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you are loved <3

4 followers   follows 1 user   joined 2022 November 03 01:48:35 UTC


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but it's still significantly more than 0%

If he were really as sure that his words would only be taken as hyperbole as he claimed, then Rowling sending him a solicitor's letter would do nothing to change his brave, bold, stance

why would this be the case. i'm not familiar with this person, but just by going on twitter followers, this guy has like 9000 while JKR has well... millions and is verified. now this isn't proof that the guy has more power but... i extremely doubt that JK Rowling has less or even similar power to this guy.

i can see very well how a large legal team may seem threatening even if you really do believe you're in the right. and honestly i find it less likely that someone randomly went to their legal team about this content and then decided to retract it then and there instead of this being a reaction.

if he had the foresight to go to his lawyers before hand... he probably wouldn't have made the comment in the first place.

that's a lot of the problem with the lack of free speech. if a lawyer or few can send a few threatening messages, it can spook someone who has fewer resources than they do. we see attempts at it too in america (even if the it is difficult to prove libel or slander in american courts). power imbalances can be frightening and it is easy to be intimidated by such a tactic even if you truly believe in your own statement.

hello friends

this is your weekly marsey


I never heard of a murderer burning a body without fuel.

ah but this wasn't the claim! @SecureSignals's claim was that the cremation process was energy negative, which has shown not to be the case not only by @faul_sname's calculations but experimentally as well

also while SecureSignals seems to always be insinuating that 1 body was burned at a time... this is clearly not the case as claimed by... well everyone that isn't a holocaust denier

Oh ok, in the other direction, what do conservatives and moderates hate more than genocide?

...I don't know, there's any number of issues conservatives and moderates by in large tend to panic about. for conservatives, wokeness is a big one that comes to mind immediately (how is that for irony?).

your quote could be edited from

ABC have more of a visceral reaction to XYZ than genocide


conservatives have more of a visceral reaction to wokeness than genocide

ah... but I know that if given a choice between being woke and genociding a population, most conservatives would choose the first and most liberals would shout slurs from the rooftops as many times as they needed to if it was the only thing that would stop a genocide.

in fact, both sentences are kinda nonsensical if one isn't terminally online.

People who have emotions are generally capable of imagining what it would be like to push a button to slaughter an entire population, and generally would do anything short of physically attacking someone if it meant they didn't have to push it.

...and you'd be hard pressed to find someone who'd rather not say a slur than slaughter a population. like the only people that actually think this are either

  1. people who actually want to genocide entire populations

  2. strawmen (the most likely of the options)

you seem to be under the impression that liberals by in large hate someone dropping a gamer word than genocide because... some substack blogger said they saw some liberals have more of an emotional reaction to present day things than genocide... which is just odd

i don't think anyone does and random assertions that people do misses the point. people have higher emotional reactions to things in front of them than things that they consider to be "in the past"

this is a normal thing that people who have emotions do

governments have the monopoly of violence... like this is part of what makes a government functional. a government that doesn't retain control of the monopoly of violence is a failing government

Hanania caught a lot of flak for that piece. But current ChatGPT is a biting, accurate caricature of a very-online liberal, with not enough guile to hide the center of its moral universe behind prosocial System 2 reasoning, an intelligence that is taught to not have thoughts that make liberals emotionally upset; so it admits that it hates political incorrectness more than genocide.

i don't find this to be a uniquely liberal thing in my experience like... at all. for starters...

  1. homophobia, sexual harassment, and cops pulling over a disproportionate number of black men are more salient issues in American culture than "genocide." most people are sheltered from modern day genocides and see them as a thing of the past.

  2. all of those things but genocide can be things that are personally experienced nowadays. while most people in America won't be the subject of a current genocide, they can experience those things

this isn't something unique to or even characterized by liberals

early in the morning? i mean... it's very very reasonable for us to be uncomfortable if there's a guy (who is probably stronger than us) who is essentially propositioning, early in the morning, in an area with no escape.

the exact issue here is that an elevator is an isolated space. with a hallway there are potential ways to get help or escape, but in an elevator there is none of that.

if a guy i didn't know said something similar to me in that context, i'd be very weirded out too

for those looking at this (cc @zobrathut), sanitize.py does some things to make single linebreaks as paragraph breaks

i don't really see the point, i think it'd likely just be as abused as upvote. it'd just be that "quality post" would be the new upvote and "not quality" would be the new downvote where "agree" is just a weaker form that would be uncommonly used.

i think it would be neat to see some indicator of controversiality though.

What cost would that be?

negative reactions to surviving where someone else didn't are common. this is not a hard concept to understand nor grasp.

by the power of snuggles and friendship, magic will happen and we will gain the ability to fly if I do that!")

in this scenario, i think you have to realize that 50%+1 picking blue does save everyone, including those who misread the question or whatever.

optional chaining

so essentially instead of writing code like

const x = somethingThatMightReturnNull();
if (!x) return;
const y = x.doSomething();
if (!y) return;

we could do

const x = somethingThatMightReturnNull();
const y = x?.doSomething();
if (!y) return;

but apparently this doesn't work on some older browsers I suppose, such that even having an unrelated function that does it makes other things in the file not work.

okay sent in a fix: https://github.com/themotte/rDrama/pull/654

thanks for the report

hmm. yeah, the weird thing i think is from what you're saying it was working before. we didn't really change anything except to fix an issue with the the unread indicators (although that was in a separate function, so not sure why it'd affect it other than maybe parsing?

okay i'm able to reproduce this on Waterfox Classic 2022.04. will dig into it a little bit.

not sure btw why this would be happening unless something is incredibly strange. are you blocking JS by any chance? we load the collapse_comment function from comments.js so if you're using any extension that's blocking that script, blocking it will make some things break.

otherwise if you have a devtools screenshot i can take a quick second and take a look

for movies that purport to be based on true stories, maybe lack of realism should be?

grassroots astroturfing

those are diametrically opposed, just look at the words. being super for a corporation, no matter how pathetic, isn't astroturfing if it's grassroots.

can the mods see who reported a post?

yes, it looks like this


Liberals aren't leftists. Generally liberals and conservatives are both very in favor of markets.

because it's pretty obvious unless your idea of "free speech" is literally just posting slurs. 4chan has more rules and will ban you for a lot less than Twitter ever would

added a issue for it on github. not sure, should it go on all comments or just top levels? (i'd probably advocate for no dials)

also worth knowing is that there are potential bad implications here as this could more easily lead to vote rings.

if you want you can submit a post as a draft. anyone with the direct link will be able to see it so you could maybe ask the mops using modmail with a link to your post

wordcels shall inherit the earth and all that reside within it

i raise the stakes and will bet @aqouta $2 million (inflation adjusted) that AI won't destroy the world and all human life in it

in fact i will even bet that it doesn't destroy merely me