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joined 2022 November 03 01:48:35 UTC
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you are loved <3

4 followers   follows 1 user   joined 2022 November 03 01:48:35 UTC


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User ID: 1784

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and liberals do not fail any less than conservatives in this way! hanania's argument appears to be "the liberals are so cold and calculated that they pretend they hate genocide more than XYZism but i'm above their tricks because i saw liberals have more of an emotional reaction to such XYZism"

which it only takes intuition to know that that argument kinda falls flat. like all you need to see is someone get hurt in some minor way to know this isn't some "liberal" thing or whatever. issues and ideas that are more currently salient will provoke a more emotional response than those that appear to be far away.

for example, chatgpt supposedly acting woke is stupid, but we're discussing it right here and now instead of current day child slavery. i wouldn't think that you are suddenly supportive or even dislike chatgpt more than child slavery (correct me if i'm wrong there), yet that seems to be his argument.

failing to recognize human behavior detracts from your argument

Unfortunately, the number of such people is small and is getting smaller all the time.

unfortunately indeed

here is your weekly allotted fun. here is a castle marsey that @Snakes made. i will keep posting this every week.


hello friends

this is your weekly marsey


I wish Twitter wasn’t taken seriously as The Public Square. This is depressingly stupid. Why would someone make easily falsifiable claims about an organization’s stance and about his role in it?

because ultimately there a little consequences. twitter is probably the most free speech site on the planet (Musk had nothing to do with this, it's just part of the platform) if your bar for "free speech on the internet" isn't "lets me spam slurs all day long" and so when people can spread something false information, it'll be harder for people to shout correct information louder.

i think what @Amadan is arguing is that affirmative action and related things is not the end all be all and has had not really that much of a disadvantaging effect on white people

If he were really as sure that his words would only be taken as hyperbole as he claimed, then Rowling sending him a solicitor's letter would do nothing to change his brave, bold, stance

why would this be the case. i'm not familiar with this person, but just by going on twitter followers, this guy has like 9000 while JKR has well... millions and is verified. now this isn't proof that the guy has more power but... i extremely doubt that JK Rowling has less or even similar power to this guy.

i can see very well how a large legal team may seem threatening even if you really do believe you're in the right. and honestly i find it less likely that someone randomly went to their legal team about this content and then decided to retract it then and there instead of this being a reaction.

if he had the foresight to go to his lawyers before hand... he probably wouldn't have made the comment in the first place.

that's a lot of the problem with the lack of free speech. if a lawyer or few can send a few threatening messages, it can spook someone who has fewer resources than they do. we see attempts at it too in america (even if the it is difficult to prove libel or slander in american courts). power imbalances can be frightening and it is easy to be intimidated by such a tactic even if you truly believe in your own statement.

i think this is because there is little need to blame the shooter. it's kinda the default to be appalled by such a thing (for very good reason i might add) and only a fringe few are willing to take the position of defending a mass shooter.

if this was a extremely rare event i'd be inclined to agree but such events are more common than "extremely rare" (it's still pretty rare comparatively). this + the shocking and violent nature of what mass shootings are... well they're bound to cause people to look for solutions.

it's well established that people are at least in part a product of their environment. and since we don't have control over innate characteristics of humans (there's no "is gonna be a mass shooter" gene), the best people tend to go for I think to have some sense of control is the environment.

an aside: and it is fair also i think to recognize and criticize authority responses to such events, but that's a different comment.

He also professes he believes in judging people at the individual level. How you go from the above to "stay away from black people" (his purported cancellation-causing message) makes me scratch my head. Either he didn't say that or he did and it's a wild leap of logic.

sometimes what people say is not what they mean. an outlet may report it but a lot of times how outlets report things is based on what they say. analysis on self descriptions, when not central to their story, I find is often glossed over (for good reason I might add).

from my perspective it's pretty clear that Scott Adams has been right-wing for quite some time. he leaned hard into trump during the 2016 election cycle and it's clear he's not really a leftist. most liberals i think many liberals that i've encountered online have known this ever since... well ever since that 2016 election cycle.

i think if you scroll through his youtube channel that pokes through a bit. like the "i'm renouncing my blackness" thing is pretty much completely comical in its sincerity.

maybe in a liberal model sure, but a leftist one i'd hard disagree there.

hasn't it mostly transitioned to therapy and maybe prescribing antidepressants?

Hot Coffee Incident

the irony of the hot coffee incident is that liebeck was totally in the right and the mainstream consciousness was that mcdonalds was so unfairly punished

i raise the stakes and will bet @aqouta $2 million (inflation adjusted) that AI won't destroy the world and all human life in it

in fact i will even bet that it doesn't destroy merely me

wordcels shall inherit the earth and all that reside within it

if you want you can submit a post as a draft. anyone with the direct link will be able to see it so you could maybe ask the mops using modmail with a link to your post

added a issue for it on github. not sure, should it go on all comments or just top levels? (i'd probably advocate for no dials)

also worth knowing is that there are potential bad implications here as this could more easily lead to vote rings.

i think the thing too with is that for savant an ST can just give them the same savant bits if seems too overpowered. it's definitely useful though and i think it could be very useful.

the games are wacky and fun! whether you're someone like @carpathianflorist who will trust someone for no reason at all, whether you're like @aqouta who wants to build charts to figure out who the demon is, or like me who will get into a counterclaim with my own minion my first game, there's a lot of fun to be had!

I got -14.53

Normie, 15-30th percentile: You're not that antirat, but you're definitely not a rationalist either. Maybe you have a degree in literature, or have a few dogs, or like watching sports.

it really was completely easy to tell though. this is like when hbomberguy said

It may be a lie, but the fact I believed it speaks volumes about my enemies, and not me


Nothing, short of a Musk-at-Twitter style purchase and purge, can do that.

I really do find it hilarious that people think Twitter is that much different with Musk at the helm as far as Trust & Safety goes. It's basically more of the same, but Musk found a great way to appeal to right-wingers by talking about "free speech" and stuff. Twitter was already the most free speech media, nothing in T&S really changed much except for Trump being unbanned.

because it's pretty obvious unless your idea of "free speech" is literally just posting slurs. 4chan has more rules and will ban you for a lot less than Twitter ever would

but it's still significantly more than 0%

Liberals aren't leftists. Generally liberals and conservatives are both very in favor of markets.

both in this and reddit's case, it's an obvious cop out. the people using training data on reddit have access to the entire corpus from 2005-2022 via torrent, and it's probably way more clean than any future data

but most notably of all, the corpus of reddit contains a lot of spam, and when I say a lot I mean it. it was amazing how much is just completely unmoderated spam on there.

in twitter's case, I don't buy it either. I guess maybe pre-2022 but it's like the best data has probably been already scraped