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Not out of place when discussing court cases, mind you, but when I see these rather strictly legalistic arguments used in the context of unprecedented, transformative tools, they seem lacking. Surely the circumstances call for more than pointing to such and such paragraph? From my shallow understanding of how society handled previous such changes, it's a vain hope, losers will simply have to cope.

It does seem to only apply to posts, and giving it a bit more thought, I'm not so keen on there being no easy way to undo it after a few seconds, but otherwise yes, a hide feature.

But if I had to choose, a text field for a tag/description on top level comments, still visible after collapsing, would be certainly the priority. It really would improve the readability of the thread later in a week.

I think they are better hidden. That said, I tend to upvote comments that I would not normally bother with as long as the score is negative, just to pull it towards 0. No delay will make it less effective, since people downvoting are probably more motivated.

Now feature I would really like is an option to add a tag to a collapsed top comment. Maybe two types of collapsing as well - some top comments I'm not interested in at all and want to collapse for good, others only temporarily. Would be nice to be able to tell these apart at a glance.

Just say nigger, man. We aren't in reddit any more.

I think it's improper ask this, and I don't mind the word myself at all. The point was clear, it avoided the silly 'x-word' construct, too much casual use would probably not be beneficial to the forum.

There is a conscious effort to set aside the appetite for regular gestures of remorse from Ukrainian side, for practical reasons. A mix of seeing Ukraine as a weak, confused country we can siphon for valuable people, an ally we can create a power block with to rival Germans / Russians, a fear of appearing self interested, or far worse, angering our great and generous ally overseas.

But now they're submerged in Ukrainian immigrants. It's not the end of it either.

We've been swamped with immigrants from Ukraine for a while now. What changed is that now we're swarmed with refugees as well, for what the distinction is worth. The crowd crossing the border fits the common image of what a refugee wave should look like - there is plenty of evidence, and I made a point of going through the central train station of Kraków a few times week during the first month or two just to see for myself.

Arrivals are not particularly controversial, though the various welfare they receive is, for example.

Trying to continue the certification would be a political suicide in Europe

Political suicide in what sense?

In my view, current inflation pressures already make it palatable domestically across majority of countries. Perhaps less so after winter, if little additional pain is felt by average person, in contrast with current fears. I'd guess the opposite. Internationally, I fail to see the issue, beyond US pressure.

Please inform your Polish friends that at least one Pole considers their stupidly bloodthirsty attitude to be a betrayal of their duties. A leash would indeed be fitting if they daydream about being an attack dog for western interests.

  • -10