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User ID: 82



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User ID: 82

I wouldn't worry about that -- anyways I wasn't suggesting that you marry a drug addict, just that people who party and/or use drugs sometimes are a lot more open than whatever crowd you're hanging out with seems to be.

Not in Europe, they just throw them on top -- a proper duvet is too thick to really tuck anyways.

In North America there's often a topsheet tucked in -- but yes, it's pretty easy to pull that out if you want your feet free.

Fifty miles isn't that far? If you are wearing proper clothing and have snowshoes/skis + trail food, you should be able to just, like -- keep walking until you get to civilization?

If you want to do some winter camping that can be fun too, but I'd choose somewhere more interesting than a northern forest -- they're kind of featureless in many ways.

Maybe you should get into mountaineering? Those guys risk death in ridiculous ways all the time ( here's an 'interesting' story I read recently ), but at least they end up with a more interesting story than "one time I walked around Alaska for a couple of days for no good reason".

(The first two paragraphs of that article, for flavour:

MOUNT THOR is located 16 miles above the Arctic Circle in the Weasel Valley on Baffin Island. Our goal was to climb the 4,500-foot west face, tackling the 1,600-foot overhanging headwall.

Previous attempts on Mount Thor’s west face had ended at the base of the headwall. In 1979, a large Japanese expedition attempted the face, but retreated after the death of a climber. Later that summer, after 32 days on the face, three American climbers were driven from the wall by winds in excess of 100 miles per hour. In 1984, a second Japanese team reached the summit via the west face and north ridge. Their climb avoided the headwall, but unfortunately ended with the tragic death of a climber during a stream crossing.


I'm sure that's what he means, but note bene that non-zero people were literally imprisoned (like, in prison) for protesting. Here in Canada we have folks still facing charges and living under blatantly unconstitutional court orders restricting them from contact with other dissents among other things:


Not to mention the murderous blunder of sending recovered-yet-contagious patients back to old-age homes full of vulnerable targets so as not to "stress the health care system".

That was just BC AFAIK -- the previously unexplored correlation of glory hole fans with government functionaries in Greater Cascadia is... noteworthy I guess.

What do you need a sled for? Just pack a bunch of beef jerky and trail mix, you'll be fine.

What about someone who has their puberty blocked and starts taking the hormones as soon as legally possible?

"It's not 'Nam Smokey, there are rules" -- if you're gonna fight with bums and expect not to be arrested, you need to wait for them to very clearly hit you first. This does put one at a disadvantage, but them's the breaks.

Isn't the hormone use going to be mandatory for the rest of their life? (unless they 'detransition' or otherwise change their approach)

This is quite different from women, most of whom don't do HRT after menopause. (and can discontinue it if it's causing issues, without the side effect of changing their gender)

If you can get 32 States on board, go for it...

While Canada certainly has fewer guns per capita than the US, we still have lots. AR-15s specifically are slightly hard to come by, especially since the most recent push -- but anyone who wants one can certainly have a black scary semiauto .223 of some stripe.

This seems sufficient for mass shootings, regardless of how many more guns are floating around the US? Like, you can really only shoot one at a time.

Brass is cheap and reusable though -- I think the sort of people you'd wanna worry about shooting back when you try to take their guns very likely have thousands of loaded rounds + tens of pounds of powder + many primers that will last them quite long enough to be a serious nuisance.

Sure... if they're willing to wait an entire year for the license that takes a weekend, 400 bucks, and (for Restricted) knowing 2 people who'll vouch for you to obtain.

How many American mass shooters would have been unable to manage this in advance? It's not like these are spur of the moment events. Anyways if you are poor(ish) and/or stupid, the black market remains an option.

While the situation is not as clearcut as in the US, my guess is that there's very little the government in either place could actually do that would make a difference to mass shootings -- an analysis of what percentage of American mass shooters would have been able to complete a PAL by hook or by crook (you don't actually need an RPAL to get a scary-looking 223 with 5/30 mags that are trivially de-neutered, either) would be fairly interesting.

"Bugs" in legal contracts can be pretty high stakes though -- I'm not sure lawyers will want to make the shift to signing off on AI generated contracts without extensive review. (which AIUI is kind of like reading legacy code in that it's actually more work than writing the damn thing yourself in many cases)

Honestly I think there'd be more chance of getting a "2A II -- ShallNotBeInfringedandweMeanItThisTime Boogaloo" amendment passed than anything the left could do for the forseeable future. Agitating for a constitutional convention on the matter might be a fun shit-stirring project if Desantis decides not to go for President this time around.

What's the holdup? A few states short of a load, or too nuclear?

Trans people don’t believe they are actually changing their sex, which is which the term “transsexual” was abandoned in favour of “transgender”.

Shouldn't it be "MtW" then?

(This is not a semantic complaint, it cuts quite deeply to the tendency to mix-and-match sex and gender as is most convenient for the given situation; ie. changing the name of "Women's sports" to "Female's sports" would probably not generate an acceptable situation for those who think that male trans people should be competing in those.)

There are already rules against taking hormones if you are going to engage in high level competition though?

Considering the title of the act, it seems like it was more geared towards children (who might have good reason for not coming forward in a timely fashion) who had been abused but are now adults than boomer magazine writers who were abused in their fifties?

I'm certainly not going to read the thing, so not sure whether this is an unintentional loophole being exploited or the act itself was a sneaky way of getting rid of the SOL on sex crimes in general -- either way it seems like kind of a bad idea, as "stale" sex crimes are maybe the hardest sort of crime to fairly prosecute years later?

I'll ask again -- if we deliberately want to underline the (purported) sex/gender dichotomy rather than play motte and bailey with whichever ones convenient, shouldn't we try very hard to avoid mixing the two in the terminology we use to label people doing gender transitions?

OK, so it's just a terrible law with a dumb title -- to be fair that was my second interpretation!

Also weird that they'd create a one year window with unlimited SOL (AIUI) when the law itself establishes a 20 year limit -- Carroll's claim would have been barred if this law had been in effect the whole time, right?

What damage? Outside of New York most people will forget about him pretty quickly. Within New York, his reputation will likely remain decidedly mixed.

Apparently he's working his way through college as a bartender -- the incident could be a benefit for a bartender job, but probably not for whatever he's up to at college.

He could maybe reenlist, depending what he pleads to?

How ugly are you exactly? I doubt you are uglier than Bukowski (who's photo I posted in response to one of your previous rants) and I would lay million to one that he was a bigger asshole -- and that guy was pulling chicks without trouble before his semi-success as an author. (in fact his first wife, who he married before he got super-ugly, was by far the worst looking. How do I know? He told her so all the time, and put it in his (unpublished, for quite a while) books. Like I said -- asshole)

You know what people like about Bukowski? He was the most honest author in history; I presume he was similar in person.

Maybe try that.

Not in a "be yourself" kind of way -- more of a "be honest with yourself and others" kind of way.

I do recommend alcohol in this case.