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joined 2022 September 21 18:40:56 UTC
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User ID: 1305



0 followers   follows 0 users   joined 2022 September 21 18:40:56 UTC


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User ID: 1305

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I do write a hard scifi novel

Do you? I keep checking the page every other day, and keep getting disappointed.

Kidding. I genuinely enjoyed the novel so far, I'm grateful for each chapter. I thoroughly recommend it to everyone here.

The reviews crack me up each time I take a look. "Pretty cool" - 3.5 stars, on a webzone with rating system where in practice 5 stars means 'readable, MAYBE'.

I found the voice so grating I closed one of the demos on an impulse. Turns out I categorically do not want someone else's mechanism to talk to me in such a bubbly, ingratiating, worryingly palatable manner unprompted.

Life got in the way

Honestly, I'm impressed you manage to be so productive, considering all you mention.

you could have left a glowing review right there yourself

I did a while ago, recommended to a friend too. "I'll take a look" - never did, flaky bastard.

They are increasingly popular in Poland. A tattoo place I pass by once in a while is called "ACOTATANATO" (translates to "but what will daddy say to this?", a mystery why it's not "ACOTATONATO" which is still correct and flows better) - a vapid, somewhat common reason, I imagine. Rebellion in the face overbearing authority, except such prepackaged rebellion is common, and authority in retreat.