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User ID: 82



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User ID: 82

Granted he's not quite there yet, but I think this is an overarching goal for Elon with Twitter -- which does seem achievable if YT becomes sufficiently unfriendly. (although it remains to be seen how he would monetize it without resorting to ads himself -- or further strongarming on paid subscriptions I guess)

Most efficient ad dollars McD's ever spent if so...

(if not, too I suppose)

What am I, made of money here?

Well gay men as a cohort have a lot more sex than anyone else statistically speaking as I recall -- so I guess their sex lives were disproportionately impacted?

The GOP is better-than-even to win the popular vote in November, and it's not because of Trump -- if anything he's a liability there.

The reason is that although the policies espoused by the left edges of the Democratic Party are very popular and easy to sell, the easily forseeable results of those polices are profoundly unpopular with virtually everybody.

Until either the left backs away from those policies or the populace gains the ability to connect the dots between the policies and their results in advance of casting their ballot, we will see the popular vote swinging wildly every 4-8 years -- sadly this does seem like the most likely outcome.

To be clear, my memory is that those accusations panned out to be 'mostly false' at best?

(not rhetorical, I actually don't remember the specifics! but that is certainly the impression that I get.)

Probably not very many? Maybe the odd Mexican?

I saw an interesting claim down some Reddit cesspool that in certain Black churches it's commonly used as sort of a mild epithet when things are getting frustrating -- not sure the veracity of that, the Reddit conversation was truly horrendous CW, but it would explain quite a lot if she was saying "THESE PRETZELS ARE MAKING ME THIRSTY" and he heard "YOUR ARE LITERALLY A DEMON, GET BEHIND ME SATAN".

Yes, I flew down there in my helicopter and filmed the scene in 4k -- but for the Motte I like to post VHS-tier video and blur out anything interesting.

(no of course not, I found that on /pol -- I think it was from some news heli, so the desire not to air exposed brains is understandable I guess.)

The 'anomaly' (it's not clear that there actually is one) I'm talking about here is the two different-sounding sets of semi-auto fire -- these are like 5-10s apart? Which is more than enough time for somebody to lean out the window and hose down the guy on the roof within spitting distance. If of course that person were actually doing overwatch at the time, which the 'local snipers' were supposed to be doing, from inside the building.

As you point out, leaning out the window would let you see him, but would they know to lean?

I would think the gunfire breaking out ~100 ft away would be a big clue?

If the local law enforcement were hanging around inside shitposting on /pol anytime around this chain of events, I'd find it quite noteworthy.

People are gay not good about providing sources on /pol, so it's possible someone found it on Twitter instead -- which is still pretty bad.

The report so far claims that only Crooks’ head and scope were visible to the sniper. No idea where they got that, or how to reconcile it with the claims Crooks was using iron sights.

well, I missed that tidbit completely. The data really is garbage.

...For amusement's sake, I expect the reports of him using iron sights are correct, and the scope mentioned there is just people embellishing via the telephone game.

There's some (slightly) better drone footage out there that makes it look to me like maybe a holosight or similar:


Not a honkin big scope, but you wouldn't need one at that distance. (and it looks a bit bigger than even the clunkiest of iron sights to me?)

including one they think was in the building but with window views that also didn't cover the roof

I found the source for that video; it's apparently Rep. Eli Crane, who also happens to be a retired Navy Seal. (!?) So the video is made post shooting; he actually drove over there to investigate himself:


There is clearly full view of the roof in question from the windows in question -- the NYT reconstruction seems to be looking out of the one at the very end (not the same as the video), but even if that's where the other team was stationed it would still be a trivial (~100 ft) shot just by leaning out the window. No need for suppressing fire from that location; you could terminate the threat very easily.

No answers were given, but one of the 'critters had done some research and noted that the slope on the roof in question is within the ADA parameters for a wheelchair ramp...

There's quite a bit of funny shit on the record there, including a different guy telling her that she should 'go back to guarding Doritos'.

It's a bit of a problem for the hypothesis that the ground-level tac squad guys shot back -- shooting upwards at a silhouette is roughly the worst thing you can do for stray bullets, with the additional issue in this case that the local cops were known to be in that specific area as well!

Not sure what the ROE are like for engaging presidential snipers, but spraying suppressing fire at that roof from the ground would be putting civilians within a couple miles downrange at risk of friendly fire.

The local sniper team was said to be hanging out inside the building right next to the roof Crooks was on -- another one of those oddly insider 4chan videos seems to show them checking out one of the upstairs rooms pre-event, and that they would have been practically on top of him if they'd looked out the window.

So certainly it would have been possible for one of them to take a poke at him with his patrol rifle, but if they had done so there will be 4-5 .223 holes in him (not to mention the roof he was on) in addition to the big one from the SS sniper.

The sniper teams were using bolt action .300 WinMag rifles (clearly visible in the video). There's no way they were doing any kind of 4-5 round burst with those. Indeed it very much looks like the team you can see in the clear video gets zero shots off and is scrambling to get a sightline on the source of the incoming fire.

The non-conspiracy answer is that somebody other than either of these sniper teams tried some suppressing fire with an AR-15 or similar -- but I'm not sure who would have been in a position to do this given the shooter's elevated position.

Allegedly taken by some sort of law-enforcement stationed on the second floor of the building adjacent to the roof the shooter used -- I find the publicization of this one (also the closeup of the shooter's bloody face) most interesting, because the only origin point I've been able to come up with for them is 'anonymous posting on /pol', very early on. (of course they are other places now, but that is the earliest I saw them -- and none of the other outlets seem to be crediting any legitimate source directly)

The short version is what I just said -- she had an affair with him while he was mayor of SF, at the same time landing pretty good jobs under his control/with his support.

Anyways the point is not that everyone should know this, but that Crows' statement was totally true, and banning him for not typing enough background seems out of line.

What is this, Culture War for ants babies? I think we should be allowed to assume a certain level of common knowledge, else posting gets pretty cumbersome.

Are the people even blind? The visible ones mostly seem to be taking pen & paper notes, one of them has glasses, and at least two seem to be gazing longlingly at Kamala?

"Kamala kickstarted her career by engaging in sex-for-favours (ie. corruption) with Willie Brown" is a hot-take?

For the time being if you append the word 'forum' to your search it will tend to reliably pull up a bunch of old-tyme phpBB forums with relevant results.

The most likely scenario seems like returning to the pre-debate status qu

I would probably agree, other events excepted -- now that ~30% of America probably thinks that the Deep State tried to have Trump offed, and the undecideds literally just saw him putting his life on the line for (his conception of) America on live TV, I think Generic D would have issues, and Uncharismatic Nobody D will struggle hard.