots that you mention take cows that have lived on grasslands their entire lives and fatten them up a bit. This makes them, well, fattier which humans prefer, and finishes them a little faster, but you could absolutely feed the demand for beef on grass alone with minimal cost impact. (particularly compared to artificial meat)

In fact... the 'free' grasslands also have opportunity costs, since land is a finite and often fungible resource for farming.

The free grasslands look like forest/scrub -- farming other things there is not economically viable, otherwise they wouldn't be free grasslands.

You have been grievously, grievously misinformed -- please don't spread it here.

Aren't you like, standing right by the door in front of all the other people? Just step on the bus dude.